Bernie makes it crystal clear that the $15 an hour minimum wage will NOT work and will lead to higher unemployment and lower wages overall with the added benefit of skyrocketing inflation. short, he's going to pay them $15 but cut their hours back. Which is exactly what will happen in the real world. Employers will not be able to employ as many people and will have to cut hours back for the ones they do retain if they are forced to essentially double wages for part time workers. On top of that, this wispy headed fool doesn't understand the economics of inflation.
If McDonald's has to pay Diego Jose Occasio-Cortez $15 an hour to flip burgers, they will have to raise the price of those burgers in order to maintain a profitable margin. The price of every consumer good will go up as well. Within a matter of months, that $15 Bernie insists on will purchase the equivalent of what $5 will buy today.
Hey Bernie. Remember when a gallon of gas in Mexico cost like $50 million pesos? Or when the price of a loaf of bread went from 60 cents to $4 virtually overnight? Y
You are one braindead dumbass, you anteater fuck.