It's time for the ruling class on both sides of the aisle to sit down, shut up and accept the revolution.
Shut up Michelle "Wildebeest" Obama.
Shut up Barack "Empty Suit" Obama
Shut up Crooked Hillary Bitch
Shut up Nancy "Cryptkeeper" Pelosi
Shut up Martin Sheen,
Shut up Joy "What man would ever fuck THAT" Behar
Shut up Noah "Dickweed" Wylie
Shut up Bob "I'll never watch Saul again" Odenkirk
Shut up "That'll Do Pig" Cromwell
Shut up Debra "Whore" Messing
Shut up "I love a" B(ig) D(ick) Wong
Shut up "Fake Trapper John" Old Fuck
Shut up Loretta "I look like a dead dog" Swit
And shut up John "World is Unraveling" McCain
Fuck all you people. Every last one of you.