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Pat Dye Field => War Damn Eagle => Topic started by: Townhallsavoy on October 11, 2013, 04:56:56 PM

Title: According to 247, Johnson Will Play
Post by: Townhallsavoy on October 11, 2013, 04:56:56 PM
Nick Marshall may still get snaps, but it looks like the Jeremy Johnson era kicks off tomorrow at 1pm. 

Title: Re: According to 247, Johnson Will Play
Post by: Snaggletiger on October 11, 2013, 05:10:55 PM
Oh fabulous.  Sherman Sherman Sherman
Title: Re: According to 247, Johnson Will Play
Post by: WiregrassTiger on October 11, 2013, 05:46:17 PM
Nick Marshall may still get snaps, but it looks like the Jeremy Johnson era kicks off tomorrow at 1pm. 

Same thing according to my sources inside the program.
Title: Re: According to 247, Johnson Will Play
Post by: AUChizad on October 11, 2013, 05:54:30 PM
I'm not going to pretend to know better than Gus, but I don't like this move.

I keep seeing that "it doesn't really matter, if he's that good, he'll be gone after three years anyway."

Am I missing something, or does burning his redshirt ensure he leave after the 2016 season with an option to leave after the 2015 season. In other words 2 or 3 useful seasons. If they don't burn the redshirt, then he could leave after the 2017 season with an option to leave after the 2016 system. In other words 3 or 4 useful seasons.

Is this not correct?
Title: Re: According to 247, Johnson Will Play
Post by: WiregrassTiger on October 11, 2013, 06:01:52 PM
I'm not going to pretend to know better than Gus, but I don't like this move.

I keep seeing that "it doesn't really matter, if he's that good, he'll be gone after three years anyway."

Am I missing something, or does burning his redshirt ensure he leave after the 2016 season with an option to leave after the 2015 season. In other words 2 or 3 useful seasons. If they don't burn the redshirt, then he could leave after the 2017 season with an option to leave after the 2016 system. In other words 3 or 4 useful seasons.

Is this not correct?
Personally, I think it may have more to do with what we can possibly do THIS and next season with two viable SEC caliber QB's with experience vs. one. Gus has used two a lot. 
Title: Re: According to 247, Johnson Will Play
Post by: CCTAU on October 11, 2013, 06:05:09 PM
This is really a slap to Tuberville's face.
Title: Re: According to 247, Johnson Will Play
Post by: Townhallsavoy on October 11, 2013, 07:13:46 PM
I'm not going to pretend to know better than Gus, but I don't like this move.

I keep seeing that "it doesn't really matter, if he's that good, he'll be gone after three years anyway."

Am I missing something, or does burning his redshirt ensure he leave after the 2016 season with an option to leave after the 2015 season. In other words 2 or 3 useful seasons. If they don't burn the redshirt, then he could leave after the 2017 season with an option to leave after the 2016 system. In other words 3 or 4 useful seasons.

Is this not correct?

I'll admit I'm not following what you're saying however the rule is that in order to be eligible for the NFL draft, a person must be three years removed from high school.  Redshirting, playing experience, and age aren't a factor. 
Title: Re: According to 247, Johnson Will Play
Post by: jmar on October 11, 2013, 07:21:05 PM
This is really a slap to Tuberville's face.
Eh, he might get his cap knocked off his head by some unsuspecting corch while holding a clipboard and buggering up the airwaves on a headset.
Title: Re: According to 247, Johnson Will Play
Post by: jmar on October 11, 2013, 07:23:36 PM
I'll admit I'm not following what you're saying however the rule is that in order to be eligible for the NFL draft, a person must be three years removed from high school.  Redshirting, playing experience, and age aren't a factor.
Here we go with the math again!
Title: Re: According to 247, Johnson Will Play
Post by: AUChizad on October 11, 2013, 07:33:40 PM
Here we go with the math again!
Clearly not my strong suit.
Title: Re: According to 247, Johnson Will Play
Post by: AUChizad on October 11, 2013, 07:34:59 PM
Another reason I'm not a fan of this?

He's going to look like a Heisman candidate. Because we'll be playing a team of tackle dummies.

Will spark an unnecessary QB controversy.
Title: Re: According to 247, Johnson Will Play
Post by: jmar on October 11, 2013, 08:01:54 PM
Another reason I'm not a fan of this?

He's going to look like a Heisman candidate. Because we'll be playing a team of tackle dummies.

Will spark an unnecessary QB controversy.
I'm not confident enough in any of our receivers to lend to such a spark. Seriously I'm waiting to see a timing pattern or a few connections on 15-18 yard out patterns like the game depended on it. So far it's been screens to an assortment and the ol' hit or miss deep ball now and again...other than the flurry that beat State. 
Title: Re: According to 247, Johnson Will Play
Post by: The Prowler on October 11, 2013, 08:46:04 PM
I'm ready to see a 60 yard bomb to Sammie Coates where the ball doesn't fly 80 yards down field...I'm hoping that's the very first play of the game. Play action to CAP or Mason then hit Coates in stride down 50-60 yards downfield.
Title: Re: According to 247, Johnson Will Play
Post by: bottomfeeder on October 11, 2013, 09:14:03 PM
I'm ready to see a 60 yard bomb to Sammie Coates where the ball doesn't fly 80 yards down field...I'm hoping that's the very first play of the game. Play action to CAP or Mason then hit Coates in stride down 50-60 yards downfield.
This^^^^^^^^^^^^^ during the Iron Bowl at least twice please.

Nick Marshall is not 100 percent so we are going with Jeremy Johnson at QB tomorrow. Have a lot of confidence in him and he is well prepared
— Coach Gus Malzahn (@CoachGusMalzahn) October 11, 2013, I guess I am late to get this news.
Title: Re: According to 247, Johnson Will Play
Post by: chinook on October 11, 2013, 10:44:49 PM
I'm not going to pretend to know better than Gus, but I don't like this move.

I keep seeing that "it doesn't really matter, if he's that good, he'll be gone after three years anyway."

Am I missing something, or does burning his redshirt ensure he leave after the 2016 season with an option to leave after the 2015 season. In other words 2 or 3 useful seasons. If they don't burn the redshirt, then he could leave after the 2017 season with an option to leave after the 2016 system. In other words 3 or 4 useful seasons.

Is this not correct?

if the j-squared is so fricking spectacular why didn't he start day 1...? 
Title: Re: According to 247, Johnson Will Play
Post by: AUJarhead on October 11, 2013, 11:20:53 PM
if the j-squared is so fricking spectacular why didn't he start day 1...?

Or get reps with the offense against Ark State, when we put our scrubs in.
Title: Re: According to 247, Johnson Will Play
Post by: Tiger Wench on October 11, 2013, 11:22:55 PM
I'm ready to see a 60 yard bomb to Sammie Coates where the ball doesn't fly 80 yards down field...I'm hoping that's the very first play of the game. Play action to CAP or Mason then hit Coates in stride down 50-60 yards downfield.

Fuck me.  I'm agreeing w Prowler again.
Title: Re: According to 247, Johnson Will Play
Post by: Jumbo on October 12, 2013, 04:50:45 AM
Unless Johnson starts the rest of the season this is a bad move, Frasier or any other qb would win this game.
Title: Re: According to 247, Johnson Will Play
Post by: Yoda on October 12, 2013, 10:19:25 AM
I think it's pretty obvious Marshall's injury is more serious than they are letting on.  Good move IMO.

And yes what Prowler said I'd love to see wide open Coates hit in stride.
Title: Re: According to 247, Johnson Will Play
Post by: jmar on October 12, 2013, 10:24:26 AM
We are sitting at 4-1, about to be 5-1. And minus the first half stagefright in Baton Rouge we look like a team that forgot last season. And it's coaching.
The second half of this season is shaping up to be more interesting than any of us thought because those teams that we assumed were almost certain loses aren't and those teams we thought were almost gimme wins or at worst a coin toss aren't either.

A good UGA team went to Knoxville expecting to take a shit in UT's yard and narrowly escaped with a win. This sort of represents to me how tough the rest of the season will play out because we need to be game ready when the starter gets his bell rung or comes up limping. If we aren't so ready then the coaches have to lean on another area that might play to the other teams strongsuit OR a veteran (like Aaron Murray) has to make a play JUST TO PUT YOU IN POSITION FOR A CHANCE to win.

To me, Nick Marshall is the man... our QB, Auburn's QB. Jeremy Johnson is ahighschoolphenomthat battledtoothandnailinthefallwithnickmarshallforthestartingjobblahblahblah!!!!
SO,  JJ has to get some non-practice reps under his belt and what better way to showcase ones ability than in front of a festive and delightful  homecoming crowd (not exactly Kyle Field where you can't score enough, Fayetteville, where better Auburn teams have gone to wilt, or Knoxville, scene of the aforementioned dramatic escape by injury riddled UGA.)

IF, Nick Marshall is injured he should not play.
IF Nick Marshall is hurt he could play but why would we risk it?
I turn 55 Monday and could lead Auburn to victory today at QB. It would be a great feat personally being as I am a rickety, demanding, oft depressed yet deceivingly jolly, beer swilling, no luck, far sighted, stone deaf, slow yet remarkably clumsy old sonofabitch with a long history of concussions (soft headed) and a right arm that's good for about two warm-up tosses before a nerve shrieks in horror and bone grinds to a screeching, roundedoffratchetlike finish. Ok maybe I'm better suited as a Wildcat not really knowing the playbook and whatnot. Not to mention (yet will anyway) I used up all of my eligimobility over three decades ago.
But I'm gamely.

In grammar school we were encouraged to attempt to play a musical instrument and I chose the trumpet. So I went to practice (football) each day and played some scales now and then until finally each of us were instructed to learn a tune for a recital in front of parents, relatives and anyone else that felt a strange need to be there. Well that day came and the auditorium was packed and the room became suffocating hot.

Our little concert began and I was more than happy to not be heard missing rehearsed notes and after several selections each section performed as a unit before the actual solos took place.

And about two intervals before my time would come a sense of impending doom-the scared out of one's wits type with all of the accompanying symptoms took hold. And I remember how fearful it was waiting for each portion to be completed edging ever so close to my own solo which was Go Tell Aunt Roadie although at that precise time I probably couldn't even remember the name of the song I was to play.

And then it happened. I was up (jmar) second trumpet.
And I never picked that trumpet up again except to carry it back to the band room when the concert abruptly ended.

Hmmm. Wonder what happened to jmar???



Title: Re: According to 247, Johnson Will Play
Post by: Kaos on October 12, 2013, 10:43:38 AM

Hmmm. Wonder what happened to jmar???

I believe he began doing eight balls early this morning.
Title: Re: According to 247, Johnson Will Play
Post by: jmar on October 12, 2013, 10:47:15 AM
I believe he began doing eight balls early this morning.
No but I did get a good nights rest for a change.
Title: Re: According to 247, Johnson Will Play
Post by: AUownsU on October 12, 2013, 11:29:46 AM
Stone deaf?

Is that when you smoke so much pot you can't hear all the nagging shit your wife is saying?
Title: Re: According to 247, Johnson Will Play
Post by: Townhallsavoy on October 12, 2013, 11:37:32 AM
We are sitting at 4-1, about to be 5-1. And minus the first half stagefright in Baton Rouge we look like a team that forgot last season. And it's coaching.
The second half of this season is shaping up to be more interesting than any of us thought because those teams that we assumed were almost certain loses aren't and those teams we thought were almost gimme wins or at worst a coin toss aren't either.

A good UGA team went to Knoxville expecting to take a shit in UT's yard and narrowly escaped with a win. This sort of represents to me how tough the rest of the season will play out because we need to be game ready when the starter gets his bell rung or comes up limping. If we aren't so ready then the coaches have to lean on another area that might play to the other teams strongsuit OR a veteran (like Aaron Murray) has to make a play JUST TO PUT YOU IN POSITION FOR A CHANCE to win.

To me, Nick Marshall is the man... our QB, Auburn's QB. Jeremy Johnson is ahighschoolphenomthat battledtoothandnailinthefallwithnickmarshallforthestartingjobblahblahblah!!!!
SO,  JJ has to get some non-practice reps under his belt and what better way to showcase ones ability than in front of a festive and delightful  homecoming crowd (not exactly Kyle Field where you can't score enough, Fayetteville, where better Auburn teams have gone to wilt, or Knoxville, scene of the aforementioned dramatic escape by injury riddled UGA.)

IF, Nick Marshall is injured he should not play.
IF Nick Marshall is hurt he could play but why would we risk it?
I turn 55 Monday and could lead Auburn to victory today at QB. It would be a great feat personally being as I am a rickety, demanding, oft depressed yet deceivingly jolly, beer swilling, no luck, far sighted, stone deaf, slow yet remarkably clumsy old sonofabitch with a long history of concussions (soft headed) and a right arm that's good for about two warm-up tosses before a nerve shrieks in horror and bone grinds to a screeching, roundedoffratchetlike finish. Ok maybe I'm better suited as a Wildcat not really knowing the playbook and whatnot. Not to mention (yet will anyway) I used up all of my eligimobility over three decades ago.
But I'm gamely.

In grammar school we were encouraged to attempt to play a musical instrument and I chose the trumpet. So I went to practice (football) each day and played some scales now and then until finally each of us were instructed to learn a tune for a recital in front of parents, relatives and anyone else that felt a strange need to be there. Well that day came and the auditorium was packed and the room became suffocating hot.

Our little concert began and I was more than happy to not be heard missing rehearsed notes and after several selections each section performed as a unit before the actual solos took place.

And about two intervals before my time would come a sense of impending doom-the scared out of one's wits type with all of the accompanying symptoms took hold. And I remember how fearful it was waiting for each portion to be completed edging ever so close to my own solo which was Go Tell Aunt Roadie although at that precise time I probably couldn't even remember the name of the song I was to play.

And then it happened. I was up (jmar) second trumpet.
And I never picked that trumpet up again except to carry it back to the band room when the concert abruptly ended.

Hmmm. Wonder what happened to jmar???




Title: Re: According to 247, Johnson Will Play
Post by: jmar on October 12, 2013, 11:45:16 AM
Bewildering no?
Title: Re: According to 247, Johnson Will Play
Post by: Kaos on October 12, 2013, 02:37:31 PM
Title: Re: According to 247, Johnson Will Play
Post by: jmar on October 12, 2013, 02:41:09 PM
No he played the trombone.
Title: Re: According to 247, Johnson Will Play
Post by: Townhallsavoy on October 12, 2013, 02:44:06 PM

Already seeing some Auburn people say we should move Marshall to CB. 

 :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:
Title: Re: According to 247, Johnson Will Play
Post by: AUChizad on October 12, 2013, 02:56:57 PM
Already seeing some Auburn people say we should move Marshall to CB. 

 :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:
This is perhaps the main reason I don't like the move.

Now we've created a QB controversy unnecessarily.

He looks great, which certainly beats the alternative, but consider Samford's QB looked just as good.
Title: Re: According to 247, Johnson Will Play
Post by: AUChizad on October 12, 2013, 02:59:12 PM
Title: Re: According to 247, Johnson Will Play
Post by: Kaos on October 12, 2013, 03:05:37 PM

Heisman 2014
Title: Re: According to 247, Johnson Will Play
Post by: jmar on October 12, 2013, 03:42:36 PM
Heisman 2014
And 2015. First repeat since Archie Griffin.
Will Johnson stay three years and apply for the NFL supplemental draft?
Title: Re: According to 247, Johnson Will Play
Post by: DnATL on October 12, 2013, 03:50:45 PM
Hmmm. Wonder what happened to jmar???
He became one of the color-guard flag girls?
Title: Re: According to 247, Johnson Will Play
Post by: jmar on October 12, 2013, 04:05:14 PM
He became one of the color-guard flag girls?
Nope. Ass wasn't wide enough in those days.
Title: Re: According to 247, Johnson Will Play
Post by: dallaswareagle on October 12, 2013, 04:28:23 PM
Unless Johnson starts the rest of the season this is a bad move, Frasier or any other qb would win this game.

Lets not crazy up in here.
Title: Re: According to 247, Johnson Will Play
Post by: The Six on October 12, 2013, 04:45:39 PM
Unless Johnson starts the rest of the season this is a bad move, Frasier or any other qb would win this game.

I concur. The Cantamounttoomuch's earned their payday I guess. Kinda like some of the bums Tyson used to drop back in the day.
Title: Re: According to 247, Johnson Will Play
Post by: jmar on October 12, 2013, 04:53:08 PM
Lets not crazy up in here.
That's right. Marshall's my starter if not injured. Johnson is my #2 go- to guy, fuck the WC. You start Marshall and stay with him as long as you are playing decent D and within 2 scores at the end of the third quarter. And you might (due to failed back to back series) choose to go with Johnson. Otherwise there is no QB controversy...EVER!
Title: Re: According to 247, Johnson Will Play
Post by: The Prowler on October 12, 2013, 04:55:13 PM
Regardless of who Auburn played, they just set a school record for most total yards with 712.
Title: Re: According to 247, Johnson Will Play
Post by: GH2001 on October 12, 2013, 04:59:08 PM
Main guy is knicked up. Needs rest.

We're playing a patsy.

Next best guy and the qb of future plays and gets game exp.

What's the big friggin deal? If fans want to create a qb controversy that's their issue.
Title: Re: According to 247, Johnson Will Play
Post by: jmar on October 12, 2013, 05:05:32 PM
Main guy is knicked up. Needs rest.

We're playing a patsy.

Next best guy and the qb of future plays and gets game exp.

What's the big friggin deal? If fans want to create a qb controversy that's their issue.
Fuck a QB controversy.
We know who's driving this read option O-and it's about a 80/20 run to pass ratio.
That's this team's best chance in this league at this time.
Next season might be something altogether different.
Title: Re: According to 247, Johnson Will Play
Post by: dallaswareagle on October 12, 2013, 05:17:06 PM
Fuck a QB controversy.
We know who's driving this read option O-and it's about a 80/20 run to pass ratio.
That's this team's best chance in this league at this time.
Next season might be something altogether different.

Hence why we are recruiting other QB's.
Title: Re: According to 247, Johnson Will Play
Post by: jmar on October 12, 2013, 05:28:00 PM

Hence why we are recruiting other QB's.
We should recruit one each season regardless if they stay or not. If we somehow lose one and get shorthanded we recruit a top high schooler and sign a JUCO ringer. Case closed!
Title: Re: According to 247, Johnson Will Play
Post by: GH2001 on October 13, 2013, 11:29:48 AM
We should recruit one each season regardless if they stay or not. If we somehow lose one and get shorthanded we recruit a top high schooler and sign a JUCO ringer. Case closed!

Very true.