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The Library => Broun Hall => Topic started by: Snaggletiger on June 28, 2018, 12:02:49 AM
be seeing this. As I've said, I'm a big fan of the one man vigilante movies like Steven Seagal, Jason Statham etc. Don't give 2 shits about the acting. Just love to see the evil dudes get wasted in wicked ways.
The original Equalizer movie/remake was a bit weak. I was let down with Denzel's character. Too much brooding and not enough action. Watched it a couple of times since seeing it at the theater and I appreciate it a bit more, but still doesn't rise to "First Blood" level by any means.
This trailer looks promising. I don't want in-depth story lines. I want bad guys doing evil things. Good/Evil guy comes to send you all to hell in ways we all fantacize about.
https://youtu.be/EiaVnU18pcs (https://youtu.be/EiaVnU18pcs)
Line of the movie....Who are you?
"Your Father, your Mamma just didn't tell you."
adding to the list.
95% of the shit Denzel is in is a must watch.
adding to the list.
Did you add the first one as well?
Did you add the first one as well?
I thought this was going to be a thread about cutting bitches, then I remembered that Snaggs has never cut a bitch.
I thought this was going to be a thread about cutting bitches, then I remembered that Snaggs has never cut a bitch.
(http://devinism.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/6c96e5c5c2be856fddd6ef3e4fadc806_-i-will-cut-you-meme-i-will-cut-u-meme_600-449.jpeg) (http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiE88Pv3fbbAhXImq0KHUXEAbMQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=http%3A%2F%2Fdevinism.com%2Fhow-to-fix-credit-score-the-absurdity-of-credit-card-debt-and-credit-scores%2F6c96e5c5c2be856fddd6ef3e4fadc806_-i-will-cut-you-meme-i-will-cut-u-meme_600-449%2F&psig=AOvVaw3uNbMKMqbSaFxUdsoM0xEK&ust=1530287970930255)
I thought this was going to be a thread about cutting bitches, then I remembered that Snaggs has never cut a bitch.
I just assumed from the title and poster that after the ...it would read “take it in the buttâ€.
be seeing this. As I've said, I'm a big fan of the one man vigilante movies like Steven Seagal, Jason Statham etc. Don't give 2 shits about the acting. Just love to see the evil dudes get wasted in wicked ways.
The original Equalizer movie/remake was a bit weak. I was let down with Denzel's character. Too much brooding and not enough action. Watched it a couple of times since seeing it at the theater and I appreciate it a bit more, but still doesn't rise to "First Blood" level by any means.
This trailer looks promising. I don't want in-depth story lines. I want bad guys doing evil things. Good/Evil guy comes to send you all to hell in ways we all fantacize about.
https://youtu.be/EiaVnU18pcs (https://youtu.be/EiaVnU18pcs)
Yep enjoyed the first one for what it was. No story but great training video if you are caught in Home Depot with an active shooter situation. Will bootleg.
I just assumed from the title and poster that after the ...it would read “take it in the buttâ€.
Well, there's that too. It was the second thought I had about what the subject of this thread was. We all know how much he and CCTAU likes each others sausage.
Well, there's that too. It was the second thought I had about what the subject of this thread was. We all know how much he and CCTAU likes each others sausage.
Dammit man. I didn't know any better. It was my first time meeting him. None of you warned me!
Next time I'll have to hide the sausage...
Dammit man. I didn't know any better. It was my first time meeting him. None of you warned me!
Next time I'll have to hide the sausage...
Gotta have situational awareness. You should remember and live by what Mad Dog Mattis said......"Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet".
You could have taken the knife away from him and cut a bitch. Lord knows he isn't going to.
If you say Jesus backwards, it sounds like sausage.
Gotta have situational awareness. You should remember and live by what Mad Dog Mattis said......"Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet".
You could have taken the knife away from him and cut a bitch. Lord knows he isn't going to.
He didn’t use a knife. He used his teeth.
Oh God. I’m going to hell aren’t I...
Mad Dog Mattis said......"Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet".
I thought Snags already had something similar, "Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to blow everybody you meet."
I thought Snags already had something similar, "Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to blow everybody you meet."
That is true, but I thought CCTAU to be a little more manly than Snaggs.
(https://tysonscore3.azureedge.net/assets/media/jimmydeanv2/sausage.ashx?h=418&w=341&la=en) (https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwith9TQ2PnbAhVHq1kKHf9PC8YQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.jimmydean.com%2Four-story&psig=AOvVaw0VD1ndVNj-LCJBI_ozDdHP&ust=1530389856188237)
Dammit man. I didn't know any better. It was my first time meeting him. None of you warned me!
Next time I'll have to hide the sausage...
I cannot believe that you would tease Snags about hiding the sausage like this. He has to wait all summer and until the season starts.
unless you guys have something planned to get together before then. Which, there’s nothing wrong with that. You guys are grown men. We should all be open minded.