Here are a couple of questions that need to be asked:
1. How can Mrs fluke afford Georgetown law (Guessing upwards of $50,000/year) but can't come up with $50 - $100 a month for the pill?
2. Why did she not choose to find a law school that has a health program that does provide the contraceptive coverage she so desperately seems to need?
All covered in her testimony, a transcript of which, is on page one of this thread. Short version: she's on what she called a Public Interests Scholarship, and she feels that women shouldn't have to compromise going to a great university or law school because of health coverage, and that someone/some company should compromise their profits to subsidize or provide free contraception. And, once again, she didn't say
she needed shit.
You folks with so many questions and concerns about her testimony, and wanting to make it personal about her, should go read or watch the youtube video of her testimony if you're too lazy to read.
Making it personal about her misses the bigger picture, which is a left wing agenda to have government force insurance companies to pay for contraception.