I finally figured it out. How could I have been so blind?
Since Obama's health plan was first passed I've watched in disbelief and in frustration as the costs of medical insurance for me and my employees increased exponentially.
But that was the plan all along from this treacherous pack of socialists. Make it unaffordable. Bury insurance companies in staggering losses to break them.
Then when the system seems about to collapse under its own weight, don't offer to scrap it and admit the failure. Nope. Propose "public option" -- aka government owned and run -- insurance to help the poor people out. They will herd more and more of us into that government corral until eventually that's all there is. We will be forced to rely on benevolent Uncle Sam to decide when we can see the doctor, which treatments are valid, what medicines we can take....
Controlling our lives while annihilating the concepts of freedom of choice and free enterprise.
Obamacare was never the goal. It is just a step on the trail of us sheep to slaughter.