I went ballistic when I heard this speech. This guy has no room to make ANY kind of criticism of America's citizens after turning a blind eye to the things he did for Bubba Clinton (anybody remember the crook Marc Rich that Holder signed off to be pardoned? Anybody recall Holder's time in running Fannie Mae?).
He has every right to speak to his staff about race relations during Black History Month but to use a global, ad hominen attack on Americans is beyond the pale especially in regards of this subject. With himself as a black AG working for the first black President we are at a point in this country where we should be able to talk about race without being considered racist for uttering anything critical of the president or any other person who happens to be black for that matter!
But more than that I recall Rep. Phil Gramm (R-TX) being eviscerated for saying we are a "nation of whiners".
Holder owes us all an apology.