Practice makes perfect...
unless we look bad, then it's meaningless. Check.
Actually the correct saying is "Perfect practice makes perfect."
You practice perfect shit, you end up with really good shit. But in the end, it is still shit.
I think what we are seeing is the fruits of all the offensive work that has taken place over the last year or so. Couple this with all of the dynamic offensive players that have been brought in, and you have an offense that is ahead of the defense.
The defense still needs more work to get all of the younger guys on the same page. I think if we can hang on the first 5 games with the defense still getting experience, the rest of the season will see a huge change from a defensive standpoint. What we are seeing with the missed tackles is mostly guys over thinking and getting to the tackle late. This causes last second panic tackling. Tackling involves getting to the target, settling in and pushing through. The diving and last second crap is usually luck rather than technique. As the defense learns the assignments without having to think them through, we'll see better tackling.