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Pat Dye Field => War Damn Eagle => Topic started by: AUChizad on June 07, 2014, 08:31:04 PM
Two Scarbomb op-eds four days apart.
Scarbinsky has always dared Auburn to be better than the Turds.
Slobber, slobber, we lub you Saban, slobber, slobber, but...
Throw the tomatoes, but I agree with Scarbo about Malzahn's buyout.
Gus has won everywhere he has been in control of the offense, Gene had never won and fell into a shit pile of talent when he got here. He was smart enough to get Gus and give him the go ahead for his offense. If we repeat last year, Gus will be a hot commodity and the rumor mill will crank up about him being in the lead from every school coast to coast.
Gene will never be a head coach again in D-1.
Slobber, slobber, we lub you Saban, slobber, slobber, but...
Throw the tomatoes, but I agree with Scarbo about Malzahn's buyout.
Saban's buyout was higher than Malzahn's and that was praised as genius by the same guy that just shit on Auburn for doing exactly the same thing, but to a lesser degree.
There is no possible way that one person can have opinion A and also opinion B simultaneously without being insanely biased.
Might I remind you which coach beat which last year. Which one won the SEC and played for the National Championship and which one failed to win their division.
Scarbinsky will be singing Bruce Pearle's praises for as long as the show's in town. He's a basketball guy, not a fan of how UAB has been treated so when it comes down between us and the Turds I say he's a definite Auburn lean.
You can favor Gus and still have disdain for the hierarchy.
Scarbinsky will be singing Bruce Pearle's praises for as long as the show's in town. He's a basketball guy, not a fan of how UAB has been treated so when it comes down between us and the Turds I say he's a definite Auburn lean.
You can favor Gus and still have disdain for the hierarchy.
I don't understand what you mean. I don't think Scarbinsky's particularly a bammer, but he's a sensationalist. Those two clearly conflicting headlines shows AL.com's agenda plain & clear as day. Whether he actually believes that shit or not is not the point. I doubt he does. But it's the propagation of the bullshit agenda AL.com demands of their writers.
Saban's buyout was higher than Malzahn's and that was praised as genius by the same guy that just shoot on Auburn for doing exactly the same thing, but to a lesser degree.
You sure about that, Clark? I don't think Saban has a buyout in his contract. I may be mistaken, but I am pretty sure it's been that way since he arrived in Turdtown.
You sure about that, Clark? I don't think Saban has a buyout in his contract. I may be mistaken, but I am pretty sure it's been that way since he arrived in Turdtown.
Yeah unless something happened that I missed Gingivitis is right, Saban can walk away from the crapstain.
Saban's buyout was higher than Malzahn's and that was praised as genius by the same guy that just shit on Auburn for doing exactly the same thing, but to a lesser degree.
There is no possible way that one person can have opinion A and also opinion B simultaneously without being insanely biased.
Might I remind you which coach beat which last year. Which one won the SEC and played for the National Championship and which one failed to win their division.
Oh I'm not saying there's not a double standard in Scarbo's articles. Though he is usually less prone to the Saban slobbering than the rest of the state media.
But I was saying that I agreed with him that we should not have given Malzahn such a ridiculous buyout.
You sure about that, Clark? I don't think Saban has a buyout in his contract. I may be mistaken, but I am pretty sure it's been that way since he arrived in Turdtown.
Yes, Saban can leave whenever he wants without paying a dime of a buyout.
There are two buyouts to every contract. Saban's is hilariously one-sided.
If terminated, Saban is entitled to the full value of his contract, which today is worth over $50million.
This is from when his salary was worth $5,316,667. Now he makes 7 mil and all his bonuses were increased.
http://xfinity.comcast.net/slideshow/sports-CFBpowerfulcoaches/2/ (http://xfinity.comcast.net/slideshow/sports-CFBpowerfulcoaches/2/)
If terminated without cause, Saban is entitled to the full value of his contract's remaining base salary and talent fees, worth about $45 million. The next highest contract buyout on our list is Kirk Ferentz's, worth less than half of Saban's payout. (AP Photo)
Sometimes, you have to take a gamble like AU did with Malzahn. I think the buy out with Chiz was ridiculous but when you look at it from the standpoint that the way that we wound up with Gus is because Chiz hired him, it's not so bad.
I think Gus is worth the gamble.
Look at it this way.
According to the Scarbomb piece:
2014: $11,187,500.
2015: $8,950,000.
2016: $6,712,500.
2017: $4,475,000.
2018: $2,237,500.
Absolute worst case scenario, there is a 0.000% chance we're firing him in the middle of the season this year. So scratch the $11 mil.
If he goes 0-12 next year, He's still going to get 2015 to prove it was a fluke. We're not going to fire a guy that exceeded expectations the way he did last year for just about any outcome this year. That being said the odds of that happening are about a billion to one.
So let's just assume the impossible happens and he goes 0-24 over the next 2 years.
$6.72 million. Malzahn's base salary is still only $500,000 per year.
So in an apocalyptic meltdown that there is basically no way of actually happening in reality, in the earliest scenario we would possibly fire Malzahn, we are paying him about the same for his salary AND buyout as Alabama is paying Saban JUST for his salary. Add Saban's buyout and you're basically up to eleventy billion dollars.
You can't say Saban's contract is a "smart bet that Saban ends his career strong" while also criticizing Malzahn's "massive buyout". You just can't.
You can't say Saban's contract is a "smart bet that Saban ends his career strong" while also criticizing Malzahn's "massive buyout". You just can't.
He can and he did. You have very valid points.
None of which will be noticed by the average fan on either side.
He can and he did. You have very valid points.
None of which will be noticed by the average fan on either side.
Correction. You can't with any iota of common sense, impartiality, or reasonability. Without being a shill for the 24/7 fuck Auburn/praise Saban agenda.
Correction. You can't with any iota of common sense, impartiality, or credibility. Without being a shill for the 24/7 fudge Auburn/praise Saban agenda.
I don't give a shill either way.
I don't give a shill either way.
2 bits?
2 bits?
Ned Ryerson?
Ned Ryerson?
I've missed you, what are you doing right now?
I've missed you, what are you doing right now?
I gotta get going.
Ned... Ryerson. "Needlenose Ned"? "Ned the Head"? C'mon, buddy. Case Western High. Ned Ryerson: I did the whistling belly-button trick at the high school talent show? Bing! Ned Ryerson: got the shingles real bad senior year, almost didn't graduate? Bing, again. Ned Ryerson: I dated your sister Mary Pat a couple times until you told me not to anymore? Well?
Look at it this way.
If he goes 0-12 next year,
Fuck me if we lose to Samford. :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:
Ned... Ryerson. "Needlenose Ned"? "Ned the Head"? C'mon, buddy. Case Western High. Ned Ryerson: I did the whistling belly-button trick at the high school talent show? Bing! Ned Ryerson: got the shingles real bad senior year, almost didn't graduate? Bing, again. Ned Ryerson: I dated your sister Mary Pat a couple times until you told me not to anymore? Well?
I sell insurance. Do you have life insurance? Cause if you do, you could always use a little more. Am I right or am I right or am I right? Right. Right. Right.
Fuck me if we lose to Samford. :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:
You would say fuck me whether we win or lose. You just want a dick in you.
You would say fuck me whether we win or lose. You just want a dick in you.
Doesn't everybody?
You would say fuck me whether we win or lose. You just want a dick in you.
Doesn't everybody?
You obviously have never met my Ex-wife.
You obviously have never met my Ex-wife.
Perhaps it was you.