This years game is gonna be UGLY! and I am not talking about the bammer women comin to our campus.
If I am a bammer fan with a family, no way do I bring my kids to Auburn this year.
On the other hand, I, myself, would like to see us kill the fuckers with cold, reserved, kindness. I was VERY angry yesterday, and am still angry today. As hard as it has been for me to remember The Creed, and to remember that we are better than they are, the fact remains that WE
ARE BETTER THAN THEM. I know Kaos will not agree, but I don't think you have to roll over and show your belly in order to take the high road. The hatred is cold and deep, especially for UpDICK and his ilk, but I will be damned if I myself will give one of them an excuse to think or a means of rationalizing "Well, barners like that are what made him do it."
So I will not lower myself to their level. No ripping off magnets or spitting on signs or blowing up buildings, or even posting vitriolic comments under some stupid blog post or bammer themed commentary. Why increase some fucktard's view counts?
I WILL, however, dedicate myself to following the legal proceedings against this asshole with great interest, and will publically voice my opinion as often as possible as to how I think he should be punished.
Because... well, fuck them. Game day is coming. I hope our defense makes their QB shit his pants. I hope we hang a hundred on their sorry asses. And the bammer nation is being exposed to the rest of the world for the inbred mouthbreathing goat raping classless motherfuckers they are.
Works for me.