I woke up pissed about this dreary soul-sucking season. And then I unleashed the Fuck Bama rant in the Tuberville's signature thread. And the pissed-off meter cranked up into the stratosphere. But you know what I've realized? We NEED to be pissed off. We NEED to be raising hell. We need to be telling every dumbass, mullet-wearing, green-teeth, sister fucking Bama fan we see that we don't GIVE A SHIT if they win this season, because it's just one year. One year out of the last 25.
If we acquiese, if we go meekly, if we shrug off a bad season and humbly take our beating, all we are doing is validating the idea those fucking retards have clung to for the past six years -- that Auburn wins are anomalies and Bama wins are normal. That isn't the case. It hasn't been the case for nearly 30 fucking years.
Don't give those smug, self-righteous fucks the satisfaction. The tectonic plates haven't shifted. Alabama isn't "back." Don't give those bastards one single inch just because our season hasn't turned out as we had hoped and theirs is ridiculously inflated.
FUCK THEM. Fuck them if they win. Fuck them with a shovel handle if they lose.
I'm standing in the bed of the truck with a bullhorn imploring all of you and all of your friends.
On Saturday, we will once again be fighting for our freedom, not only from tyranny, oppression, and persecution -- but from resignation.
We're fighting for our right to live, to exist in this state filled with bandwagon-riding subhumans.
STAND UP FUCKERS!! Declare in one voice:
"We will not go quietly into the night!
We will not vanish without a fight!
We're going to live on!
We're going to survive!"
FUCK YOU Bama fans!