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The Library => The SGA => Topic started by: Jumbo on March 20, 2009, 03:25:37 PM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKlYT2bseII (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKlYT2bseII)
Typical black guy saying something negro-ish.
Whoops, did I make a funny that was out of line? :blink:
I'm surprised this topic hasn't been started already.
As most of you know Obama was on Leno last night, and when cracking on himself for his poor bowling skills said "Yeah, it's like the Special Olympics or something."
Do I think it was in good taste, especially from a sitting president, as opposed to a "shock jock"? No. Do I think it's a big deal that should be over-analyzed and scrutinized? No. Would I think it were a big deal if Rush Limbaugh or Don Imus said it? No.
I really don't believe people would have been as flippant about this had one of the latter two been the ones to make this gaffe. They're still showing clips of Limbaugh's Michael J. Fox impression.
The only thing that pisses me off in this situation is the double standard.
Edit: I see that it was discussed. Merged the two topics.
I'm surprised this topic hasn't been started already.
As most of you know Obama was on Leno last night, and when cracking on himself for his poor bowling skills said "Yeah, it's like the Special Olympics or something."
Do I think it was in good taste, especially from a sitting president, as opposed to a "shock jock"? No. Do I think it's a big deal that should be over-analyzed and scrutinized? No. Would I think it were a big deal if Rush Limbaugh or Don Imus said it? No.
I really don't believe people would have been as flippant about this had one of the latter two been the ones to make this gaffe. They're still showing clips of Limbaugh's Michael J. Fox impression.
The only thing that pisses me off in this situation is the double standard.
Edit: I see that it was discussed. Merged the two topics.
I've been distracted today by work and the great marijuana debate redux. I had heard about this first thing this morning but it slipped my mind as the day has worn on. Glad that somebody did bring it up.
Obviously when he's off-prompter this guy shows what an elitist turd that he is. I know he's the president but this is yet again another reason why I have absolutely no respect for him.
The double-standard the MSM shows to Democrats godless socialists always makes my blood boil. Republicans have said far milder things and had to resign in disgrace (Trent Lott is a perfect example).
This also provides me with yet another reason not to watch Leno.
I'm surprised this topic hasn't been started already.
As most of you know Obama was on Leno last night, and when cracking on himself for his poor bowling skills said "Yeah, it's like the Special Olympics or something."
Do I think it was in good taste, especially from a sitting president, as opposed to a "shock jock"? No. Do I think it's a big deal that should be over-analyzed and scrutinized? No. Would I think it were a big deal if Rush Limbaugh or Don Imus said it? No.
I really don't believe people would have been as flippant about this had one of the latter two been the ones to make this gaffe. They're still showing clips of Limbaugh's Michael J. Fox impression.
The only thing that pisses me off in this situation is the double standard.
Edit: I see that it was discussed. Merged the two topics.
Agreed for the most part.
The biggest issue I have is Obama actually being on Jay Leno's show cracking jokes and shooting the bull. We're in a bit of a crisis right now. We're still in Iraq, the economy is in a recession, and it's not like our government's approval rating is on the up and up. Even if it were solely for PR purposes, Obama needs to stay inside and chill out on his own time. Going on television to show how funny you are isn't going to help anything.
I've been distracted today by work and the great marijuana debate redux. I had heard about this first thing this morning but it slipped my mind as the day has worn on. Glad that somebody did bring it up.
Obviously when he's off-prompter this guy shows what an elitist turd that he is. I know he's the president but this is yet again another reason why I have absolutely no respect for him.
The double-standard the MSM shows to Democrats godless socialists always makes my blood boil. Republicans have said far milder things and had to resign in disgrace (Trent Lott is a perfect example).
This also provides me with yet another reason not to watch Leno.
Which was nothing but payback for being involved heavily with the impeachment of Clinton. That along with the backstabbing and witch hunt carried out against another prominent Southern Conservative Republican, was about the time my party of choice went wild, along with the left, with squandering my tax dollars.
Agreed for the most part.
The biggest issue I have is Obama actually being on Jay Leno's show cracking jokes and shooting the bull. We're in a bit of a crisis right now. We're still in Iraq, the economy is in a recession, and it's not like our government's approval rating is on the up and up. Even if it were solely for PR purposes, Obama needs to stay inside and chill out on his own time. Going on television to show how funny you are isn't going to help anything.
You make a great point, townhallsavoy. He should be hitting the Sunday Morning talking head show circuit if anything. But that's too hard-hitting a venue for The ONE.
How can anybody take this clown seriously!?
To a lesser extent I have got to confess at being disappointed (up until about 2 weeks ago) at GOP Chairman Michael Steele doing this same thing shortly after his election to head my party instead of working to improve the GOP. I think he's gotten the message now though.
Which was nothing but payback for being involved heavily with the impeachment of Clinton. That along with the backstabbing and witch hunt carried out against another prominent Southern Conservative Republican, was about the time my party of choice went wild, along with the left, with squandering my tax dollars.
We need Newt Gingrich back in Congress. Love him or hate him he was a great Leader in Congress.
Agreed for the most part.
The biggest issue I have is Obama actually being on Jay Leno's show cracking jokes and shooting the bull. We're in a bit of a crisis right now. We're still in Iraq, the economy is in a recession, and it's not like our government's approval rating is on the up and up. Even if it were solely for PR purposes, Obama needs to stay inside and chill out on his own time. Going on television to show how funny you are isn't going to help anything.
See, I disagree with this.
I fail to see the outrage over a President going on a show that Americans actually watch. I know it irks the shit out of Republicans that he's a "celebrity" and has a generally likable demeanor. It was a good PR move by Obama up until the gaffe.
The whole "How dare he do something like this instead of spend every waking second on this crisis, or that crisis" is ridiculous, in my opinion. Bush spent PLENTY of time away from official business, and I thought it was a joke when Democrats scrutinized him for it as well.
We need Newt Gingrich back in Congress. Love him or hate him he was a great Leader in Congress.
Glad you caught that, which I had no doubts you knew who. It's not that I necessarily agree with everything that Newt says or does, but it was his leadership that I liked. As I told many of "Obumah" supporters. There is no way that you can agree with every single issue that a politician has, if you do you are lying to yourself or lack the ability to think for yourself.
I fail to see the outrage over a President going on a show that Americans actually watch. I know it irks the shit out of Republicans that he's a "celebrity" and has a generally likable demeanor. It was a good PR move by Obama up until the gaffe.
I'm a 'super-Republican' and I don't give a rat's ass how popular he is. Anyone following President Bush would've been popular, unfortunately for Republicans.
He's a populist anyway so I suppose that it was a natural choice for him to go on a populist show watched by the 'sheeple'. He did need some positive PR as his approval rating has been going down lately for obvious reasons.
The whole "How dare he do something like this instead of spend every waking second on this crisis, or that crisis" is ridiculous, in my opinion. Bush spent PLENTY of time away from official business, and I thought it was a joke when Democrats scrutinized him for it as well.
I'm angry with this because it's not his damn job to go on Leno for a political PR stunt...his fucking job is to manage 'this crisis or that crisis' as you call it to the best interest of the American people! The Democrats godless socialists are spewing the line about this being the 'worst economy since the Great Depression' and what's The ONE doing...going on Leno. Great.
Bush isn't the president any more. You sound like a fomenting-at-the-mouth, Democrat godless socialist. Let it go.
Glad you caught that, which I had no doubts you knew who. It's not that I necessarily agree with everything that Newt says or does, but it was his leadership that I liked. As I told many of "Obumah" supporters. There is no way that you can agree with every single issue that a politician has, if you do you are lying to yourself or lack the ability to think for yourself.
I'm angry with this because it's not his damn job to go on Leno for a political PR stunt...his fucking job is to manage 'this crisis or that crisis' as you call it to the best interest of the American people! The Democrats godless socialists are spewing the line about this being the 'worst economy since the Great Depression' and what's The ONE doing...going on Leno. Great.
Bush isn't the president any more. You sound like a fomenting-at-the-mouth, Democrat godless socialist. Let it go.
No, I'm consistent. You're failing to see the point I'm making. It was stupid when people bitched about Bush not spending every waking second "fixing things". It's stupid now when people bitch about Obama being on television.
To you, it was stupid when Bush was criticized for this sort of thing, but you're guilty of exactly the same thing with Obama.
Similarly irritating to me is that most of the exact people who constantly pointed out how ridiculous it was that Bush was blamed for everything, including the weather (and it certainly was), are now doing the same with Obama. It was ridiculous then, and it's ridiculous now. People who said "He's our commander in chief, and we're in a crisis. If you're not with us you're against us" are the same people that would rather see this country go to the shitter, than see Obama successfully pull us out of this. That's not very patriotic, in my opinion. Do I think he's doing all the right things to do this? Not even close. But I'm sure as hell hoping whatever he does works. The parallel between that, and with Bush and the Iraq war is glaring.
No, I'm consistent. You're failing to see the point I'm making. It was stupid when people bitched about Bush doing the same thing. It's stupid now when people bitch about Obama being on television.
And you're missing my point. It's not that he went on TV; it's the reason for going on TV which was only for his own ego stroking...just like Bubba Clinton in that regard. That's not leadership.
No, I'm consistent. You're failing to see the point I'm making. It was stupid when people bitched about Bush not spending every waking second "fixing things". It's stupid now when people bitch about Obama being on television.
To you, it was stupid when Bush was criticized for this sort of thing, but you're guilty of exactly the same thing with Obama.
Similarly irritating to me is that most of the exact people who constantly pointed out how ridiculous it was that Bush was blamed for everything, including the weather (and it certainly was), are now doing the same with Obama. It was ridiculous then, and it's ridiculous now. People who said "He's our commander in chief, and we're in a crisis. If you're not with us you're against us" are the same people that would rather see this country go to the shitter, than see Obama successfully pull us out of this. That's not very patriotic, in my opinion. Do I think he's doing all the right things to do this? Not even close. But I'm sure as hell hoping whatever he does works. The parallel between that, and with Bush and the Iraq war is glaring.
I'm not asking for Obama to work every second of his life on the economy or the million other requirements of his job. I'm asking that he doesn't go hee-haw it on NBC. There plenty of people in this world that are fucking miserable. They've lost their job. They're fighting in a war. They're poor. They're rich and afraid of their taxes being raised :violin:.
If Obama wants to kick back with some beers, go bowling, and make special olympics jokes, then so be it. But it's not helping anything to go on TV with the Chin and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh.
As as for thinking Obama being on TV like that doesn't hurt, I guaran-damn-tee you that the guy who doesn't know where his next paycheck is going to come from lost a little more hope for his future when he saw The Tonight Show the other night.
No, I'm consistent. You're failing to see the point I'm making. It was stupid when people bitched about Bush not spending every waking second "fixing things". It's stupid now when people bitch about Obama being on television.
To you, it was stupid when Bush was criticized for this sort of thing, but you're guilty of exactly the same thing with Obama.
Similarly irritating to me is that most of the exact people who constantly pointed out how ridiculous it was that Bush was blamed for everything, including the weather (and it certainly was), are now doing the same with Obama. It was ridiculous then, and it's ridiculous now. People who said "He's our commander in chief, and we're in a crisis. If you're not with us you're against us" are the same people that would rather see this country go to the shitter, than see Obama successfully pull us out of this. That's not very patriotic, in my opinion. Do I think he's doing all the right things to do this? Not even close. But I'm sure as hell hoping whatever he does works. The parallel between that, and with Bush and the Iraq war is glaring.
I recall being plenty critical of President Bush many times; I might even be able to find something on this board to that effect. I may be a Republican but I don't ALWAYS march in lock goose-step (as you would see it) with my party.
Similarly, I don't recall defending Pres. Bush for taking some time-off in the face of the constant drum-beat of criticism from the left that he received for every fucking thing he did on or off duty if you can use that term.
You're smart enough to know that the President is always on duty but his primary concern MUST be the nation at large NOT his own political gain which is exactly what The ONE was promoting by going on Leno's show. I'm glad that he made a gaffe; serves him right.
As I've stated before, I am the loyal opposition; loyal to my nation but opposed to this current administration's agenda of socialism. Nothing would make me happier than to see things improve with this current economic situation but NOT at the expense of turning this nation towards socialism. I'll criticize that agenda EVERY chance that I get. I don't want him and the Democrats godless socialists to succeed in turning America into a socialist country. If you do then great...congratulations, you're not a libertarian...you're a socialist.
Lastly, I'm not blaming The ONE for everything; only what he and his Democrat godless socialist friends deserve the blame for.
Is that clear enough for you?