I hereby sign on with the ones who think this is not a good idea. It's not timely, and has no upside.
Not sure what it is about blogs, but it happens. Someone starts putting their thoughts out on the net for public consumption, and they are slowly convinced they are having unique and provoking thoughts. I'm pretty sure it's even happened to me before, and probably anybody else that writes something for public consumption has had it happen to them to some degree.
Shane Corn is a prime example, and an example of a douche that doesn't understand his one limitations or irrelevance in the circles he's trying to run. Sadly, he's encouraged by the ringmaster of the idiot circus at times, though he's also been slapped down by him too. Shane was once "just a talk show caller", and in fact that's all he is now, all he ever was, and all he ever will be until he becomes worm food, which will hopefully be sooner rather than later. John Q. Public with the nuts to talk shit publicly from the safety of a telephone in an undisclosed location. In other words a piece of shit coward, and a run of the mill one at that. But, Paul, his brother in law, gave him a forum in which to put his thoughts down for them to linger longer than a phone call. Gave him a "by line". Then Shane gets a column in some random hick town paper, and writes bullshit about Auburn in the Crapstain report, and voila, he's "a journalist". He went so far in this role as "journalist" that he contacted the NCAA representing himself as a "journalist" employed by the Paul Finebaum show and in the guise of "investigating" he basically told the NCAA that Chet Williams was...what? Auburn's bag man, and needed to be investigated. Sound familiar? He was investigating nothing, and knew nothing...he was slinging shit to see if it would stick, thinking he'd be taken seriously because of his claimed "connection to Finebaum". Finebaum axed his blog for this. But it was too late, the monster had been created, and Shane drones on about Auburn on the phone and at the Crapstain report. He's so relevant, many are glad he's not long for this earth. While others have to feign sympathy for him.
Just a little tale full of my unique and provoking thoughts.