Make no mistake. Miami isn't the only one breaking rules this badly. Ok, so maybe not everybody is paying for prostitutes to have abortions. But I don't doubt for a second that sex parties, jewelry, cars, clothes, suits, kitchens, and condos are being provided to recruits and players at big time college football programs.
You really think Reggie Bush was the only person involved with Pete Carroll's program to receive extra benefits?
Do you honestly believe that five people on Ohio State's team were trading gear for tattoos? You really think every other player on Ohio State's team said, "No thank you. We want to play by the rules"?
Do you believe Alabama when they say the fishing trip, the laptop, the agent party, and the Tom Al-Betar story are all no big deal? Nothing to see there?
North Carolina just had a few kids go to a few parties with an agent. Butch Davis didn't keep tabs on that and it slipped up. Everyone else was clean. Those kids never accepted anything else they could get their hands on. Just a flaw in their character at that particular moment when the agent offerred the party.
Do you really think that Florida's 30+ players to be arrested while playing for Urban Meyer had the moral compass to refuse any extra benefits from any rogue booster that offerred? Do you really believe Florida boosters - part of one of the most arrogant fanbases in the country - decided to stay away from players and never offer anything improper?
How about Notre Dame? Do kids really still desire to play at Notre Dame? Do you honestly believe that a football program adored by the Catholic church which has been in hot water for the last ten years has not had dealings with corrupt boosters wanting to sway top notch recruits to their blessed team?
Let's hit home. Do you really think everyone associated with Auburn is playing it clean? No one out there willing to pay $200k for a Heisman trophy quarterback?
The list could go on:
West Virginia
Miss State (What if Kenny Rogers got his way? How many times has he gotten his way?)
So you tell me. Would giving Miami the death penalty really stop this behavior? Would giving fifteen teams the death penalty stop this behavior?
I really don't know.