Will Herring, or recently former players Heath Evans & Montez Billings apparently didn't help.
Hate the Saints all the way back to Archie Manning.
The ONLY time I liked them even a little was when Swilling was playing LB there. Then it was only tolerate, not like.
Saints are nothing but the worst of LSU and Bama fans mixed together to make ugly colored uniforms.
I might like them better if they'd give up the colors and switch to a Mardi Gras theme. Purple, gold and green.
But I'm never going to like the Saints. If Cam was QB, Bo was in the backfield, Dye was head coach, Hall was DC, Greg Carr, Tracy Rocker, Dave Beck, Ken Bernich, David King and Carlos Rogers were on D, and maybe Courtney and Terry Beasley and Lawyer Tillman were receivers..... I might not loathe them.
Speaking of... Some fuckwad named Ian Berg who "writes" for Bleacher Report listed the greatest Auburn defensive players of all time in one of his (incredibly shitty) pieces. He left Ken Bernich off the list. When asked, he said "I've never heard of him..." Seriously? Well what the fucking fuck are you doing writing anything then?
Ken Bernich was a defensive bad ass.