Tigers X - Number one Source to Talk Auburn Tigers Sports
Pat Dye Field => War Damn Eagle => Topic started by: themilkmandidit on October 23, 2009, 09:15:31 PM
When there are idiot drivers that either;
A. Do not know where the fuck they are going.
B. Do not use blinkers when in front of you.
C. Come to a complete stop while making a right-hand turn.
D. Ride on your ass, refusing to pass.
E. Drive 10 miles below the speed limit.
F. Cut you off.
G. Do not give the appreciative wave when let in to traffic.
H. Ride in the left lane slowly, refusing to let others pass.
should, if caught, be forced to drive off a cliff into a rocky abyss...
That is all....... :)
P.S.- I know this is off topic, but this can also serve as a venting space to find solace in such an ignorant world. Feel free to add...
Peeve H really burns me up. I pass these assholes on the right, whip back in the left lane in front of them, then blast 'em with a heavy dose of windshield washer fluid.
Peeve H really burns me up. I pass these assholes on the right, whip back in the left lane in front of them, then blast 'em with a heavy dose of windshield washer fluid.
C. is what chaps my ass. Every time it occurs I start to turn after them until inches from the bumper of their car, then swerve back into the appropriate driving lane. Let me assure you, it raises pulses.
I think they ought to let a person shoot one motherfucker a day. Without having to live in Memphis, TN.
Left lane. Argh.
If I'm in a "mood" I'll pull over in front of them, then slow down and force them to get in the right lane. Don't do it much anymore cause a. it's an asshole thing to do and b. it really isn't that safe for other traffic. But Jesus... it drives me INSANE when traffic backs up 20 people deep and no one can get past.
I've actually slowed down to 20mph on the interstate before someone got the idea and moved to the right lane to pass me.......... by then I had it in 2nd gear and was halfway to the next county.
Fucking people who can't drive. :sad:
I. Ride on the shoulder or emergency lane because traffic is backed up and they don't want to wait. WTF dude are you better than the rest of us, Oh I get your time is more important so you get to bypass all of us fools who are waiting for the accident to clear.
My favorite is when a cop comes behind them and pulls their ass over.
I. Ride on the shoulder or emergency lane because traffic is backed up and they don't want to wait. WTF dude are you better than the rest of us, Oh I get your time is more important so you get to bypass all of us fools who are waiting for the accident to clear.
My favorite is when a cop comes behind them and pulls their ass over.
About 3 months ago someone tried to do that to me in a beemer. I saw them coming and pulled to the shoulder and forced them off sliding into the grass.
I know... I know... but fuck, when you've been sitting in traffic for 45 minutes and only moved .75 miles, and someone comes blowing past everyone else in mere seconds? I go mad!!!
I get road rage too easily. And trust me, I'm WAY better than I used to be. :poke:
Then there was the time a buddy of mine passed a 20 string poking down a 2 lane. It was a good long, straight stretch.
Things went downhill when he passed the lead car. It was a state trooper.
LOL... that tends to put a damper on it.
I think they ought to let a person shoot one motherphuker a day. Without having to live in Memphis, TN.
I would love to shoot one person a day.
When I drive, I usually don't know where the fuck I'm going and I don't normally use blinkers because hey, I don't know where the fuck I'm going. But sometimes, if I'm making saayyy...a right turn, I usually come to a stop to see what's down that road in case, you know, I might not want to go that way.
But, if I am lost, I normally find someone that looks like they know where they're going and get real close behind them so I don't lose them. But then, most times I have to drive at least 10 m.p.h. below the speed limit to be able to get a feel for exactly where I am.
Now people might think I'm cutting them off or rude because I don't wave when let into traffic. But, my Driver's Ed teacher said to always keep two hands on the wheel. 10-2. Sometimes if I can't really see where I'm going in the right hand lane, I'll drive slowly in the left to get a better perspective on where I'm headed.
I'd like to drive down to the Shell Station and pick up another 12 pack....but there's too many dumbass drivers on the road.
When I drive, I usually don't know where the fuck I'm going and I don't normally use blinkers because hey, I don't know where the fuck I'm going. But sometimes, if I'm making saayyy...a right turn, I usually come to a stop to see what's down that road in case, you know, I might not want to go that way.
But, if I am lost, I normally find someone that looks like they know where they're going and get real close behind them so I don't lose them. But then, most times I have to drive at least 10 m.p.h. below the speed limit to be able to get a feel for exactly where I am.
Now people might think I'm cutting them off or rude because I don't wave when let into traffic. But, my Driver's Ed teacher said to always keep two hands on the wheel. 10-2. Sometimes if I can't really see where I'm going in the right hand lane, I'll drive slowly in the left to get a better perspective on where I'm headed.
I'd like to drive down to the Shell Station and pick up another 12 pack....but there's too many dumbass drivers on the road.
Ha ha... No quarter! Off the cliff you go!
I would love to shoot one person a day.
Sandy if I kill all the golfers they'll lock me up and throw away the key.