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The Library => The SGA => Topic started by: Kaos on February 19, 2017, 09:36:19 AM
The media bias against President Trump is blatant and overt (CNN, Rachel Madcow bawling, Seth Meyer, SNL). But it's also subtle, planting ideas in people's heads with inferences slipped into articles that, on their face, aren't seen as ragingly anti-Trump.
Take this paragraph inserted into a fairly innocuous article about his Florida speech (which was wrongly classified as a 'campaign rally').
Trump has lurched from crisis to crisis since the inauguration, including the botched rollout of his immigration order, struggles confirming his Cabinet picks and a near-constant stream of reports about strife within his administration.
Let's take this one bogus assertion at a time.
1) President Trump hasn't "lurched" anywhere. That word alone makes it look as if he's shambled through the White House, slamming into walls and stumbling. Simply not true.
2) The rollout of his immigration order was not "botched" by his hand. It was sabotaged by liberal, wrong-headed activist judges and assailed by a misinformed bunch of nancy pants fucks who protested without a)understanding what they were actually protesting or b) having any clear idea of what outcome they wanted to achieve through their protests. That's hardly "botched." In fact, it was rolled out perfectly and had the agitating judges done their jobs we'd all be safer today.
3) Struggles confirming his Cabinet selections. And that's his fault? No, it's the democrats with their underwear on their head and their lances pointed at windmills who are causing this problem. Not Trump.
4) "Near constant stream of reports about strife." Reports from a left-driven media on a mission to delegitimize and take down an elected president with which they do not agree and cannot stomach. From Rachel Madcow's "we are in hell", to Seth Meyers snide rants, to the lies spewing from the Times and Globe, to CNN ridiculing his every move? The "stream of reports" is vastly overinflated and very likely mostly fabricated.
But this is how the left wants you to see this President, a man who is action not talk (the opposite of their beloved Obama), a man who is deeply patriotic and America-first (the antithesis of their beloved Obama), a man who is results-driven (again in direct contrast to 'its all about feelings' Obama), a man who is blunt and direct (once more the opposite of their beloved jive-speak Obama) and a man who is doing what he believes he was elected to do (again not what their beloved 'I'm really Islamic' Obama did).
This is the problem. It's a major problem. We've got people in the intelligence community substituting their own political biases for their duty as agents -- because of their loyalty to Obama and their belief in the media.
I don't want Trump to be a dictator, but he's in a position to where he really needs to clean house. Anybody who is leaking information to the press or anybody else needs to be fired and prosecuted. I fully support his combative stance with a media that's already judged and sentenced him and sees itself as the executor. I don't want him to "soften" or capitulate. We've got to drive all the remnants of Obama's divisive, racist, globalist influence out of Washington. I'd like to drive it out of America and hope that it pulled all of the Bernie Sanders socialists out in its wake.
"Trump's attacks on the American press as 'enemies of the American people' are more treacherous than Richard Nixon's attacks on the press," former Washington Post reporter Carl Bernstein.
"Trump's attacks on the American press as 'enemies of the American people' are more treacherous than Richard Nixon's attacks on the press," former Washington Post reporter Carl Bernstein.
Fuck his crusty ass too.
You forgot about a major problem that people are beginning to realize...He gets his briefings from Fox News then wrongly references it during a rally.
"You look at what’s happening, we’ve got to keep our country safe. You look at what’s happening in Germany, you look at what’s happening last night in Sweden. Sweden, who would believe this?†- Trump rally speech
"Sweden, they took in large numbers. They’re having problems like they never thought possible.†- Trump rally speech
"Mr. Trump did not mean to suggest that a particular attack had happened the night before, but rather was talking about crime in general in Sweden." - Whitehouse spokeswoman Sarah Sanders (nevermind crime being on a decline since '05 in Sweden)
"My statement as to what’s happening in Sweden was in reference to a story that was broadcast on @FoxNews concerning immigrants & Sweden.†- Trump tweet
The Fox News story was a interview, from the night before, with a filmmaker.
You forgot about a major problem that people are beginning to realize...He gets his briefings from Fox News then wrongly references it during a rally.
"You look at what’s happening, we’ve got to keep our country safe. You look at what’s happening in Germany, you look at what’s happening last night in Sweden. Sweden, who would believe this?†- Trump rally speech
"Sweden, they took in large numbers. They’re having problems like they never thought possible.†- Trump rally speech
"Mr. Trump did not mean to suggest that a particular attack had happened the night before, but rather was talking about crime in general in Sweden." - Whitehouse spokeswoman Sarah Sanders (nevermind crime being on a decline since '05 in Sweden)
"My statement as to what’s happening in Sweden was in reference to a story that was broadcast on @FoxNews concerning immigrants & Sweden.†- Trump tweet
The Fox News story was a interview, from the night before, with a filmmaker.
The MSM said "terrorist attack" he just mentioned problems due to influx. Once again, the MSM tries to control the narrative with a guy who doesn't need them nor want them.
The MSM said "terrorist attack" he just mentioned problems due to influx. Once again, the MSM tries to control the narrative with a guy who doesn't need them nor want them.
This. And I've been reading about the problems in Sweden for years.
He's right. But the mewling bitches want to create controversy where there is none.
The MSM said "terrorist attack" he just mentioned problems due to influx. Once again, the MSM tries to control the narrative with a guy who doesn't need them nor want them.
There was a terrorist attack recently in Sweden, last month 3 neo-nazis were arrested after they tried to blow up a refugee center with a homemade bomb (injured 1 person).
There was a terrorist attack recently in Sweden, last month 3 neo-nazis were arrested after they tried to blow up a refugee center with a homemade bomb (injured 1 person).
Move to Iran.
Trump's actual quote from Saturday:
Here's the bottom line. We've got to keep our country safe. You look at what's happening in Germany, you look at what's happening last night in Sweden. Sweden, who would believe this. Sweden. They took in large numbers. They're having problems like they never thought possible. You look at what's happening in Brussels. You look at what's happening all over the world. Take a look at Nice. Take a look at Paris. We've allowed thousands and thousands of people into our country and there was no way to vet these people. There was no documentation. There was no nothing. So we're going to keep our country safe.
Is that when he just stands there like he's had a lobotomy and drools on the mic?
Is that when he just stands there like he's had a lobotomy and drools on the mic?
Wife used the microwave while I was typing again and the plate in my head which isn't big enough for disability gave me a little spark.
Is that when he just stands there like he's had a lobotomy and drools on the mic?
Poor fella tries. But he doesn't quit. And that means something.
Trump's actual quote from Saturday:
Like I said, his quote on Sweden was in reference to something he saw the night before on Fox News, when they were interviewing a filmmaker. Not that hard to understand.
I'm telling GF about all of the hashtags.
Like I said, his quote on Sweden was in reference to something he saw the night before on Fox News, when they were interviewing a filmmaker. Not that hard to understand.
Keep trying Phillip
Keep trying Phillip
Make a relevant post Richard.
Make a relevant post Richard.
Says the guy that shares conspiracy junk articles, calls names and hashtags everything?
And the post was relevant. You are spinning your wheels. Like Phillip.
The fact that drooling morons like Seth Meyer and John Oliver have piled on the Sweden comment shows just how pathetic that side of the argument truly is.
Trump is looking at the big picture. It's not just terrorism that is a problem with the Islamic infiltration, it's the systematic breakdown of the native society when overwhelmed by a culture that refuses to assimilate.
Sweden does have a tremendous problem as a result of the millions of Islamic immigrants that have flooded the country in the last 40 years. It is losing its identity and its safety.
For hundreds of years immigrants wanted to come to America to have a shot at the American dream. That's not why the Islamic population wants in, however.
Mock all you want, but look at Dearborn. That's not assimilation, that's a coup.
that's a coup.
So is someone in the intelligence community working to actively subvert the POTUS (the Michael Flynn leaker), but the press doesn't give a shit about that anymore, because it's last week's news.
Trump is looking at the big picture. It's not just terrorism that is a problem with the Islamic infiltration, it's the systematic breakdown of the native society when overwhelmed by a culture that refuses to assimilate.
100% this, and I feel that is where we were headed (hopefully not any longer). We don't have an immigration problem we have assimilation problem. We have folks who want to move here and make this like their home. Fuck that, go back home and fight for your own country, to come and try to change ours.
Overt and subtle. As has been talked about, Pres. Trump referenced what's happening in Sweden, which gave the media more opportunity to twist, spin and essentially put words in the man's mouth, assigning their own meaning to his comments. Trump clarified that his remarks were in reference to a Fox News report, which gives me great pause for :facepalm: Not so much for Fox News but more for our President making public comments based on any media outlet stories. The man has to learn. But I read the reports from Fox and other sources just to get an idea of what the fuss seemed to be about. So today, I see where there are reports of riots breaking out in a heavily immigrant populated area of Sweden. Again, I decided to venture to several news "sources" to get the story. And here we have the headline and first paragraph of the story as presented by the Washington Post..
Riots erupt in Sweden’s capital just days after Trump comments
Just two days after President Trump provoked widespread consternation by seeming to imply, incorrectly, that immigrants had perpetrated a recent spate of violence in Sweden, riots broke out in a predominantly immigrant neighborhood in the northern suburbs of Sweden's capital, Stockholm.
Notice anything overt and/or subtle about this? To the lay person, first glance tells you President Donald Trump caused the riots with his comments. But no media bias here. Move along, nothing to see.
Overt and subtle. As has been talked about, Pres. Trump referenced what's happening in Sweden, which gave the media more opportunity to twist, spin and essentially put words in the man's mouth, assigning their own meaning to his comments. Trump clarified that his remarks were in reference to a Fox News report, which gives me great pause for :facepalm: Not so much for Fox News but more for our President making public comments based on any media outlet stories. The man has to learn. But I read the reports from Fox and other sources just to get an idea of what the fuss seemed to be about. So today, I see where there are reports of riots breaking out in a heavily immigrant populated area of Sweden. Again, I decided to venture to several news "sources" to get the story. And here we have the headline and first paragraph of the story as presented by the Washington Post..
Riots erupt in Sweden’s capital just days after Trump comments
Just two days after President Trump provoked widespread consternation by seeming to imply, incorrectly, that immigrants had perpetrated a recent spate of violence in Sweden, riots broke out in a predominantly immigrant neighborhood in the northern suburbs of Sweden's capital, Stockholm.
Notice anything overt and/or subtle about this? To the lay person, first glance tells you President Donald Trump caused the riots with his comments. But no media bias here. Move along, nothing to see.
This is craziness
Here's another example:
Trump's long and tangled history with anti-Semitism
This hit piece trots out half of Prowler's memes.
America First is a Nazi slogan!1!!
Steve Bannon supports white nationalists!!213!
Trump didn't disavow David Duke!!!1!1!
Hate groups rose because of Trump!1!!1
Trump insulted Jews saying he doesnt' want their money because we all know Jews are money!!!2!!
Trump put a Star of David on money!!1!!!1!! He hates Jeews!
Trump criticized the global financial power structure using a picture that had JEEEWWWS in it!!!!1!!
This is the kind of pathetic garbage that's being flung.
Here's one more.
In case you haven't noticed the economy is exploding as businesses anticipate growth under this great new president. The stock market has enjoyed stronger growth in President Trump's first month than under any other president in nearly 100 years.
Maybe you recall the media's dire predictions that a Trump presidency would tank the market. In October, CNN issued this dire warning: If Donald Trump wins the election, U.S. stocks (and likely many other markets overseas) will almost certainly tank. How big of a drop? Forecasting firm Macroeconomic Advisors predicts an 8% fall in the U.S. A new paper out Friday from the Brookings Institute projects a 10% to 15% nosedive. You get the idea.
Nope. Instead the market has exploded.
So how does USAToday portray it today?
Wall Street ignores Trump missteps - for now
It rehashes all the ProwlerMeme talking points, and issues more dire warnings in a series of "if this happens.." scenarios.
Can you imagine the knob slobbing that would have taken place had the stock market performed as it has while Obama was in office?
The disparity in treatment is egregious.
Here's one more.
In case you haven't noticed the economy is exploding as businesses anticipate growth under this great new president. The stock market has enjoyed stronger growth in President Trump's first month than under any other president in nearly 100 years.
Maybe you recall the media's dire predictions that a Trump presidency would tank the market. In October, CNN issued this dire warning: If Donald Trump wins the election, U.S. stocks (and likely many other markets overseas) will almost certainly tank. How big of a drop? Forecasting firm Macroeconomic Advisors predicts an 8% fall in the U.S. A new paper out Friday from the Brookings Institute projects a 10% to 15% nosedive. You get the idea.
Nope. Instead the market has exploded.
So how does USAToday portray it today?
Wall Street ignores Trump missteps - for now
It rehashes all the ProwlerMeme talking points, and issues more dire warnings in a series of "if this happens.." scenarios.
Can you imagine the knob slobbing that would have taken place had the stock market performed as it has while Obama was in office?
The disparity in treatment is egregious.
When they can't sabotage him after 100 days AND the economy is booming AND we aren't in our 7th war they'll eventually grow tired of being wrong and STFU. Hopefully.
And then there's THIS shit.
Rory takes penalty strokes for golfing with Trump
But because you spend a lot of time in the United States, Rory, and had a pulse throughout all of last year, you probably remember that Trump bragged about sexually assaulting women, mocked a disabled reporter and went after Gold Star parents Khizr and Ghazala Khan for days, among many other disgusting and distasteful antics.
Then again, that’s not your problem, right? It’s not like he has done anything really horrible, like cheating at golf.
This a day after a glowingly wonderful piece on Obama clowning around and windsurfing with the CEO of Virgin Airlines.
They're going to push us over the limit.
At least they are backing off of prowlers cocaine and underage girls accusations!
And then there's THIS shit.
Rory takes penalty strokes for golfing with Trump
But because you spend a lot of time in the United States, Rory, and had a pulse throughout all of last year, you probably remember that Trump bragged about sexually assaulting women, mocked a disabled reporter and went after Gold Star parents Khizr and Ghazala Khan for days, among many other disgusting and distasteful antics.
Then again, that’s not your problem, right? It’s not like he has done anything really horrible, like cheating at golf.
This a day after a glowingly wonderful piece on Obama clowning around and windsurfing with the CEO of Virgin Airlines.
They're going to push us over the limit.
Hey look Kaos...Trump is golfing like he has done the past three weekends. Weren't you bitching about Obama golfing, basically in lock step with Trump? Btw, that was a rhetorical question. #MicDrop