Tigers X - Number one Source to Talk Auburn Tigers Sports
Pat Dye Field => War Damn Eagle => Topic started by: AUChizad on January 07, 2010, 12:14:49 PM
The one good thing about this game is all the good bammer material.
http://blog.al.com/mccarter/2010/01/tide_fans_rhinestone_bear_brya.html (http://blog.al.com/mccarter/2010/01/tide_fans_rhinestone_bear_brya.html)
Tide fan's rhinestone Bear Bryant jacket has blank sleeve reserved for another title
By Mark McCarter
January 07, 2010, 8:42AM
Demin rhinestone Alabama jacketView full sizeBill Starling / Press-RegisterMissy Boyd of Montgomery shows off her Tide jacket. She bought the jacket with money from her divorce settlement in the early '90s.
PASADENA, Calif. - The denim jacket spangled in rhinestones and covered with intricate artwork is a tableau of Alabama football history.
It "cost more than a fur," said Missy Boyd, who bought it after the 1990 Sugar Bowl as "a divorce present for myself." She even used cash from the settlement to pay for it.
Boyd, who accompanied the ensemble with houndstooth-framed sunglasses and houndstooth shoes, was sporting the jacket Wednesday morning at a souvenir stand at the corner of Colorado Boulevard and Pasadena Way.
She and friend Melanie Bingham of Deatsville were rummaging around the stand - as if there was anything in the stacks that would come close to rivaling what she was wearing.
There are only 20 such jackets, designed by Tony Alamo. He used to design Elvis Presley's stage costumes, if that gives you any indication.
There is a large picture of Paul "Bear" Bryant on the back. There are pictures of Alabama football players on the back. There is an autograph ex-coach Mike Shula once scribbled on the right sleeve, a souvenir Missy now regards like the buyer's remorse of a 3 a.m. tattoo.
"I want one of Nick (Saban) now," she said.
There's a full blank sleeve waiting for that - and a blank sleeve to record the potential bit of Alabama football history awaiting this evening.
No. 1 Alabama meets No. 2 Texas in the BCS National Championship Game (7 p.m., ABC TV), in the majestic Rose Bowl at the foot of the craggy San Gabriel Mountains just north of downtown Los Angeles.
Both are 13-0, but both came from drastically different directions. Alabama, the Southeastern Conference champion, dominated Florida in the SEC Championship Game 32-13, then later that day Texas stole past Nebraska 13-12 on a last-second field goal in the Big 12 title game.
All this hype, hoopla, expense and anguish, weeks and months of preparation for event that boils down simply: in the words of Texas coach Mack Brown, "what you all are going to see is two very confident coaching staffs and two very confident teams play as hard as they can for three and a half hours to win a national championship."
And at least two very confident fans.
"I'm always a little worried," Bingham said.
"Hell no," Boyd said. "I'm not cocky. I'm confident. But I'm not going to run and get in Texas fans' faces."
"I think we have the best coach and I think he will have them ready," Bingham said. "I do not think Nick Saban will let them be cocky for one second."
Boyd and Bingham are among the fans from Alabama and Texas who have been trickling into the L.A. area for days. But the trickle turned into a flood on Wednesday, spilling into Pasadena.
The Rose Bowl was locked tight as Fort Knox and the security team is even using sophisticated detection devices on loan from the U.S. Border Patrol. But on the stadium perimeter, fans strolled around past souvenir tents. The scarce few RV spots were setting up picnics.
A humongous white Chevy truck with California tags sported an Alabama flag the size of a throw rug flapping over the truck bed. From inside, Jordan and Taylor Holm stopped at every red light and whooped a loud "Roll Tide!" flinging their arms out the window.
"We're from NoCal" - that's a geographic designation rather than a diet drink - "but we have family in Alabama."
To be an Alabama fan means "you're definitely a maverick out here," Jordan said. "But you think you're doing something special, like you're doing something to help the team."
To which a grateful Nick Saban might respond, as he did in a Wednesday morning press conference that "we have a tremendous amount of respect for the tradition and the passion that our fans have."
There is passion - and then there are rhinestone jackets. Either one is wrapped up in history.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
To be an Alabama fan means "you're definitely a maverick out here," Jordan said. "But you think you're doing something special, like you're doing something to help the team."
Thinking....not inbred's strong suit.
posted on my facebook to share with the world.
http://www.everydayshouldbesaturday.com/2010/01/07/national-championship-special-bama-artwork-for-your-home-and-office/ (http://www.everydayshouldbesaturday.com/2010/01/07/national-championship-special-bama-artwork-for-your-home-and-office/)
You have to admire the artwork that gives Bear that fine "Shar Pei" look...
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I call bullshit. That hat's not even houndstooth.
You have to admire the artwork that gives Bear that fine "Shar Pei" look...
I was thinking he looked more like a brahma bull but yeah that works as well.
I call bullshit. That hat's not even houndstooth.
I had no idea Joe Namath had rhinestones on his helmet. Was that how tha bahr rewarded players who had outstanding games in the sixties?
I had no idea Joe Namath had rhinestones on his helmet.
Maybe THAT'S why they called him "Broadway Joe"??
Forget (if you can) the jacket....how bout the other bammer's neck?
Forget (if you can) the jacket....how bout the other bammer's neck?
Forget (if you can) the jacket....how bout the other bammer's neck?
Why do you hate giraffes?
Why do you hate giraffes?
I don't hate them...but they should be bedazzled. Nick Saban gonna be bedazzled next year fo sho.
I don't think I have seen this one before, but this may be the best comment I have ever seen.
Dear Ignorant, Drive-by Alum (aka, ‘Friends of the University’):
I’m not sure there are enough creative words in this language or any other that will completely allow me to express just exactly how much I hate you, but I’ll give it a shot. Where does one start? This is like trying to deconstruct the Death Star to sell the copper wiring. I’m overwhelmed with the enormity of the situation, so I guess I’ll just tackle the largest section of this Denny’s Grand Slam breakfast of repugnance first: You and the rest of your fellow fans. The Visigoths. The Picts. The James Gang. MS-13. The complete roster of every single guest of the Jerry Springer Show. All. All of them wither and shrink when compared to the utter horribleness of the greasy masses that accumulate and form your fan base. You are and will forever be God’s lowest common denominator. Lemming-like in your blind bandwagoning, as displayed by your en masse tumbling off a cliff into a sea of white trashiness, you drape yourselves in clothing usually designed for yard work or being home sick with the flu. Now, there’s nothing inherently wrong with showing school pride, but…c’mon. There’s nothing quite so bad as seeing a corpulent family of TAHD Rollers waddling around an outlet mall, dressed in complete concert. In June. That isn’t school pride. That, sir, is the brain-dead, vegetable child born from generations of inbreeding and chronic alcoholism. To put it another way, your collective is more akin to a chicken mcnugget: Cheap, nauseating, of dubious origins, assembled in an ad hoc fashion by drop-outs from the extra parts and undesirable miscellany of chicken plants that wouldn’t be appetizing to the rest of civilized society, and wildly popular with people with IQs hovering around 70.
It’s really quite mind-boggling how such a sweaty-faced cult of personality formed. I mean, the majority of you people didn’t go to school there. A smaller, albeit a sizable chunk, never attend games. No, you’re happy impulse-purchasing the script “A” from a Texaco when you plop your “30 Pack of ‘Stones” on the counter, slapping it on the back of your Silverado and driving around your rube-ridden shit hole town with an air of superiority that can only be defined as delusional, if not out-right humorous. You name your children names like “Saban”, already damning a damned child to a life of hard labor and squalor. You have lived your lives vicariously through a program that is the personification of cheating, lying, and skewed priorities. You have canonized a drunk and are looking for the 3rd miracle to canonize the midget-whore you’ve paid for by donating your ill-gotten “Slipped in urine at the K-Mart” settlement checks.
You have cheated and lied (you have 12 National Championships. Right, and the South actually won the war if you look at the number of battles won) your way into fame, and the rest of you calloused-handed worker/yokels are feeding off the teat; nourishing your undeserved senses of accomplishment and propping your false egos.
Fuck you and all that are like you, hook ‘em horns, and I hope science will progress enough so that the Bear is revived only long enough to be raped and shot.
Midget Whore. I love it.
Midget Whore. I love it.
I am also a fan of midget whores.
Forget (if you can) the jacket....how bout the other bammer's neck?
And the ever present cigarette...
I might keep that and just post it from time to time...it made me smile.
I think I just found my new signature.
I don't think I have seen this one before, but this may be the best comment I have ever seen.
I did not write that but I could have... see: nail, hitting on head.
Apparently you didn't get the memo...we aren't doing that anymore.
Apparently you didn't get the memo...we aren't doing that anymore.
Apparently you didn't get the memo...I am doing my own thing and fuck all the rest of you.
I wasn't aware the bahr was Asian...
That is what bahr would look like if he drank Keystone instead of Jack Daniels - bitter beer face!!
I call bullshit. That hat's not even houndstooth.
Yea, but her glasses are. :sad:
I wasn't aware the bahr was Asian...
Yo-a Bweakin my Balls Hans!