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Pat Dye Field => War Damn Eagle => Topic started by: AuburnChopper 3.0 on January 29, 2010, 10:01:59 AM
03:41 PM CST on Thursday, January 28, 2010
Associated Press
LUBBOCK, Texas – The father of injured Texas Tech receiver Adam James threatened to sue the university if it didn't investigate then-coach Mike Leach, according to a memo released Wednesday.
Texas Tech University System attorney Ronny Wall wrote in the Tuesday memo to the Texas attorney general that the threat came during a Dec. 20 exchange with James' father, ESPN sports analyst Craig James. The Lubbock Avalanche-Journal obtained a copy of the memo in response to an open records request.
The university fired Leach on Dec. 30, two days after suspending him amid allegations he mistreated Adam James, who was recovering from a concussion. The receiver says Leach twice ordered him to stand for hours while confined in a dark place during practice.
Leach denied the allegations, and responded to his firing with a lawsuit against the university, alleging libel, slander and breach of contract.
The Tech memo says James' father "indicated that litigation could ensue" if Tech didn't investigate Leach "for the improper treatment" of his son.
"The threat did not appear to be an idle threat as the parent expressed genuine concern for the health and well-being of his injured child, as well as other student-athletes," the memo continued.
James spokesman Scott McLaughlin issued a statement late Wednesday saying James never threatened to sue Texas Tech.
"Further, Texas Tech initiated its investigation of its own accord," he said.
I hope ESPN fires his sorry ass over this. Tech fired their fucking coach, so get the fuck over it.
I hope ESPN fires his sorry ass over this. Tech fired their fucking coach, so get the fuck over it.
He is a massive gaping vagina.
He is a massive gaping vagina.
That offended gaping vaginas everywhere
You know, Craig James may be a douche, no doubt. But, I'm wondering if he's a father who was sold on a sob story by his douche bag son.
Maybe the kid is such a cry baby douche and really sold the story to his dad. I could almost see Craig James being naive a little and thinking his son's version of the story (which I'm sure was embellished) was pretty appalling and reacting to that.
After all, the original story was that Leach threw him in an electrical closet and locked the door. Turns out the kid really strolled out onto the practice field with sunglasses, an iPod, and texting on his cell phone. After being confronted by Leach, the kid says he has to wear the sunglasses because of the concussion. Leach points to the electrical closet and says "there's a dark place, why don't you go hang in there". The kid, with a "fine, I will" smart ass attitude, went into the closet on his own accord and starting taking the pictures/video.
So if the story can get twisted to the media so much, imagine how the kid twisted it to his dad.
Maybe not, but just a thought.
You know, Craig James may be a douche, no doubt. But, I'm wondering if he's a father who was sold on a sob story by his douche bag son.
Maybe the kid is such a cry baby douche and really sold the story to his dad. I could almost see Craig James being naive a little and thinking his son's version of the story (which I'm sure was embellished) was pretty appalling and reacting to that.
After all, the original story was that Leach threw him in an electrical closet and locked the door. Turns out the kid really strolled out onto the practice field with sunglasses, an iPod, and texting on his cell phone. After being confronted by Leach, the kid says he has to wear the sunglasses because of the concussion. Leach points to the electrical closet and says "there's a dark place, why don't you go hang in there". The kid, with a "fine, I will" smart ass attitude, went into the closet on his own accord and starting taking the pictures/video.
So if the story can get twisted to the media so much, imagine how the kid twisted it to his dad.
Maybe not, but just a thought.
Fuck that. I played football and if I told me dad that I got locked in a closet, I think his exact words would have been..."you dumb butt, what did you do to get your little cocky ass locked into the dad gum closet?"
Yes, he didn't cuss much and talked like Bobby Bowden...
Fuck that. I played football and if I told me dad that I got locked in a closet, I think his exact words would have been..."you dumb butt, what did you do to get your little cocky ass locked into the dad gum closet?"
Yes, he didn't cuss much and talked like Bobby Bowden...
My dad would have done the same, except that I would have been punished at home and then made to go back and apologize to the coach and plead for a place back on the team.
On a side note: why the fuck did Craig not have the balls to go straight to Leach and talk this out, find out both sides of the story, and try to resolve it like normal folks would do?
Instead he went straight to the admin. and the media and made this a Leach must be fired issue. Looks like he had it out for Leach in a big way.
Bottom line: Don't be such a fucking pussy.
Bottom line: Don't be such a fucking pussy.
I can agree with a Bammer, the world may soon come to an end :thumbsup: