I guess Gene Chizik's 5-19 record has run its course. There must not be anything to discuss smear about our current staff since these journalists are trying portray AU in a negative light via our former coaches.
So, Tony Franklin detailed how our administration is corrupt with their meddling. He also said that Auburn is based so much on religion and faith that it's fake.
And now, Tommy Tuberville started all of these rumors that has led to a new wave in football - accusing the other side of cheating.
Also, I'm sure Tommy Tuberville was in the driver's seat of this fun rumor last year - "Suzanne is fucking the construction worker." Or was Tommy Tuberville in charge of the "Tuberville to Arkansas/Dallas/Texas A&M" rumors? Maybe it was the "Chette Williams is using his ministry to pay players" rumors that was instigated by Shane from Centerpoint but broadcast from Finebaum's studio. That Tuberville and his crazy rumors.