Tigers X - Number one Source to Talk Auburn Tigers Sports
The Library => The SGA => Topic started by: Snaggletiger on April 26, 2023, 09:41:22 AM
Unfortunately, we have a President who can't put two coherent sentences together, and can barely read from a prompter. But our VP may be worse. This is a constant theme with her, apparently trying to speak in riddles. Here's a quote from her speech yesterday at Howard University, while speaking on abortion rights.
"So I think it's very important, as you have heard from so many incredible leaders for us at every moment in time and certainly this one, to see the moment in time in which we exist and are present, and to be able to contextualize it, to understand where we exist in the history and in the moment as it relates not only to the past but the future,"
All kidding aside, you have always tossed a pretty mean salad.
All kidding aside, you have always tossed a pretty mean salad.
You strike me as a jelly kind of guy.
You strike me as a jelly kind of guy.
Snags seems to like jalapeño jelly, unfortunately.
Snags seems to like jalapeño jelly, unfortunately.
Some like it hot.
Some like it hot.
Feel the heat, burning you up inside. Feel the heat, ready or not
More Word Salad from our VP, while speaking at the 2023 Essence of Culture event. Whatever the hell that is. Enjoy.
"Culture is — it is a reflection of our moment and our time. Right? And present culture is the way we express how we're feeling about the moment and we should always find times to express how we feel about the moment. That is a reflection of joy. Because, you know…it comes in the morning," Harris said, breaking into laughter.
She added, "We have to find ways to also express the way we feel about the moment in terms of just having language and a connection to how people are experiencing life. And I think about it in that way, too."
I got more out of Ms. South Carolina's answer to why children can't find places on a map.
I got more out of Ms. South Carolina's answer to why children can't find places on a map.
And like, of the Iraq, and places of such as....thank you.
More Word Salad from our VP, while speaking at the 2023 Essence of Culture event. Whatever the hell that is. Enjoy.
"Culture is — it is a reflection of our moment and our time. Right? And present culture is the way we express how we're feeling about the moment and we should always find times to express how we feel about the moment. That is a reflection of joy. Because, you know…it comes in the morning," Harris said, breaking into laughter.
She added, "We have to find ways to also express the way we feel about the moment in terms of just having language and a connection to how people are experiencing life. And I think about it in that way, too."
I got more out of Ms. South Carolina's answer to why children can't find places on a map.
She's the epitome of DEI.
No skills. No intelligence. No substance.
The only thing she knows is that words should be used and put together in some way, shape or form. If you don't like it? "ExxCUUUSEE me? I was SPEAKING.."
She's one of the many (many, many) uneducated who consider themselves intelligent for no other reason than they were passed along from job to job without qualifications.
She's the epitome of DEI.
No skills. No intelligence. No substance.
The only thing she knows is that words should be used and put together in some way, shape or form. If you don't like it? "ExxCUUUSEE me? I was SPEAKING.."
She's one of the many (many, many) uneducated who consider themselves intelligent for no other reason than they were passed along from job to job without qualifications.
I’m going to tell you this for your own good. Not because I disagree with you. But if you keep talking like this, Charles Barkley ain’t leaving you shit for a scholarship.
She's the epitome of DEI.
No skills. No intelligence. No substance.
The only thing she knows is that words should be used and put together in some way, shape or form. If you don't like it? "ExxCUUUSEE me? I was SPEAKING.."
She's one of the many (many, many) uneducated who consider themselves intelligent for no other reason than they were passed along from job to job without qualifications.
They don’t call her heels up Harris for nothing!
They don’t call her heels up Harris for nothing!
Callused knees Kamala too.
Word Salad Episode #4,619 In speaking with some Mongolian leader dude:
"Today, I am pleased to announce that the next steps in our work together will be about further expanding our partnership. In particular, we will discuss the work that we will do together to strengthen our space cooperation," Harris said. "You and I spoke briefly about the beginning of the next era — and, for you, what that means, in terms of your leadership and your vision for the future, and certainly, strengthening our space cooperation would be a part of that agenda — including, of course, using our space cooperation to think about how we strengthen the economic prosperity and development of our nations."
Word Salad Episode #4,619 In speaking with some Mongolian leader dude:
"Today, I am pleased to announce that the next steps in our work together will be about further expanding our partnership. In particular, we will discuss the work that we will do together to strengthen our space cooperation," Harris said. "You and I spoke briefly about the beginning of the next era — and, for you, what that means, in terms of your leadership and your vision for the future, and certainly, strengthening our space cooperation would be a part of that agenda — including, of course, using our space cooperation to think about how we strengthen the economic prosperity and development of our nations."
How do you feel about polls that say you're the worst vice president in US history?
*cackle* *cackle*
What if there were polls that said I was doing great? *cackle*
I heard some people said I had great approval ratings. *cackle*
Some of you motherfuckers refuse to understand that you can’t just get on here and say something negative about black women.
This is not the same internet as in the 1950s.
Two days ago, during a speech, Uncle Sniffy told a story. Less than 2 minutes later, he told the same story, verbatim. Well yesterday, while recognizing an individual for service, being neato and generally skippy, he said the following:
He said: "I know Sister Norma lives the lessons nuns taught me growing up. Lessons based on the Gospel of Matthew: feed the hungry, care for the sick, welcome strangers. They echo what my dad taught me, and I mean this sincerely, my dad used to say, ‘Everyone, everyone is entitled to be treated with dignity and respect.’ The Congressional Black Caucus embodies all those values."
Only problem? It was a meeting of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus.
If any of our parents were pulling the same, daily gaffes, and constantly tripping and falling, sometimes over nothing, we'd have them in assisted living. Sweet Haysus, he's in charge of our country.
Sweet Haysus, he's in charge of our country.
That's where you're wrong.
So, when he does actually speak to the Congressional Black Caucus.....
"Two of the great artists of our time represented the groundbreaking legacy of hip hop in America. L.L. J. Cool J, uhhh…" Biden stammered. "By the way, that boy's got – that man's got – biceps bigger than my thighs."
So, when he does actually speak to the Congressional Black Caucus.....
"Two of the great artists of our time represented the groundbreaking legacy of hip hop in America. L.L. J. Cool J, uhhh…" Biden stammered. "By the way, that boy's got – that man's got – biceps bigger than my thighs."
Any other politician ... well Republican politician ... says something like that?
Horrible, unforgivable gaffes.
Hope you're holding the GOP frontrunner to the same standard, cuz your boy is out here forgetting where he is most days. Thought Jeb Bush started the war Iraq, thinks he's running against Obama this time around. Bad shit.
Horrible, unforgivable gaffes.
Hope you're holding the GOP frontrunner to the same standard, cuz your boy is out here forgetting where he is most days. Thought Jeb Bush started the war Iraq, thinks he's running against Obama this time around. Bad shit.
JFC. Just JFC.
Calling LL Cool J, "that boy", is just the tip of the iceberg for JB.
He once referred to Satchel Page as, "that great Negro at the time".
Remember when he said, "A kid wearing a hoodie may be the next Poet Laureate, not a gangbanger."
How about, "Poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids."
Great campaign strategy, when he said, "If you have trouble figuring out who to vote for, me or Trump, you ain't black."
The list of senile fuck ups is almost endless. Like writing a long statement of condolences for the loss of Indiana Rep. Jackie Walorski, after she died in a car crash, and then eight weeks later at a WH Conference, asking where Jackie is....where's Jackie? I thought she was going to be here.
Standing at the podium, and then turning right with your hand extended, to shake the hand of nobody, because there's nobody there. And then leaving it extended...for nobody.
Telling the people of Hawaii that he and the first lady understand what they're going through, after the devastating fires that ravaged the island and killed well over 100 people, because he almost lost his 67' Corvette years ago in a fire. Turns out it was a small kitchen fire.
Claiming that growing up in Delaware around oil refineries caused him to have severe asthma.
Claiming that growing up in Delaware around oil refineries caused him to have cancer.
It goes on and on and on and on. Such as his reading the text from the teleprompter, then reading, "End of quote. Repeat the line." Now to be fair, despite seeing the full video numerous times, FactCheck.org says it never happened that way. Thank God for FactCheck. You know, the entity working with facebook to debunk misinformation?
The man has zero business as Commander in Chief.
Horrible, unforgivable gaffes.
Hope you're holding the GOP frontrunner to the same standard, cuz your boy is out here forgetting where he is most days. Thought Jeb Bush started the war Iraq, thinks he's running against Obama this time around. Bad shit.
CNN is on it. so is MSNBC...wait Fox too.
This isn’t about President Donald J Trump.
It’s about the most corrupt, inept, destructive administration in the history of America. It’s about the cackling, nonsensical emptiness spewed by the worst Vice President, by far, in US history. She makes the vapid Dan Quayle look like a genius. It’s become about the most corrupt, immoral president ever. About his obvious lack of cognitive capacity. About his long and documented history of lying. He’s like Big Fish. It big fish showered with his teenage daughter, used his position to enrich himself and his kids, married his babysitter (and made moves on her when she was 16), extorted bribes, and inappropriately groped random kids.
Those are the issues. Not whatever Trump may have said or done.
And again, I've made my position clear. Despite going against the conservative flow, I do not want Donald Trump anywhere near the Oval Orifice.
I just can't believe a man who can barely stand, has no clue who he is addressing, and has massive amounts of trouble simply reading from a teleprompter, is President.
Gonna need a ruling.
Is J.Biden:
a) Mentally incompetent and unfit for the office; or
b) Running the most devious and corrupt regime to ever stain the planet?
I'll hang up and listen.
Gonna need a ruling.
Is J.Biden:
a) Mentally incompetent and unfit for the office; or
b) Running the most devious and corrupt regime to ever stain the planet?
I'll hang up and listen.
Many times in society, B can be the reason for A - and vice versa. They aren't mutually exclusive.
Many times in society, B can be the reason for A - and vice versa. They aren't mutually exclusive.
I'm not extolling the virtues of an octegarun-tocracy (??)...just looking for some consistency.
Between the twin tales of JB and someone acknowledging that Capt Crap His Pants is fucking off the res as well.
Gonna need a ruling.
Is J.Biden:
a) Mentally incompetent and unfit for the office; or
b) Running the most devious and corrupt regime to ever stain the planet?
I'll hang up and listen.
One does not preclude the other.
He’s been a grifter and a grafter all his life. Most of the corruption and revenue stream was done before he completely started to fail mentally.
Now? He’s faded. But his sycophants and controllers are making sure the pay keeps rolling and he stands where he’s supposed to.
His mind is deteriorating. You know that. There is no debate. Doesn’t make him any less crooked. You know that as well.
He’s not in charge. He says what he’s told to say.
I'm not extolling the virtues of an octegarun-tocracy (??)...just looking for some consistency.
Between the twin tales of JB and someone acknowledging that Capt Crap His Pants is fucking off the res as well.
One does not preclude the other.
He’s been a grifter and a grafter all his life. Most of the corruption and revenue stream was done before he completely started to fail mentally.
Now? He’s faded. But his sycophants and controllers are making sure the pay keeps rolling and he stands where he’s supposed to.
His mind is deteriorating. You know that. There is no debate. Doesn’t make him any less crooked. You know that as well.
He’s not in charge. He says what he’s told to say.
His Presidency is pretty much a reenactment of "Weekend at Bernie's", except this time written as a sad/dramatic docuseries, with comedic elements (if it weren't real life).
Give me any of 'em over a Clinton. They're an intentional evil, and have too many bodies piled up around them to be coincidental.
Democrats need to rally behind a candidate that has some conservative views (fiscal especially) if they want to win in 2024. Drop the extremist, fringe views on established social norms. The reaction to the past 4 years will otherwise equal a landslide victory for Republicans.
His Presidency is pretty much a reenactment of "Weekend at Bernie's", except this time written as a sad/dramatic docuseries, with comedic elements (if it weren't real life).
Give me any of 'em over a Clinton. They're an intentional evil, and have too many bodies piled up around them to be coincidental.
Democrats need to rally behind a candidate that has some conservative views (fiscal especially) if they want to win in 2024. Drop the extremist, fringe views on established social norms. The reaction to the past 4 years will otherwise equal a landslide victory for Republicans.
You don’t think Hillary knows where his bodies are buried and calls a lot of the shots for this “administration?”
Democrats need to rally behind a candidate that has some conservative views (fiscal especially) if they want to win in 2024. Drop the extremist, fringe views on established social norms. The reaction to the past 4 years will otherwise equal a landslide victory for Republicans.
There isn't a single GOP candidate that will challenge the incumbent. Not one.
Trump is the best they have, and he's headed to the hoosegow. NY just dissolved all fictitious names for his (and his "adult sons") companies. The curtain has been pulled back and uncle RICO is parked in the driveway.
There isn't a single GOP candidate that will challenge the incumbent. Not one.
Trump is the best they have, and he's headed to the hoosegow. NY just dissolved all fictitious names for his (and his "adult sons") companies. The curtain has been pulled back and uncle RICO is parked in the driveway.
You serious, Clark?
You serious, Clark?
Gimme one.
Remembering that the GOP frontrunner is twice impeached, facing 91 felony charges, is a convicted sexual offender AND SDNY just ruled against him and his "adult sons" in his TrumpOrg fraud trial.
Hit me with the metrics!
There isn't a single GOP candidate that will challenge the incumbent. Not one.
Trump is the best they have, and he's headed to the hoosegow. NY just dissolved all fictitious names for his (and his "adult sons") companies. The curtain has been pulled back and uncle RICO is parked in the driveway.
You are not an idiot. Too bad you play one on this board.
Gimme one.
Remembering that the GOP frontrunner is twice impeached, facing 91 felony charges, is a convicted sexual offender AND SDNY just ruled against him and his "adult sons" in his TrumpOrg fraud trial.
Hit me with the metrics!
And the next guy on the poll after that is trailing about 30 points.
And the next guy on the poll after that is trailing about 30 points.
After 2016, I don’t trust the polls. It also will change drastically when he has to defend his presidency to opposition, and starts rambling incoherently.
I fully expect him to back down due to health reasons to make way for a Michelle Obama run, or a Hillary rerun.
Robert Kennedy, in my opinion, is the best bet for the left to win conservative votes. Doesn’t march “in step” on every issue.
Gimme one.
Remembering that the GOP frontrunner is twice impeached, facing 91 felony charges, is a convicted sexual offender AND SDNY just ruled against him and his "adult sons" in his TrumpOrg fraud trial.
Hit me with the metrics!
You may be right on one being able to challenge.
And I think that’s different than someone being a better option in a general. I think several others running would beat Biden in a general easily. Without the baggage of trump - whether baggage is warranted or not.
Just wait till that mueller report come out, they’ll have him then…
Just wait till that mueller report come out, they’ll have him then…
Piss, hookers, Russia.
Gimme one.
Donald J. Trump.
Already beat him once.
Donald J. Trump.
Already beat him once.
He’s going to jail for Russian collusion or an insurrection. Or, something new.
She's the epitome of DEI.
No skills. No intelligence. No substance.
The only thing she knows is that words should be used and put together in some way, shape or form. If you don't like it? "ExxCUUUSEE me? I was SPEAKING.."
She's one of the many (many, many) uneducated who consider themselves intelligent for no other reason than they were passed along from job to job without qualifications.
Doesn't she have a law degree?
Joe, while speaking at a Wisconsin brewery yesterday.
"The beer brewed here, it is used to make the brew beered here. Oh, Earth Rider, thanks for the Great Lakes. I wonder why…"
Joe, while speaking at a Wisconsin brewery yesterday.
"The beer brewed here, it is used to make the brew beered here. Oh, Earth Rider, thanks for the Great Lakes. I wonder why…"
We are so fucked.
Speaking at some Congressional Hispanic Caucus, or some shit, our VP had these words of wisdom:
"I grew up understanding the children of the community are the children of the community, and we should all have a vested interest in ensuring that children can go grow up with the resources that they need to achieve their God-given potential,"
Speaking at some Congressional Hispanic Caucus, or some shit, our VP had these words of wisdom:
"I grew up understanding the children of the community are the children of the community, and we should all have a vested interest in ensuring that children can go grow up with the resources that they need to achieve their God-given potential,"
she also developed a Latino accent too.
she also developed a Latino accent too.
When/if she speaks to the Asian community, that’ll be must watch TV for me.
she also developed a Latino accent too.
Well....she IS hispanic this week. #pandering101
Remember Hillary in Selma? "we've come too fahhrrrrrrrr"