is currently begging for subscriptions. They can't pay their "journalists" and want us to chip in $10 a month to keep them puffing Saban's peter.
Nope. Fuck you, you crimpson asshats. Fuck you for continually shitting on Auburn while you perpetually praise Nick Sabben and Bahr Brunt. You are as bad as CNN slinging shit at President Trump.
While I'd miss the single news site in a way, there's a SHIT load of stuff I wouldn't miss if your horsefuck site went under.
Other than the aforementioned Bammer jizz gargling, I wouldn't miss:
1) JD Crowe's socialist, leftist fucknozzlery masquerading as cartoons
2) The communist, leftist rantings of John Archibald and Kyle Whitmire
3) The blatant coverups of some corruption while banging the tin drum over imaginary slights designed to whip up a tiny fraction of your pissant base
4) Your sickeningly blatant support of Doug Jones
5) Your constant links to articles bashing President Trump while you steadfastly ignore anything that is negative toward Hitlary, Odumba, Assrape Biden, Commie Bernie or any of that cabal
6) The appallingly racist screeds you allow to be published by Roy Wood.
7) All 48 of your fucking Bama beatwriters -- in particular Talty, Casagrande and Heim (what a douchefunnel)
8) Your attacks on people like Roy Moore. Maybe he eventually deserved some of it because he turned out to be battier than a wet market in China, but you made him a target first and foremost because you hate religion
9) Your fucknoodle support for gay shit, for abortion, for trans/pans/flans/sans-what the fuck ever issues when the majority of this state opposes that sort of tomfuckery. We don't need your ignorant asses leading the charge
10) Your overall elitist, condescending attitude that is constantly on display.
Fuck you. Fuck all of you. You won't get a single cent from me, now or ever. I sort of hope you fail so something better will emerge from the ashes to take your place. This state NEEDS a centrist news organization dedicated to fair and equal coverage and not dedicated to championing turd-washed causes. So yeah, fuck you. Die.