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The Library => The SGA => Topic started by: Snaggletiger on June 27, 2024, 09:57:57 AM

Title: Will You Watch?
Post by: Snaggletiger on June 27, 2024, 09:57:57 AM
Tonight is the first Biden/Trump debate. I know I'll probably watch it, but there's a big part of me that also knows this will be one of the biggest shit shows on earth. I really hope I'm flat out wrong, and tomorrow people will be discussing what each of them said on the real issues facing this country.  The border, inflation, abortion, energy independence, to name a few. IMO, there is zero chance of that happening.  I said in a thread back when they announced these debates, that this was a bad idea all the way around.  Here's some of what I see happening.

First, CNN anchors, Jake Tapper and Dana Bash are moderating. Why in the blue blazing hell would anyone agree to this?  They, and their entire network hate Trump.  They literally spend 99.67% of their "political coverage" bashing the man.  I expect no less tonight.  The majority of the questions will be on January 6th, do you think the election was rigged, Stormie Daniels, classified documents etc. If they do ask something on the issues, like abortion, it will be asked, "Why do you think it's okay to take away women's rights?"

Biden has gone into hiding the last 10 days with the singular purpose of his handlers getting him prepped and propped up for this 1 1/2 hour circus.  Trump has been campaigning.  Why is that significant?  Because nobody can tell Trump a damn thing. He truly believes he can just walk up on that stage and take on anyone and everyone.  And I truly believe he's going up there to unleash on anyone and everyone.  It won't be a good look. It wasn't in their first debate last time, and it won't be again. After everything he's been put through, does anyone really think he can keep it in check tonight?  Not a chance.

The moderators, and Biden, will spend the majority of tonight avoiding the real issues, and posing questions and throwing one-liners with the sole intent of triggering Donald Trump. I see nothing good coming out of this debate. Bad idea.

Again, I hope I'm wrong.   
Title: Re: Will You Watch?
Post by: War Damn Six on June 27, 2024, 10:23:54 AM
I have some laundry to fold.  Otherwise, I’d be riveted.
Title: Re: Will You Watch?
Post by: Snakebite on June 27, 2024, 11:41:59 AM
I’ll have my popcorn ready. Expecting a shit show, where nothing important gets discussed. Just a lot of good, old fashioned, shit slinging.
Title: Re: Will You Watch?
Post by: jmar on June 27, 2024, 04:55:54 PM

I'll be watching.

Trump should explain right away that he will only answer questions about the real issues at hand and his ability to govern.

Not that hard for a guy that loves to talk about himself.
Title: Re: Will You Watch?
Post by: War Damn Six on June 27, 2024, 05:11:41 PM
I'll be watching.

Trump should explain right away that he will only answer questions about the real issues at hand and his ability to govern.

Not that hard for a guy that loves to talk about himself.

You act like he will have some sort of self control to not start firing little barbs at errbody. 
Title: Re: Will You Watch?
Post by: jmar on June 27, 2024, 05:28:54 PM
You act like he will have some sort of self control to not start firing little barbs at errbody. 
Never said he could resist but he can point out that he's giving CNN a ratings bump by agreeing to debate Sleepy Joe and his failed policies.
Title: Re: Will You Watch?
Post by: jmar on June 27, 2024, 05:32:25 PM
All I'm saying is refrain from answering anything in reference to Jan 6 and Stormy Daniel's trial...everything else on the table. 
Title: Re: Will You Watch?
Post by: Snaggletiger on June 27, 2024, 05:41:01 PM
It's like with my wife.  He has a gag order. 

I make her to gag all the time.
Title: Re: Will You Watch?
Post by: jmar on June 27, 2024, 05:57:45 PM
It's like with my wife.  He has a gag order. 

I make her to gag all the time.
Okay but I doubt that will come up in tonight's debate. I'm not sure that Trump can rattle someone that's barely cogent but it's worth landing a few early jabs just to test Biden's mental agility.
Title: Re: Will You Watch?
Post by: wesfau2 on June 27, 2024, 06:41:18 PM
Sleepy Joe and his failed policies.

I'm not a fanboy, but which, exactly, are failed?

Title: Re: Will You Watch?
Post by: jmar on June 27, 2024, 07:09:02 PM
I'm not a fanboy, but which, exactly, are failed?

Nor am I only the economy that I enjoyed while Trump was President was much more palatable as far as basic necessities, mostly in fuel and food. I could include the current border crisis and funding two wars along with some hot button issues that sway me conservative but personally I was in a much better place financially while Trump was in office and moreover I felt we showed much more strength as a nation under his leadership.
Title: Re: Will You Watch?
Post by: Kaos on June 27, 2024, 07:12:59 PM
I'm not a fanboy, but which, exactly, are failed?

Uhhhh, like ALL of them?  Good lord. Perhaps the dumbest question ever asked on this board.

To the topic?  No, I won't watch. 

Biden already has all the questions.  There is a mic in his ear.  He's pumped completely full of drugs. The "moderators" are going to cover for him. It is a farce.   

I'd watch, perhaps, if I knew in advance he was going to crap his pants or keel over.  That might be entertaining. But this format?  Negative, ghostrider. My political pattern is full.  I don't need to see this. I already know what each of them are about.
Title: Re: Will You Watch?
Post by: Snakebite on June 28, 2024, 07:09:25 AM
Uhhhh, like ALL of them?  Good lord. Perhaps the dumbest question ever asked on this board.

To the topic?  No, I won't watch. 

Biden already has all the questions.  There is a mic in his ear.  He's pumped completely full of drugs. The "moderators" are going to cover for him. It is a farce.   

I'd watch, perhaps, if I knew in advance he was going to crap his pants or keel over.  That might be entertaining. But this format?  Negative, ghostrider. My political pattern is full.  I don't need to see this. I already know what each of them are about.

Can’t believe it, but the moderators did a fantastic job of sticking to the script & not showing any favoritism.

Don’t expect Biden to be the nominee for the dems for much longer. The timing of the debate and the reaction from CNN immediately following lead me to believe it was a hit job all along to get him replaced. Trump spanked that ass.

Critiques of Trump:
1. He dodged multiple pointed questions where he could’ve put minds at ease for those on the fence.
2. Often, he was more focused on going on the offensive rather than laying out policy prescriptions.

Flash polling had 67% saying Trump won (on CNN’s platform, mind you). 33% didn’t watch and said Biden won the night.
Title: Re: Will You Watch?
Post by: Snaggletiger on June 28, 2024, 09:26:28 AM

Can’t believe it, but the moderators did a fantastic job of sticking to the script & not showing any favoritism.

Don’t expect Biden to be the nominee for the dems for much longer. The timing of the debate and the reaction from CNN immediately following lead me to believe it was a hit job all along to get him replaced. Trump spanked that ass.

Critiques of Trump:
1. He dodged multiple pointed questions where he could’ve put minds at ease for those on the fence.
2. Often, he was more focused on going on the offensive rather than laying out policy prescriptions.

Flash polling had 67% saying Trump won (on CNN’s platform, mind you). 33% didn’t watch and said Biden won the night.

I'll take a pie to the face for my OP.  94.3% wrong.  To your first point, I was pleasantly surprised at the way the moderators handled the whole thing, and better yet, the process of cutting mics off when time ran.  That made a huge difference, especially for two men who genuinely hate each other.

Clearly, the mods had instructions to let them both go off, and stay off topic until they finished talking.  And if there was time left, they re-asked the question. There was good and bad with that method, because while it allowed them to say what they wanted, it also gave them a chance to avoid issues they clearly didn't want to address.

That's the one issue I had with Trump last night.  After the break, all the way til the end, it really devolved into, I know you are, but what am I. You suck.  No, you suck.  No, you suck more. Unfortunately, we got about 30 minutes straight of that, whereas I thought Trump should have taken the high road and focused on the questions.

The funniest thing I saw last night on the bookfaces, and yes, I used it, was "God bless those poor closed caption people."
Title: Re: Will You Watch?
Post by: jmar on June 28, 2024, 09:50:25 AM
That rapid fire opening sequence memorized by Joe was super impressive for an 81 year old with a cold.

Title: Re: Will You Watch?
Post by: CCTAU on June 28, 2024, 05:02:14 PM
I'll take a pie to the face for my OP.  94.3% wrong.  To your first point, I was pleasantly surprised at the way the moderators handled the whole thing, and better yet, the process of cutting mics off when time ran.  That made a huge difference, especially for two men who genuinely hate each other.

Clearly, the mods had instructions to let them both go off, and stay off topic until they finished talking.  And if there was time left, they re-asked the question. There was good and bad with that method, because while it allowed them to say what they wanted, it also gave them a chance to avoid issues they clearly didn't want to address.

That's the one issue I had with Trump last night.  After the break, all the way til the end, it really devolved into, I know you are, but what am I. You suck.  No, you suck.  No, you suck more. Unfortunately, we got about 30 minutes straight of that, whereas I thought Trump should have taken the high road and focused on the questions.

The funniest thing I saw last night on the bookfaces, and yes, I used it, was "God bless those poor closed caption people."

Those moderators were great at moving along when ole pedoJoe started glitching.