Could we (Alabama and allbarn) have 4 out of the first 5 picks 1. Cam 2. MD 3. Fairly 4. AJ and 5 Julio?
Eh I'm not so sure if I were Carolina with a piss poor record that I don't try to work something with the Giants for Rosenfels or maybe Dallas or some other team with a top back-up to try to get to .500 rather than with any rookie QB. I mean Cam can win, no doubt. Vince Young won at Tennessee. But I think that situation and certainly Atlanta's with Ryan was much better than at Carolina or Buffalo.
That's if I had a team mind you.
That being said, the idea is to put asses in the seats and sell merchandise which Cam will do upon getting his shot. Yet a situation might come down to them looking miserable for about six straight with Cam holding a clipboard and the coach opting for no.2 to boos and they could maybe take the game to the wire and by halftime of game eight he sends Cam in to silence all of the booing. And at this point it's anybody's guess what happens, but I'm certain that it would include some heroics.
Atlanta needs but a Welker or Bush, something in the short to mid range that is absolutely there when needed. Carolina or Buffalo fall short of that even, not to mention the lack of quality protection. So it comes down to not only the number of playmakers you have because Matt Ryan is not going to take on the other team's version of Ray Lewis...he can't ...but Cam Newton WILL. He knows it isn't smart but he knows he has to write the tale, and see to it that it doesn't begin with a pick six. Now if he falls short the hating bastards will say "see we told you he isn't an NFL QB." But you see these rubberneckers are the same fucks that ride by a horrible crash just to see some gore and repeat the words to themselves "thank God that wasn't me."
We want Cam Newton to succeed not just because he is an Auburn guy. Most of us feel we have
something to prove vicariously through him because of all of the shameless hammering he (AU) withstood for an entire season. No one can withstand that kind of abuse and play at a consistently high level. NO ONE! But our guy did and that is something an NFL ticket holder will be void of. We know the guy will give a herculean effort no matter the odds. We know that he will inspire others to play better than they might normally play.
I'm sure some of you might think differently but this is the best football player I have ever seen. The fact that he went to Auburn just makes it all the better. So yeah I guess I take it personal. I want Cam to have a decent shot to prove the haters wrong and it will be all the more fitting that it takes place for one of the unlikeliest teams in the NFL. And if that's the case, count me as a Carolina football fan... just not one of the NASCAR rejects.
Nah but 5 in the top 15 is possible.