It's Opening Day 2011, and I have already pretty much written off the season.
EVEN IF I could recognize the names of more than three players on Houston's team.
EVEN IF our DL was not longer than our starting roster.
EVEN IF half of our team wasn't below the legal drinking age.
EVEN IF the other half of our team wasn't eligible for Social Security or gastric bypass or both.
EVEN IF I was able to pick out Houston's manager from a three man line up where the other two people were Donald Trump and Rosie O'Donnell.
EVEN IF all of the above were true...
There is no way the SKG** are going to let me have the Saints win a Super Bowl, Auburn win a national championship, and the Suckasstros... well... NOT suck ass in three consecutive calendar years.
The Suckasstros are fucked. And so are my plans to actually enjoy a baseball season for the first time since Biggio hung up his spikes.
But at least I am not a Fucking Redbird or a Goldam Cubbie.
So I got that going for me.
Somebody pour me a stiff drink.
It's Opening Day.
** SKG = the Sporting Karma Gods, who are the primary governing body and highest authority in the world of Karma. The FKG and the BKG are two of the divisional branches.