Tigers X - Number one Source to Talk Auburn Tigers Sports
Pat Dye Field => War Damn Eagle => Topic started by: The Prowler on March 06, 2009, 06:46:06 PM
The case involved academic fraud affecting more than 60 student-athletes across 10 sports, as well as impermissible benefits, unethical conduct by three former academic support services staff members, and a failure to monitor by the university.
The sports programs involved in these violations include football, baseball, men's track and field, women's track and field, men's swimming, women's swimming, men's basketball, women's basketball, softball and men's golf.
• Public reprimand and censure.
• Four years of probation (March 6, 2009, to March 5, 2013).
• Scholarship reductions in football; men's and women's basketball; men's and women's swimming; men's and women's track and field; baseball; softball; and men's golf. Additional details are available in the public report.
• Vacation of all wins in which the 61 student-athletes in the sports of football, men's and women's basketball, men's and women's swimming, men's and women's track, men's golf, baseball and softball competed while ineligible during 2006 and 2007. This includes regular season contests, postseason contests and any NCAA championship competition. The individual records of the student-athletes shall be vacated as well. Further, the institution's records regarding all of the involved sports, as well as the records of the head coaches of those sports will reflect the vacated records and will be recorded in all publications in which these records are reported, including, but not limited to, institution media guides, recruiting material, electronic and digital media plus institution and NCAA archives. Any public reference to tournament performances won during this time shall be removed, including, but not limited to, athletics department stationery and banners displayed in public areas such as the venues in which the specified teams compete.
Poor Coach Bowden...I'll bet they're celebrating at State College, right about now.
So....if the NCAA deems uat as "Failure to Moniter" (Major Violation) and "Repeat Offender", after the Albert Mean's Probation that was a "Repeat Offender"...wouldn't that be similar to have 3 DUIs on your record in a 5 year period? Would the probation be similar to the one that FSU just got handed to them?
Also, uat hired the former AD at FSU, while some, if not all of this was going on, to be the understudy of Mal Moore. And, I'm guessing to replace him, probably sometime soon. I'll tell you what, it sure has been a really good two days to be an Auburn Fan....and a really shitty two days if you're a bammer.
You are comparing apples to oranges. FSU had a ton of kids cheating in academics to stay eligible to play, plus the coaches knew about it. We had a handful of student athletes getting books for their girlfriends and the coaches didn't know. The cheating was widespread amongst FSU athletics. I highly doubt we get anything close to the bitch slapping FSU just got.
Here is a little something to support my theory:
http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/news/story?id=3958292 (http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/news/story?id=3958292)
The committee stated this case was "extremely serious" because of the large number of student-athletes involved and the fact that academic fraud is considered by the committee to be among the most egregious of NCAA rules violations.
If that is the case, then some guys getting textbooks for their girlfriends, hopefully, will be a drop in the bucket. But who the fuck knows with the NCAA, USC is going to get away smelling like a rose in the Reggie Bush deal. That doesn't seem to be that much of a priority for them.
Fuck you, F$U! They've always been a bunch of fuckin' cheaters.
Bring the hammer down, bitches!
You think Forston is still excited about being there?
What about Aubrey Phillips? You think that suit is being returned to the store with all receipts burned?
...and the coaches didn't know....
Hey, RWS! I've got a nice portion of beach property in Kansas I'd like to sell. Got a great deal on it if you buy now.
I'm hearing that there's something else, that's about to come up, in regards to uat.....I'm hearing possibly something BIG and that the Textbook 5 is just the Tip of the iceburg. Brandon Gibson's name will possibly be brought up.
I'm hearing that there's something else, that's about to come up, in regards to uat.....I'm hearing possibly something BIG and that the Textbook 5 is just the Tip of the iceburg. Brandon Gibson's name will possibly be brought up.
If you're hearing it, I feel a lot better about the situation then. In the past, your sources have sucked. Big time.
Really?? Give me an example of when my sources were wrong. And, I'm not saying that what I'm hearing is going to happen, or I believe it....or is actually right, I'm just saying that, that's what I'm hearing.....hence, TIFWIW statement.
I once offered an aunation member a freebee after he made a monetary wager on the open forum because of his inside source(you). It was regarding Dre Kirkpatrick.
I trust the prowler over youre phony connections anyday.
and if you do somehow steal dre and tana away from us it will just be because you got there mommas jobs as the infamous gadsen lawfirm again...how many more secretaries can that office hold bammer? what are you gonna do when the ncaa dcomes knockin? dre and kk and tana know this..theyre comin to auburn...theyre just leadin lil nicky on.
That was his response. Copied and pasted.
I didn't say that YOU were wrong. You use the "that's what I'm hearing" tactic to throw BS on the wall hoping that it will stick. If it does, you have inside sources. If it doesn't, you didn't believe it anyway. It's your m.o.
Knowing that you are hearing we might possibly be looking at something big, well, it gives me a peaceful easy feeling. I'm certain your sources won't let me down.
it gives me a peaceful easy feeling. I'm certain your sources won't let me down.
The Eagles demand you cease and desist from dragging their good music into this shit storm.
The law firm of Dewey, Cheatum, and Howe
I once offered an aunation member a freebee after he made a monetary wager on the open forum because of his inside source(you). It was regarding Dre Kirkpatrick.
That was his response. Copied and pasted.
I didn't say that YOU were wrong. You use the "that's what I'm hearing" tactic to throw BS on the wall hoping that it will stick. If it does, you have inside sources. If it doesn't, you didn't believe it anyway. It's your m.o.
Knowing that you are hearing we might possibly be looking at something big, well, it gives me a peaceful easy feeling. I'm certain your sources won't let me down.
You're going to use THAT post as the, "coming from your sources, I feel good"??? Are you just that retarded to see that it was done tounge and cheek? Also, whenever something happens after I've stated...."This is what I'm hearing", have you ever seen where I come back stating, "See, I was right" or "I Told Ya'll"? The answer to that would be....nope. If what I'm hearing comes true....It was true, what I'd heard. If what I'm hearing doesn't come true....then, it wasn't true, what I'd heard. Who Cares??
If what I'm hearing about uat is true, then the NCAA might pull the trigger the time around, and it wouldn't be just because of the Textbook 5. And no, I'm not talking the "Death Penalty" (There will never be another University put to sleep).
You're going to use THAT post as the, "coming from your sources, I feel good"??? Are you just that retarded to see that it was done tounge and cheek? Also, whenever something happens after I've stated...."This is what I'm hearing", have you ever seen where I come back stating, "See, I was right" or "I Told Ya'll"? The answer to that would be....nope. If what I'm hearing comes true....It was true, what I'd heard. If what I'm hearing doesn't come true....then, it wasn't true, what I'd heard. Who Cares??
If what I'm hearing about uat is true, then the NCAA might pull the trigger the time around, and it wouldn't be just because of the Textbook 5. And no, I'm not talking the "Death Penalty" (There will never be another University put to sleep).
Alright then, what have you heard that is going to bring us down? You've mentioned Brandon Gibson. What else? Is this info 12th hand information that was posted by a "well connected" person from a paysite? Spill the beans, since it's obviously already making it's way around.
For the record, the person that wagered $500 bucks on Kirkpatrick to Auburn last spring didn't think for one second that you were tongue and cheek with your info. Dude straight up believed it was going to happen and claimed that you had "inside" connections which is why you made the post.
And the whole time, I was laughing my ass off. But, I did tell him that, it probably wouldn't be a good idea to make any kind of wager on a 18 year old. Also, I'd never seen that poster before...until he ran off with my "Yup, that's what I've heard".
As for giving up any more information, that I've heard, on the uat dealings with the NCAA. I'm going to wait, until I hear some more....because right now, it seems like pure speculation. Of course this is coming from the same person that started saying that uat had a PLOI in hand last year. So, who knows. Again, we shall see in the upcoming months.
So, exactly when will the "upcoming months" time line expire? Or will it carry into next year?
So, exactly when will the "upcoming months" time line expire? Or will it carry into next year?
Oh you're gonna' get yours alright, buddy. You just wait and see. Your come-uppance is up and coming.
Made that up mahself.
So, exactly when will the "upcoming months" time line expire? Or will it carry into next year?
But Terry, his sources said so. But wait, he doesn't have sources or inside info. But sometimes he does. Unless he's getting totally shamed in a thread, then he never claimed to have any kind of inside info or sources. But he knows stuff. And as sources. But doesn't. You know?
Oh you're gonna' get yours alright, buddy. You just wait and see. Your come-uppance is up and coming.
Made that up mahself.
Actually, my come-uppance already up and came, and is back down for at least an hour.
Actually, my come-uppance already up and came, and is back down for at least an hour.
You tease.
You tease.
Sprinters need down time between legs.
Prowler, since the NCAA has had the Gadsden packet in hand for months now, when is the PLOI going to drop?
Prowler, since the NCAA has had the Gadsden packet in hand for months now, when is the PLOI going to drop?
Before this season ends! You mark this down!
Before this season ends! You mark this down!
Prowler, any word on the Gadsden PLOI? When should we expect it? Why are you so quiet on the issue?
Prowler, what are your inside sources saying as far as the timeline on this PLOI?
Prowler, what are your inside sources saying as far as the timeline on this PLOI?
You could just say Bueller, Bueller? ... and we would get the point.
Prowler, what are your inside sources saying as far as the timeline on this PLOI?
It's already there...we just won't know about it until March of next year. Also, didn't you say that Petey Smith had a scholarship offer from SPuat? Yeah, I thought it was you....so, when you see him at practice, oh wait, he won't be practicing...or even enrolled in school until Maybe next year. Also, rws didn't you state that Kenneth Carter did have a Verbal offer from SPuat? Because I've got some really good information for ya.
It's already there...we just won't know about it until March of next year. Also, didn't you say that Petey Smith had a scholarship offer from SPuat? Yeah, I thought it was you....so, when you see him at practice, oh wait, he won't be practicing...or even enrolled in school until Maybe next year. Also, rws didn't you state that Kenneth Carter did have a Verbal offer from SPuat? Because I've got some really good information for ya.
I have no fucking idea what I said about Petey Smith. The best I can remember is I said he had an Auburn offer when some contended that the new staff pulled his offer because he didn't fit the new defense, and that was the reason he went to Alabama. And I said Carter didn't have a UA offer. You said he did, not me. What, did you find another PM that you sent on a board somewhere to cite as proof of something? And what do either of them have to do with the Gadsden PLOI, other than your ass is getting called out on it and you feel you need to quicklu divert attention because you know you are full of shit? But if Carter and Petey have something to do with Gadsden, then please continue. I know you have a hard time staying on track in threads when you are putting out total bullshit.
I have no fucking idea what I said about Petey Smith. The best I can remember is I said he had an Auburn offer when some contended that the new staff pulled his offer because he didn't fit the new defense, and that was the reason he went to Alabama. And I said Carter didn't have a UA offer. You said he did, not me. What, did you find another PM that you sent on a board somewhere to cite as proof of something? And what do either of them have to do with the Gadsden PLOI, other than your ass is getting called out on it and you feel you need to quicklu divert attention because you know you are full of shit? But if Carter and Petey have something to do with Gadsden, then please continue. I know you have a hard time staying on track in threads when you are putting out total bullshit.
The deal with Petey was that I told you and others that he didn't have a "firm" offer from Auburn or SPuat and you said that he must have one, since he's going to probably commit within a week or two. Looks like Petey still doesn't have a "firm" offer, now does it. About Kenneth Carter, even your own recruiting gurus have stated that he just had a verbal offer. Here's what I was going to tell you, every prospect for this upcoming signing class only has verbal offers, written offers can't go out until Sept. of their Senior year.
As for the upcoming PLOI, the skreets have stated that it's already in hand and SPuat is doing everything that they can to keep it from getting out.......sooooo, the skreets have spoken, sucks for you, LOL.
He's right on the written offer deal. I heard that on ESPN last night....so that pretty much makes it the gospel. None til Sept. of senior year so all offers are verbal at this point.
The deal with Petey was that I told you and others that he didn't have a "firm" offer from Auburn or SPuat and you said that he must have one, since he's going to probably commit within a week or two. Looks like Petey still doesn't have a "firm" offer, now does it. About Kenneth Carter, even your own recruiting gurus have stated that he just had a verbal offer. Here's what I was going to tell you, every prospect for this upcoming signing class only has verbal offers, written offers can't go out until Sept. of their Senior year.
As for the upcoming PLOI, the skreets have stated that it's already in hand and SPuat is doing everything that they can to keep it from getting out.......sooooo, the skreets have spoken, sucks for you, LOL.
And none of the other shit has a damn thing to do with Gadsden. Just a sad attempt by you to divert attention away from the fact that you are full of shit. Go sell the "still doesn't have a firm offer" bullshit to somebody else. William Vlachos was a greyshirt, and he's going to be our starting center this season. We've had other players greyshirt and then got scholarship. Petey knew he wasn't going to see the field this season at either school. If you claimed back then that you and whoever else knew he didn't have a "firm" offer and the kid committed, do you think he didn't know what was up? Quick, name a greyshirt over the past few years that greyshirted and then wasn't on the roster the next season. Yeah, let me know when you figure that one out.
On Kenneth Carter, please show me where our recruiting gurus are saying he has an offer. You're not telling me anything I don't know about them not having written offers yet. I stated that in a post on the Kenneth Carter thread when I pasted an explanation from BOL of the whole situation, and it stated that they did not have written offers until Sept as well. What does that have to do with the price of Skittles in China? We currently have 18 commits that have taken us up on these verbal offers. Obviously we would not accept a commitment from a kid when there is no intention of extending a written offer.
Now, is there anything you would like to add that has anything to do with the Gadsden PLOI? Like what exactly are they wanting info on. What players are being named, the exact info they are investigating. I don't want just sketchy info, because I'm sure you know more, right? Or are you going to come up with some other bullshit to otherwise skew the direction of the thread?
Sorry to disappoint ya, rws, but I will not be giving out anymore information than I already have...just know that, "it's bigger than Memphis".
Sorry to disappoint ya, rws, but I will not be giving out anymore information than I already have...just know that, "it's bigger than Memphis".
Of course Prowler, of course. I see I hit the nail on the head as far as you not knowing shit and not giving anything specific. Damn, I thought you knew things.
Of course Prowler, of course. I see I hit the nail on the head as far as you not knowing shit and not giving anything specific. Damn, I thought you knew things.
Not telling everyone everything, doesn't mean that I don't know things....and these are things that pertain to your beloved cesspool.
Not telling everyone everything, doesn't mean that I don't know things....and these are things that pertain to your beloved cesspool.
For the record, there is no time line on this ordeal? It's simply something that you can keep saying each year?
Not telling everyone everything, doesn't mean that I don't know things....and these are things that pertain to your beloved cesspool.
Auburn will be in trouble with the NCAA sometime in the next two years. Not telling you anything else, but I know things. Just because I won't tell you anything about it doesn't mean I don't know anything.
Wow, that was easy. Its good to know that your type of logic can be applied to almost anything.
It's already there...we just won't know about it until March of next year. Also, didn't you say that Petey Smith had a scholarship offer from SPuat? Yeah, I thought it was you....so, when you see him at practice, oh wait, he won't be practicing...or even enrolled in school until Maybe next year. Also, rws didn't you state that Kenneth Carter did have a Verbal offer from SPuat? Because I've got some really good information for ya.
Oh, and just as an additional fuck you on the whole Petey Smith issue......
http://blogs.tampabay.com/preps/ (http://blogs.tampabay.com/preps/)
Don't be shocked if former Armwood all-state linebacker Petey Smith doesn't suit up for the University of Alabama this fall.
Fact is, Hawks coach Sean Callahan said, that has been the plan all along.
Smith was among four members of the Crimson Tide's incoming freshman class not on the team's initial 105-man roster when Alabama reported for fall camp Wednesday. Smith is expected to "grayshirt," meaning he wouldn't enroll until January so his signing doesn't count against the current signing class.
"We have three potential guys...that will be pushed back to January in terms of them starting their college career," Tide coach Nick Saban said at his pre-camp news conference.
Callahan, reached Thursday, said Smith's grayshirt is not academic-related.
"That was always (the plan) because of (Alabama's) needs," Callahan said. "Petey always knew he was going in January from Day One and he was fine with that, but he was up there the whole summer working out."[/u]
Since, what coaches say is the end all be all, right?