On the topic of the NCAA dragging its feet...Questions also were raised about the timing of the decision. The decision was communicated to the school within the generally stated three-week time frame for this type of waiver. The NCAA staff received the waiver request from Ole Miss on Aug. 13 and received the final piece of information from the school in the evening of Aug. 30. After considering that final piece of information, the NCAA staff communicated the decision to the school in the morning of Aug. 31http://www.ncaa.org/wps/wcm/connect/public/ncaa/resources/latest+news/2010+news+stories/september+latest+news/jeremiah+masoli+case+brings+attention+to+the+ncaa+waiver+process+for+graduate+students
While you're at it, just go blow the NCAA staff, and don't spill a drop!