What if people lashed out at a nail salon for giving Malia Obama or Chelsea Clinton a manicure? Said the salon should have denied her service and be ashamed they had served her?
What if a comic convention told Kevin Bacon he wasn't welcome because he'd expressed liberal views and that was offensive to some people?
What if CBS cancelled the highly rated Big Bang Theory because its stars were openly liberal? What if no other network or streaming service would pick the show up for the same reasons?
What if every commentator on national and cable news openly said Obama was a racist?
What if Joy Behar had mocked Louis Farakhan for his religious views rather than the Vice President? What if she'd said Chuck Schumer's Jewish faith was a form of insanity?
What if Chuck Norris was making hideous paintings of Hillary Clinton or that Islamic lapdog that follows her around?
I could do this all day, but why is it only okay to go to war against Trump and white people? If the same vitriol had been directed at any other person or group, the perpetrator would be heckled out of society. Why do we allow it?