Great game. Drove down and caught it in person. I was checking out this chick with the most amazing ass I've ever seen squeezed into a pair of blue jeans 2 rows down from me in section 19 when the teams left the court at halftime. When I looked up, one of the LSU players had their coach in a bear hug and was leading him away from mid court. Apparently, he ran afoul of someone off the Auburn bench. Anyone see what happened?
I never figured out exactly what he did either, but he sure fucked the game up for his team.
That allowed us to start the second half with an 8 point lead instead of 6 and it was no looking back from there...
Can't bitch at your players for unsportsmanlike conduct resulting in a tech if he's out there doing it. What an assclown.
Anyway, that game was fucking AWESOME. Definitely one of the best I've been to at Auburn. We were sitting under the goal in section 1 about two or three rows directly behind the guys in the sombreros and the luchedore mask, which I'm sure they showed on TV at least a time or two.
We anally raped them, and then put our white boys who've never played a game in as an added slap in the face!