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Bill Maher on Sterling

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Bill Maher on Sterling
« on: May 12, 2014, 10:53:15 AM »
Start at around 2:15....

This may be the only time I will say this...but I 100% agree...

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Re: Bill Maher on Sterling
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2014, 11:06:24 AM »
He's a lot more libertarian than even he gives himself credit for.

You would probably agree with this rant from a couple weeks ago as well (I know I do).

What Republicans have done is tap into the deep, rich vein of cultural resentment that runs through America's heartland like an artery clogged with hate butter. And liberals, to be fair, sometimes make it pretty easy for them to do that.

When Gwyneth Paltrow said her divorce was a 'conscious uncoupling', even I wanted to jump in a truck, crank up the Lynyrd Skynyrd and shoot up a farmers' market.

And as a comedian, I don't like it when political correctness Nazis hound me to censor every joke, apologize for every slight, and when I have to learn how to pronounce words like 'chi' and 'quinoa', I just want to shove a head of kale up their ass. They mean well, but sometimes when I'm at Whole Foods, I don't want to sign petitions and give to charity. I just want to go in and get a $15 lentil sandwich that'll make me fart for a week.

I also, for example, think it's ridiculous that Facebook has now decided we have to choose in our profile from 56 different genders, including transgender, cisgender and, of course, Bruce Gender.

You know that I almost ate at Chick-Fil-A just because so many people were telling me I shouldn't eat at Chick-Fil-A. But then I remembered, it's Chick-Fil-A.

But even atheists make me roll my eyes sometimes, like when they sue to have a cross taken down from a building. Oh for fuck's sake, we're atheists, not vampires. If you can't handle seeing a cross now and then, you picked the wrong country.

So I get it, liberals can be obnoxious and that's why lots of Americans say we don't want politicians nagging about what we can name our football team or how big our soda can be or what we can eat or who we've offended. We have wives for that! But don't cut off your nose to spite your face. One of the Republicans' strongest voting blocs is low-income whites who didn't go to college. These are people who desperately need a minimum wage hike, need unions, they need health care -- but not if it's got Obama's name on it.

Remember, for every liberal with a cause who makes you go, oh just shoot me, there's a conservative with a gun who will.
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Re: Bill Maher on Sterling
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2014, 07:38:22 PM »
Politics has gotten to the point that it's as horrible as watching Alabama play Alabama.

Wait, I'm sorry...I meant:

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Re: Bill Maher on Sterling
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2014, 03:45:28 PM »
Maher again this week on an anti-PC rant.

Video in link

New rule. Don't make me go back to my old title. Anybody here remember the 90s? The 90s, people? It was a crazy time and I had a show called Politically Incorrect, because back then political correctness had gotten so out of hand. I mean, blacks became African-Americans, Mexicans became Latinos and Indians became casino owners. Broken homes became dysfunctional families. Bums became the homeless. Crazy people became FOX News reporters.

It was a tough time for comics. One young comedian even got into big trouble for saying the word chink. (Guest Sarah Silverman).

Now I bring this up in 2014 because, unfortunately, political correctness is making a comeback, and now with the internet, it is easier than ever. In the 90s, you had to at least get off your ass to be in a fake mood of hurt feelings. You needed signs, you needed petitions, you had to feed Al Sharpton. Back then, getting worked up over nothing was a lot of work. And now it seems like all the internet exists to do is point to the latest person who said the wrong thing so the rest of us can feel morally superior. And that's not what the internet is for; that's what college is for.

Social media is all about gotcha of a homophobic business man, or a sexist cartoonist, or a college president who fat-shames his dog by naming it Waddles.

Last week, when the first gay football player got chosen in the NFL Draft, a player named Don Jones tweeted, 'OMG. Horrible.' As is his right, under the asshole clause in the constitution. But the Dolphins fined him and threw him off the team until he underwent sensitivity training, which is when then calmly sit you down and then pin your eyes open like in A Clockwork Orange and make you watch the Bravo channel for 24 hours straight. I mean 24 hours gay.

I mean, when you hear the Duck Dynasty guy going off on homosexuality, like he did again this week, why even listen? What do you think he was going to say, the Tonys are nothing without Neil Patrick Harris? Folks, we had a televised celebrated interracial gay kiss during the NFL Draft. The culture war is over, and we won!

I predict in 5 years, the NFL will be completely gay. Which is why it was so unnecessary for so many to type 'what a jerk Don Jones is.' Take that Freedom Riders and abolitionists, I'm the real hero, I'm hitting send!

Oh, give this kid a minute to get enlightened. He's 24. Think how stupid you were when you were 24. Okay, now add football.

A few weeks ago, the CEO of Mozilla was forced to resign because it was revealed in 2008, he supported Prop 8, California's ban on gay marriage. A bad law, yes, but 52% of Californians voted for it. Did they have to resign? Obama was against gay marriage in 2008, does he have to resign? Hillary came around just last year, can she be president?

You can't purge everybody who doesn't evolve exactly on the timetable you did. It reminds me of the immigrant whose been in America for all of a year and looks at someone who came over last week, like, 'boat people, am I right?'

Or take the case of the Benham brothers. They had a home rehab show scheduled on HDTV, but it got canned after websites got quotes of them saying, get this, that gays are possessed by demons. Yes, these two nitwits actually told Glenn Beck that Satan uses gay people to promote a demonic agenda to silence the message of Jesus. I disagree with that. I do. That opinion is different from mine on virtually every assertion in that sentence.

But if you're a Christian, you may condemn their homophobia but they got it out of the same dumb book that you also revere. So there is a little bit of a mixed message going on. So maybe it would have worked better not to hound them from their home improvement show and then just let them try to find an interior decorator who will work with them.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2014, 03:57:44 PM by AUChizad »
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