I have no real fascination with it and don't usually comment unless I see/hear something epically shitty. That being said, I do think it's relevant since sports is so much a part of our culture and something so many of us are passionate about. For years, Monday Night Football had a revolving door of color guys in an attempt to find the right combo and get the old magic back. They never stopped to think that MNF wasn't relevant itself anymore because football had long since become a 5-6 night a week deal.
As I said earlier, you may not like what Twirt Birdsfeet has to say but I can live with a difference in opinion. You can't deny the guy is professional through and through. My extreme dislike of Lou Holtz, on the other hand, stems not from his schlobbing of the Notre Dame knob, but from his inability to speak coherently without spitting all over the the TV monitor.