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The Library => The SGA => Topic started by: Kaos on July 08, 2016, 09:28:56 AM

Title: Muslim In Chief a co-conspirator in Texas shootings
Post by: Kaos on July 08, 2016, 09:28:56 AM
This motherfucking clown should be indicted as a co-conspirator in the Texas shootings. He never supports the police officers, he always takes sides against them and his comments have created a climate where the Texas fools feel justified in launching a Purge-type rampage. 

Fuck Obama.  He's the worst excuse for a president in American history.  He's a closet Islamic agitator. It sickens me that this fucking fuck got elected twice because people are stupid.


"When incidents like this occur, there's a big chunk of our fellow citizenry that feels as if it's because of the color of their skin, they are not being treated the same," Obama said. "And that hurts. And that should trouble all of us."

Obama's diagnosis of the problem reflected a growing sense of frustration and willingness to speak out publicly about police killings despite the risk of making law enforcement officers feel under attack.

Title: Re: Muslim In Chief a co-conspirator in Texas shootings
Post by: GH2001 on July 08, 2016, 09:42:24 AM
This motherfucking clown should be indicted as a co-conspirator in the Texas shootings. He never supports the police officers, he always takes sides against them and his comments have created a climate where the Texas fools feel justified in launching a Purge-type rampage. 

Fuck Obama.  He's the worst excuse for a president in American history.  He's a closet Islamic agitator. It sickens me that this fucking fuck got elected twice because people are stupid.


"When incidents like this occur, there's a big chunk of our fellow citizenry that feels as if it's because of the color of their skin, they are not being treated the same," Obama said. "And that hurts. And that should trouble all of us."

Obama's diagnosis of the problem reflected a growing sense of frustration and willingness to speak out publicly about police killings despite the risk of making law enforcement officers feel under attack.

Totally agree.

I'm in an unusually uncivil mood today because of all this so yes I am going to agree fully. F this shit. F this mf'ing excuse for a leader. The Dallas Police chief said in his presser that they don't feel like they have any support out there. That says it all. They didn't wear any riot or extra bullet proof gear because they get critiqued for looking militant and intimidating. F that. This is total horseshit and should never have happened. A real leader could have squashed this and actually LEAD!
Title: Re: Muslim In Chief a co-conspirator in Texas shootings
Post by: Token on July 08, 2016, 09:49:55 AM
I am absolutely appalled at the comments made by the President of the United States.  I no longer want to hear or read anyone who voted for this current administration to say a single thing about Trump not being worthy to be the leader of this country.  Trump says stupid shit that I would prefer our President to not say, but what Obama has said in the last 24 hours is just as bad and just as racist.
Title: Re: Muslim In Chief a co-conspirator in Texas shootings
Post by: Token on July 08, 2016, 09:52:23 AM
I'll leave another truth that very few people will want to see. IF anyone is going to be in law enforcement in this country, and you are white, you better work somewhere that has high percentage of the white demographic in your jurisdiction.  You couldn't pay me $100,000 a year to be a patrol officer in a big city.
Title: Re: Muslim In Chief a co-conspirator in Texas shootings
Post by: GH2001 on July 08, 2016, 09:54:09 AM
I am absolutely appalled at the comments made by the President of the United States.  I no longer want to hear or read anyone who voted for this current administration to say a single thing about Trump not being worthy to be the leader of this country.  Trump says stupid shit that I would prefer our President to not say, but what Obama has said in the last 24 hours is just as bad and just as racist.

A lot of people out there support you guys man. In fact I've been making it a point to tell any LEO I see the same thing and that they are appreciated. Without you guys we have anarchy and some of us get that. Thanks for what you do man. Most sane citizens really appreciate it.
Title: Re: Muslim In Chief a co-conspirator in Texas shootings
Post by: Buzz Killington on July 08, 2016, 10:00:52 AM
What's just as bad if not even worse than our own Muslim in chief's comments are the way the mainstream media portrayed the two incidents earlier in the week vs. last night's racially motivated ambush.

EVERY report you see or hear today starts out with something to the effect of 5 cops shot after a "peaceful protest".  Maybe I have been watching the wrong protests, but I have yet to see anything peaceful coming from the blacklivesmatter movement.
Title: Re: Muslim In Chief a co-conspirator in Texas shootings
Post by: GH2001 on July 08, 2016, 10:08:22 AM
What's just as bad if not even worse than our own Muslim in chief's comments are the way the mainstream media portrayed the two incidents earlier in the week vs. last night's racially motivated ambush.

EVERY report you see or hear today starts out with something to the effect of 5 cops shot after a "peaceful protest".  Maybe I have been watching the wrong protests, but I have yet to see anything peaceful coming from the blacklivesmatter movement.

And don't forget, it's a gun problem first and foremost. The Dallas police chief pretty said it was a racially motivated hate crime. He is black. And he gets it. Whenever it's one of Barry's constituents being defended  it's always the gun that's the problem. When it's the other way around it gets exploded in the media as a human injustice like the shootings have. Unfuckingreal.
Title: Re: Muslim In Chief a co-conspirator in Texas shootings
Post by: Kaos on July 08, 2016, 10:29:34 AM
And don't forget, it's a gun problem first and foremost. The Dallas police chief pretty said it was a racially motivated hate crime. He is black. And he gets it. Whenever it's one of Barry's constituents being defended  it's always the gun that's the problem. When it's the other way around it gets exploded in the media as a human injustice like the shootings have. Unfuckingreal.

I was a little surprised that Seal ended up as a police chief, though.  I know Heidi Klum dumped him and he hasn't had a hit song since he kissed a rose, but still. 
Title: Re: Muslim In Chief a co-conspirator in Texas shootings
Post by: RWS on July 08, 2016, 12:46:57 PM
What's just as bad if not even worse than our own Muslim in chief's comments are the way the mainstream media portrayed the two incidents earlier in the week vs. last night's racially motivated ambush.

EVERY report you see or hear today starts out with something to the effect of 5 cops shot after a "peaceful protest".  Maybe I have been watching the wrong protests, but I have yet to see anything peaceful coming from the blacklivesmatter movement.
I really do believe the Dallas protest was peaceful.  I watched interviews of protesters in the aftermath, and those folks seemed to have their shit together.  Some even mentioned their support for law enforcement and said that while they may disagree over events in LA and MN, an attack on police is unacceptable and does nothing but divide us further.  Even the videos I have seen from social media prior to the shooting appear to be fairly tame.  This wasn't an angry mob by any means.
Title: Re: Muslim In Chief a co-conspirator in Texas shootings
Post by: CCTAU on July 08, 2016, 01:26:40 PM
I would venture to say they are all peaceful until somebody gets their head blown off!
Title: Re: Muslim In Chief a co-conspirator in Texas shootings
Post by: WiregrassTiger on July 08, 2016, 03:09:52 PM
You couldn't pay me $100,000 a year to be a patrol officer in a big city.
Once they completed the background check, I'm pretty sure that you wouldn't have to worry about making this decision anyway.
Title: Re: Muslim In Chief a co-conspirator in Texas shootings
Post by: Snaggletiger on July 08, 2016, 03:53:29 PM
Fox News has an article up naming the fallen Officers.  I copy-pasta'd this bit of it because I don't think I've ever actually seen a media outlet have the stones to call it like it is.

They were military veterans, husbands and fathers who served the city of Dallas – and died protecting the rights of fellow Americans to criticize their brethren in blue.

Five police officers – four from the city’s main department and one from Dallas Area Rapid Transit were killed by a racist sniper late Thursday as they guarded anti-police brutality marches at a march. By Friday afternoon, three had been identified: Brent Thompson, Michael Krol, and Patrick Zamarripa.
Title: Re: Muslim In Chief a co-conspirator in Texas shootings
Post by: Kaos on July 08, 2016, 03:57:59 PM
Somebody needs to tell the racist Islamic motherfucker who has taken over the White House that ENOUGH is fucking ENOUGH.

The Imam bastard didn't wait a day before trying to use this to push his euro-socialist "gun control" agenda. 


America needs to tell that motherfucker on no uncertain terms to shut his goddamned yap.  Enough of him. Enough of his racist pandering, enough of his Islamic sympathies, enough of his destruction of this country. E-fucking-nough. 

Title: Re: Muslim In Chief a co-conspirator in Texas shootings
Post by: GH2001 on July 08, 2016, 04:02:12 PM
I really do believe the Dallas protest was peaceful.  I watched interviews of protesters in the aftermath, and those folks seemed to have their shit together.  Some even mentioned their support for law enforcement and said that while they may disagree over events in LA and MN, an attack on police is unacceptable and does nothing but divide us further.  Even the videos I have seen from social media prior to the shooting appear to be fairly tame.  This wasn't an angry mob by any means.

If you believe that I have some sweet beach real estate in Nebraska for you.

Dallas organizer Jeff Hood. Look him up. It's an act man. The peaceful protest guise they use. The same one many civil rights leaders hid behind too.
Title: Re: Muslim In Chief a co-conspirator in Texas shootings
Post by: Kaos on July 08, 2016, 04:04:27 PM
peaceful protest

Sham that's been perpetrated for nearly 50 years now. 
Title: Re: Muslim In Chief a co-conspirator in Texas shootings
Post by: GH2001 on July 08, 2016, 04:09:59 PM
Sham that's been perpetrated for nearly 50 years now.

Seriously reverend Jeff hood. Look him up. He organized the shindig in Dallas. He's a sick mfer. And white. First class douche.
Title: Re: Muslim In Chief a co-conspirator in Texas shootings
Post by: WiregrassTiger on July 08, 2016, 04:16:28 PM
Seriously reverend Jeff hood. Look him up. He organized the shindig in Dallas. He's a sick mfer. And white. First class douche.
Dude. Thanks for that GH.

Yeah, uh, War Eagle Jeff. I guess. :facepalm:

Title: Re: Muslim In Chief a co-conspirator in Texas shootings
Post by: GH2001 on July 08, 2016, 05:39:12 PM
Dude. Thanks for that GH.

Yeah, uh, War Eagle Jeff. I guess. :facepalm:


Is what it is. Regardless this is the types of nut jobs that are putting these things together. They are some weird radical fucks.
Title: Re: Muslim In Chief a co-conspirator in Texas shootings
Post by: Snaggletiger on July 08, 2016, 10:23:00 PM
Is what it is. Regardless this is the types of nut jobs that are putting these things together. They are some weird radical fucks.

Why do you hate queers?
Title: Re: Muslim In Chief a co-conspirator in Texas shootings
Post by: WiregrassTiger on July 08, 2016, 11:39:38 PM
Is what it is. Regardless this is the types of nut jobs that are putting these things together. They are some weird radical fucks.
Tell me more about these nut jobs. How many experiences have you with these? Could they do anything for Snags?
Title: Re: Muslim In Chief a co-conspirator in Texas shootings
Post by: Buzz Killington on July 09, 2016, 05:25:16 PM
Why do you hate queers?
Because they consistently turn down his advances?
Title: Re: Muslim In Chief a co-conspirator in Texas shootings
Post by: djsimp on July 10, 2016, 12:26:05 PM
Well, at least the focus is off Hillary Clinton.
Title: Re: Muslim In Chief a co-conspirator in Texas shootings
Post by: Buzz Killington on July 10, 2016, 02:03:22 PM
Well, at least the focus is off Hillary Clinton.
Mission accomplished!
Title: Re: Muslim In Chief a co-conspirator in Texas shootings
Post by: War Eagle!!! on July 11, 2016, 09:38:04 AM
I really do believe the Dallas protest was peaceful.  I watched interviews of protesters in the aftermath, and those folks seemed to have their shit together.  Some even mentioned their support for law enforcement and said that while they may disagree over events in LA and MN, an attack on police is unacceptable and does nothing but divide us further.  Even the videos I have seen from social media prior to the shooting appear to be fairly tame.  This wasn't an angry mob by any means.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5PfLUFU550 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5PfLUFU550)


Kelly makes this idiot look like a dumb ass, but still, this BLM movement is nothing but hate breeding.
Title: Re: Muslim In Chief a co-conspirator in Texas shootings
Post by: War Eagle!!! on July 11, 2016, 09:40:27 AM
If you believe that I have some sweet beach real estate in Nebraska for you.

Dallas organizer Jeff Hood. Look him up. It's an act man. The peaceful protest guise they use. The same one many civil rights leaders hid behind too.

You beat me to it...
Title: Re: Muslim In Chief a co-conspirator in Texas shootings
Post by: AUChizad on July 11, 2016, 06:59:36 PM
Obummer is such a POS he even shit all over your narrative.


Obama to police: Dallas shooting was a 'hate crime'
Title: Re: Muslim In Chief a co-conspirator in Texas shootings
Post by: Kaos on July 11, 2016, 08:42:16 PM
Obummer is such a POS he even shit all over your narrative.


Horse shit.  Easy to say after the fact.  He's been preaching racial divisiveness for years.  If you fall for this you are way fucking dumber than I ever thought.
Title: Re: Muslim In Chief a co-conspirator in Texas shootings
Post by: RWS on July 11, 2016, 10:01:58 PM
Obummer is such a POS he even shit all over your narrative.

I'm not one to sit here post after post and shit all over Obama, but that guy has set race relations back.  Way back.  Just hours before Dallas, he made inflammatory comments that basically poured the gas on the fire.

These are not isolated incidents. They’re symptomatic of a broader set of racial disparities that exist in our criminal justice system.

Last year African Americans were shot by police at more than twice the rate of whites.
Around 1,000 people were killed by police in 2015. Half were white. The vast majority of the total number killed were armed.  Play stupid games, get stupid prizes.

But when we see data that indicates disparities in how African Americans and Latinos may be treated in various jurisdictions around the country, then it’s incumbent on all of us to say we are better than this. We are better than this.
Has anyone stopped to think that maybe, juuuust maybe, those people committed more severe crimes?  Or perhaps had lengthy criminal histories that warranted more severe punishments for the same crime committed as others? You can't just say "Well, a white guy and a black guy were both arrested for shoplifting and the white guy got no jail time but the black guy got 3 months. That's racist!"  That's not how the criminal justice system works. 

Obama is pandering.  Simple as that.  And it got people killed.  He is writing people all around the country a blank check to show their asses and think it's OK.  So, defend him all you want, but he's fucking this thing up even worse.  It's out of hand, and politics need to be put aside to help fix it. 
Title: Re: Muslim In Chief a co-conspirator in Texas shootings
Post by: Kaos on July 11, 2016, 10:19:29 PM
I will join this protest. 

Obama = piece of shit racist. 

RWS speaks truth.

Title: Re: Muslim In Chief a co-conspirator in Texas shootings
Post by: GH2001 on July 12, 2016, 09:07:06 AM
Obummer is such a POS he even shit all over your narrative.


He came out wayyy after the fact and says a few words that are actually factual and that negates all else wrong that happened before that? He helped cause this. That's the bigger issue at hand. He has helped to fuel BLM and this dangerous anger. He's given these people a blank check to vent their anger in any way they want. Coming in after the fact and going "well uhh yeah I didn't mean for them to kill white cops, so uhh yeah that's not good" doesn't erase the bigger issue.
Title: Re: Muslim In Chief a co-conspirator in Texas shootings
Post by: AUJarhead on July 12, 2016, 09:17:42 AM
He came out wayyy after the fact and says a few words that are actually factual and that negates all else wrong that happened before that? He helped cause this. That's the bigger issue at hand. He has helped to fuel BLM and this dangerous anger. He's given these people a blank check to vent their anger in any way they want. Coming in after the fact and going "well uhh yeah I didn't mean for them to kill white cops, so uhh yeah that's not good" doesn't erase the bigger issue.

My biggest issue with him is that he doesn't wait for all the facts to come in before firing off his opinion.  He's done it with Martin, Mike Brown, and now these two cases.  In fact, going all the way back to the cop that "acted stupidly" and arrested his friend, he's shown that he's not a leader.
Title: Re: Muslim In Chief a co-conspirator in Texas shootings
Post by: GH2001 on July 12, 2016, 09:23:48 AM
My biggest issue with him is that he doesn't wait for all the facts to come in before firing off his opinion.  He's done it with Martin, Mike Brown, and now these two cases.  In fact, going all the way back to the cop that "acted stupidly" and arrested his friend, he's shown that he's not a leader.

And it's on purpose. He will side with the social justice crowd every time no matter what. Those are his people. He's a former community organizer himself trained in Chicago. Civil unrest and community organizing furthers the agenda he supports which is one rooted in Marxism and social justice.
Title: Re: Muslim In Chief a co-conspirator in Texas shootings
Post by: Buzz Killington on July 13, 2016, 08:43:15 AM
My biggest issue with him is that he doesn't wait for all the facts to come in before firing off his opinion.  He's done it with Martin, Mike Brown, and now these two cases.  In fact, going all the way back to the cop that "acted stupidly" and arrested his friend, he's shown that he's not a leader.

This is the exact point where the Country started to lose its collective mind regarding police. 
Title: Re: Muslim In Chief a co-conspirator in Texas shootings
Post by: Kaos on July 22, 2016, 12:23:40 PM

What a piece of fucking dog shit. 

Why are the networks allowing that fucking shitbag to come on there and spout absolute lies. 

Crime is lower? Bullshit.

Lying fucking piece of donkey vomit.
Title: Re: Muslim In Chief a co-conspirator in Texas shootings
Post by: Snaggletiger on July 22, 2016, 01:04:00 PM

What a piece of fucking dog shit. 

Why are the networks allowing that fucking shitbag to come on there and spout absolute lies. 

Crime is lower? Bullshit.

Lying fucking piece of donkey vomit.

From today's Chicago Tribune.  Didn't include the neighborhood map.

Chicago shooting victims

Last updated July 22, 2016

The map below shows where people were shot in Chicago, broken down by community area. Darker shades of blue indicate greater numbers of victims in those community areas.

This data is compiled from reporting done by the Chicago Tribune Breaking News staff and is typically updated more than once per week. Therefore, the most recent shootings may not be displayed immediately.

Yearly totals Jan. 1, 2016 - July 22, 2016

2,241 shooting victims

Jan. 1, 2015 - Dec. 31, 2015

2,988 shooting victims

Yeah Prez.  How's that lower crime thing going in your home town?