They can't. It would be racist to do so.
They are all doubling down.
I went go get a pair of shoes out of my closet today and I was surrounded by NOOSES!! Everywhere I looked, I saw looped pieces of string. Every single pair of shoes I own have been turned into hateful symbols of oppression.
I don't care that no one has been in my closet but me. It doesn't matter that my shoes have been like that for years and years. I know a straight up noose when I see one.
Does anybody know Don Lemon's schedule? I need to be on his show. I can cry on air. (Do they pay people to be on there? Asking for a friend.)
I tell you this, they can't break me. Haters gonna talk about shoe laces and how that's some kind of normal thing. The dementors gonna try to knock me off my pestilence. I won't be deferred!! Come at me bro. We see you. The true warriors out there know my indignity.