Football managers will be instructed to empty all liquids in containers with five minutes remaining in the fourth quarter. A small stash of water will be on hand for timeouts.
All managers from this year's team will have scholarships revoked and will be dismissed from the university for their heinous actions against the Dark lord. New managers will be armed with tasers to ward off unruly players.
Seriously, could he have been any bigger of a douchebag about the Liquid-ade bath?
Alabama head coach Nick Saban said he was happy he got a celebration bath from his players Thursday night.
"I'm a lot happier with the bath than I would have been if I didn't get one," Saban said. "It's part of it, and I was happy to see the players be so happy and excited. I think they always enjoy dumping on the coach."
Saban did say he wished they would do water instead of Gatorade.
"I wish they'd do the water," Saban said. "The Gatorade is awful sticky."
What an asshole! "I wish it wasn't sticky." ?!? What a whiny little bitch!
I know Chizik is pretty much the worst coach in the history of ever, but at least he'd never act like an asshole to his players for celebrating an accomplishment.