I didn't set shit. I never once said a player should be arrested immediately following an arrest completely agnostic to the circumstances surrounding it. OMac, as I'm sure you know, was "arrested" for the misdemeanor of not having his driver's license on him and for having outdated tags. No one with a trace of sanity would suggest a player be kicked off of a football team for an offense like that.
Robbery? Drugs? Even fights, considering the circumstances. Those are different stories.
You said:
to this point, when an Auburn player is arrested, they are swiftly permanently dismissed from the football team within a day.
Eric Smith was arrested. Not dismissed within a day. Suspended the first game, and finished out the rest of the season on the team.
Onterio McCalebb was arrested on some traffic bullshit. Still on the team.
You didn't mention shit about variables, situations, etc etc. You flat out said ^^ that. Maybe you meant to word it differently. I don't know. I'm simply reading exactly what you said. I'm not saying that the two situations should have been handled differently, FWIW. Nobody questioned AU discipline procedures. You introduced the above quote (even though it was factually wrong) as if you felt that was the standard, or an example of correct discipline.
Do you think Calloway should be kicked off the team? Mark Barron?