And, surprisingly, it's Lil Wayne.
I liked Lil Wayne, up until Like Father, Like Son. Then he began to traverse down a path of illiteracy that flirted dangerously with retardism. Sometimes it sounds like Corky having a seizure.
But this particular song is at least catchy. And doesn't exhibit a whole lot of Lil Wayne's recently acquired mental deficiencies.
The video, however, adds to the song. The lyrics are synced with the video, which depicts the life of a girl born into a particularly shitty situation, and the shitty choices that she makes throughout her life to worsen the situation. The ending delivers a pretty inspirational message though...something that you don't see from rap/hip hop artists much.
Kind of cool if you ask me, but I guess you'd have to have an interest in the genre before paying the video much attention.