OH SHIT! Operating my computer in a lit room can fry my motherboard?! Fuck me running...
Fuck off
Alright, so my tin foil hat blinded me. The quote function continuously fucks me. I'm having some trouble with this 6 axis gyrometer and accelerometer, can you write me a program using C++, compile it and email it to me? I'm in a big hurry, firmware challenged and need it by 5 pm .http://archive.techtree.com/techtree/jsp/article.jsp?article_id=114508&cat_id=893
Your gyrometer and accelerometer have to be synergized so as to be compatible with a flux capacitor. It must convert 1.21 gigawatts into enough energy to propel a vehicle at exactly 88 miles per hour.
Does your computer lab smell of rich mahogany?
That was really heartfelt GF.GF + BF = Looks like BFF to me.
No offense taken except for that peanut gallery fucker.