I can agree with that. The government is only going to screw this up.
The real problem is the people. The people who hire illegals instead of American citizens. The people who cater to illegals instead of demanding they apply for citizenship or work visa.
But the dollar in the short term always defeats the nation in the long term.
Ummm, the gov't has already screwed up. That's why we are in this mess. They never took this problem seriously until it got out of hand. They allowed the "magnet" to exist that you speak of. The magnet being anything that attracts the illegals over here. That is the part we need to enforce. If we cut them off at that spot, many will move back home voluntarily.
"Government is not the answer to the problem. Government IS the problem." - RR
Perfect example of this here. The question you have to ask is, do you really trust the same person to fix it, that broke it in the first place? Person being the Federal Gov't. At least the states are TRYING to be proactive to some degree, even if it's not perfect. The law itself will be a deterent for many of them without 1 man hour's worth of work on our side. But until other states put up a deterent like this, the illegals will just take sanctuary in another state (like Mass.).