I'm trying to quantify the way I feel today and I can't come up with much of anything to compare.
As a lifelong Braves fan I became completely invested in the 1991 season. I watched probably 120 of the 162 regular season games and every second of the playoffs. When Minnesota won Game Seven that was one of the worst feelings I've ever had in sports. I didn't want to go to work (and didn't the next day), didn't want to talk to anybody, just wanted to be quiet for a while. But I wasn't mad. I was just drained and felt helpless. I wanted them to go back and penalize Hrbek for holding Lonnie, to keep Lonnie from getting deked by the infield fake.. something. I didn't want it to be over.
When Ben Obomanu flat out dropped a Jason Campbell pass in the end zone in 2003 and we lost to fucking Eli Fucking Manning and the fucking Ole Fucking Miss Fucking Rebels, effectively wrecking the last shred of hope that we were going to capitalize on the promise with which that season had started (more talent than several NFL teams was what the pre-season observers noted, and which turned out to be true in 2004) I had a crisis of conscience. That loss led to me re-affirming my love for Auburn and writing one of the best things I ever wrote. DKW tried to claim it for his own and it still sits there with his name on it at the site that shall not be named.
https://www.aufamily.com/forums/topic/1955-a-tiger-looks-at-40/So much has happened since I wrote that.
Today I'm despondent. I'm pissed off. I'm frustrated. And frankly, the last fucking thing I wanted to read today was that Auburn shoveled nearly $8 million a year into Gus' pockets when I'm not completely convinced he's up to the job long term. It only exacerbated the situation.
I'll get over it. The person who wrote that piece DKW tried to steal still exists. It's just buried a little deeper today.