To expound on the climate change thing...I'm expecting more than just CCTAU to be outraged by that part...
It's real. Science has collected enough data now to prove that it's as real as gravity.
The issue then becomes how to deal with it. To me, the difference between how the two parties should deal with it, is while the Democrats are flipping their shit obsessing over their carbon footprint and staying green through over-regulation, limiting transportation or anything that may consume "too much" energy, etc. etc. Republicans should be looking at clean energy alternatives, specifically ones that are cost efficient. While Democrats are trying to make everything but LED lightbulbs (at the risk of kicking that debate up again) and hybrid cars illegal, Republicans should be figuring out ways to make them attractive affordable cost efficient models that the free market drives people to. That's starting to happen naturally already. LED bulbs may be more expensive, but you don't have to change them nearly as often, saving money in the long run. Same with Hybrid cars and saving money on gasoline. Meanwhile, if you prefer the old-fashioned bulbs or a gas-guzzling Hummer, then that's your choice and you're free to do that, at your own financial risk. That, in my mind, should be the conservative approach to these types of issues.
And more to the point, it could even be part of the Republican platform to not give much of a fuck about it, within reason. But to deny it outright is becoming more and more ridiculous every day.