Tigers X - Number one Source to Talk Auburn Tigers Sports

Pat Dye Field => War Damn Eagle => Topic started by: Snaggletiger on October 29, 2012, 12:16:56 PM

Title: 4 Games
Post by: Snaggletiger on October 29, 2012, 12:16:56 PM
This season can't end quick enough but unfortunately, there are still 4 games to suffer through.  All kidding aside, 2 are "winnable" games and the other two will be beatdowns of Biblical proportions.  If this was year one for this staff and this had happened, we'd probably be talking about spending those 4 games playing the Frosts and Wallaces and Westermans of the world, to see who wants to play and get a jump on next year.  But, this staff has to know it's future is in total limbo...with the limbo leaning over the edge of the cliff, about to fall into the ocean. 

So, do they really give a shit about next year?  I imagine if you took poll of the Auburn nation right now, 95% would say it's a no-brainer to start Wallace this Saturday against probably the worst opponent on the schedule, so he can get some serious reps.  People, regardless of whether this staff stays or not, we don't have a QB for 2013.  I don't believe Wallace is the long term answer.  Could be wrong.  But right now, he sure looks to be the far better option of the 3.  Will Gene Chizik do what's "right" for this team's future?  Will they inexplacably start Jake Holland again over the future at MLB...the guy who had 12 tackles on the road the week before?  J. Evans is a senior with about -4 tackles on the season. Will they let Kris Frost get his reps against NMSU or will it be same old, same old? 

"Abomination" was the best word I saw earlier to describe this season.  But there are 4 games left and 2013 is coming whether we want to think about it or not.  Does this staff see we need to use these 4 games plan for the future?  Do they care, knowing they probably won't be there next year?
Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: chinook on October 29, 2012, 12:19:10 PM
my skreets just told me wallace is the starter. 
Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: Townhallsavoy on October 29, 2012, 12:22:58 PM
Honestly?  As bad and hopeless as we are?  Even though I hate Georgia and Alabama, I wish we could forfeit these games for their sakes.  It's not right that they have to spend valuable weekend/practice time playing against this abortion of a football team.

I can't imagine how bored they are.  Do they just get excited about stats?  When Georgia's busses travel down Donahue and enter the stadium, are the players focused on the game?  Maybe they're studying for tests or playing cards. 

Does Richt even watch game film the week leading up to the game?  Maybe he'll catch up on The Walking Dead. 

4 games.  Yeesh.  Going to be a long month.

Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: AU_Tiger_2000 on October 29, 2012, 12:27:53 PM
Honestly?  As bad and hopeless as we are?  Even though I hate Georgia and Alabama, I wish we could forfeit these games for their sakes.  It's not right that they have to spend valuable weekend/practice time playing against this abortion of a football team.

I can't imagine how bored they are.  Do they just get excited about stats?  When Georgia's busses travel down Donahue and enter the stadium, are the players focused on the game?  Maybe they're studying for tests or playing cards. 

Does Richt even watch game film the week leading up to the game?  Maybe he'll catch up on The Walking Dead. 

4 games.  Yeesh.  Going to be a long month.


Unfortunately for us I believe Saban hates Auburn/Chiz enough to make them try.  UGA, who knows.

And if they fired Chiz right now who would you put in as interim?  The O-coordinator who is apparently allowing Madden to call the plays for him on his PSP or the D-coordinator whose unit gave up 63?
Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: AUJarhead on October 29, 2012, 12:29:41 PM
The O-coordinator who is apparently allowing Madden to call the plays for him on his PSP

Ummm... those Madden playbooks have more than 4 plays.  Unless he doesn't know how to change screens.

I'm thinking it's more like Techmo Bowl.

Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: AU_Tiger_2000 on October 29, 2012, 12:31:41 PM
Ummm... those Madden playbooks have more than 4 plays.  Unless he doesn't know how to change screens.

I'm thinking it's more like Techmo Bowl.


Well that pic does have sweep left and sweep right on it.  Sweep up the middle must have gotten thrown out.

I think I figured out his other problem, all those plays only have 9 men on the field, he doesn't know what to do with the other two.
Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: War Eagle!!! on October 29, 2012, 12:35:10 PM
Aaaaaand...in that 4 games next month, Chizik will "earn" almost $300k.

Well, unless you are counting his paycheck by games, and if you do that, he will "earn" about $1.2M...
Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: Snaggletiger on October 29, 2012, 12:35:36 PM
Think about it for a second.  Despite the pocket full of change these guys are being paid, they HAVE to know they will mostl likely not be here next year.  Who knows, maybe they've already been told?  So, how do you focus on a game plan (Ha, even I laughed at my own use of the term, "Game plan") for NMSU or Georgia or even think about what's best for this team and these guys you recruitied for 2013 and beyond?

Would you be working on a game plan, or a contingency plan?
Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: djsimp on October 29, 2012, 12:35:48 PM
I think I figured out his other problem, all those plays only have 9 men on the field, he doesn't know what to do with the other two.

No, he does. The other two are chasing penalty flags.
Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: djsimp on October 29, 2012, 12:36:50 PM
Aaaaaand...in that 4 games next month, Chizik will "earn" almost $300k.

Well, unless you are counting his paycheck by games, and if you do that, he will "earn" about $1.2M...

You can go ahead and count what is being lost from the lack of fan attendance.
Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: AWK on October 29, 2012, 12:36:59 PM
I really don't understand how he and Jacobs haven't been shown the fucking door yet?  Don't the people in charge realize the longer he stays around the worse it is going to be?
Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: Snaggletiger on October 29, 2012, 12:45:10 PM
I really don't understand how he and Jacobs haven't been shown the fucking door yet?  Don't the people in charge realize the longer he stays around the worse it is going to be?

These are the same people who saw the wisdom in giving Chizik the extension and huge buyout in the first place.  I totally understand the wisdom in rewarding the guy for a MNC and job well done.  But, you don't mortgage the farm.  Hand the man a big check and say thank you.  As was reported Bobby Lowder was the only one who was against it.  My little alleyway behind some rundown projects in Cleveland that I call skreets, says it was a simple bidnezz decision.  He owned up to the fact that they had been burned too many times before giving extensions and buyouts...a la Tubby and Tiny..and thought it best not to do that for a second year coach.
Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: bottomfeeder on October 29, 2012, 12:45:51 PM
There should be a "clusterfuck" (a.k.a. "dumpsterfire") clause in every corch's contract.
Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: The Six on October 29, 2012, 12:53:04 PM
Question, Clark:

When you say "beatdowns of Biblical proportions," are you talking Samson vs. the Philistines or Israel's war with Amalek or David vs. Goliath, or Jesus flipping over tables in the temple?
Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: wesfau2 on October 29, 2012, 12:55:32 PM
Question, Clark:

When you say "beatdowns of Biblical proportions," are you talking Samson vs. the Philistines or Israel's war with Amalek or David vs. Goliath, or Jesus flipping over tables in the temple?

Terrance Cody at Ryans.
Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: AWK on October 29, 2012, 12:56:16 PM
These are the same people who saw the wisdom in giving Chizik the extension and huge buyout in the first place.  I totally understand the wisdom in rewarding the guy for a MNC and job well done.  But, you don't mortgage the farm.  Hand the man a big check and say thank you.  As was reported Bobby Lowder was the only one who was against it.  My little alleyway behind some rundown projects in Cleveland that I call skreets, says it was a simple bidnezz decision.  He owned up to the fact that they had been burned too many times before giving extensions and buyouts...a la Tubby and Tiny..and thought it best not to do that for a second year coach.
Yeah, but when push comes to shove, you have to cut ties.  And this shitty mess calls for us to cut ties.
Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: Godfather on October 29, 2012, 12:57:52 PM
These are the same people who saw the wisdom in giving Chizik the extension and huge buyout in the first place.  I totally understand the wisdom in rewarding the guy for a MNC and job well done.  But, you don't mortgage the farm.  Hand the man a big check and say thank you.  As was reported Bobby Lowder was the only one who was against it.  My little alleyway behind some rundown projects in Cleveland that I call skreets, says it was a simple bidnezz decision.  He owned up to the fact that they had been burned too many times before giving extensions and buyouts...a la Tubby and Tiny..and thought it best not to do that for a second year coach.
I really never thought I would say this, but I miss Bobby Lowder.

That SOB would have Jacob's head on a platter by now.
Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: The Six on October 29, 2012, 01:00:46 PM
Terrance Cody at Ryans.

Oh. Godzilla on a Japanese fishing village. Got it.  :charles:
Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: bottomfeeder on October 29, 2012, 01:01:18 PM
Question, Clark:

When you say "beatdowns of Biblical proportions," are you talking Samson vs. the Philistines or Israel's war with Amalek or David vs. Goliath, or Jesus flipping over tables in the temple?

Sodom and Gomorrah.
Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: AUJarhead on October 29, 2012, 01:02:43 PM
Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling!
Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: RWS on October 29, 2012, 01:06:57 PM
And if they fired Chiz right now who would you put in as interim?  The O-coordinator who is apparently allowing Madden to call the plays for him on his PSP or the D-coordinator whose unit gave up 63?
It would be interesting to see these two units minus Chizik putting his hands in them.  The offense doesn't really look like anything Loeffler did at Temple.  It looks like the same shit from last year, with a few of Loeffler's plays mixed in now and then.  The defense looks just as plain as last season.  One has to wonder how much they are being allowed to run their own system.  The common denominator on both sides of the ball appears to be Chizik.  Especially when you consider facts such as how Roof has made a decimated Penn State team a top 25 defense his first season there.  These guys aren't just forgetting how to run it when they come to Auburn, then remember how to run it the second they leave.
Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: JR4AU on October 29, 2012, 01:12:40 PM
I really don't understand how he and Jacobs haven't been shown the fucking door yet?  Don't the people in charge realize the longer he stays around the worse it is going to be?

My guess is JJ hasn't got the nuts to admit his miserable failure.  And that Gouge is more an academic who will wait til the end of the season, evaluate, and can BOTH.  He's been a hands off guy on athletics anyway, I don't expect him to move fast now. 

I know fans want a change now, and think it will spark the team.  Didn't in 1998.  We only beat La. Tech and UCF after Bowden was fired/quit.  (Looking back at the scores that season, fuck, nobody thrashed us anywhere near like this past Sat.)  Also, you're assuming the players want him canned.  For all we know, they may love the guy, I don't have a clue how any of them feel.  He may have them all convinced that it's their failure to execute that's caused all this.  That they are simply not grasping what they're trying to do. 

For me, yeah it would be making a statement that "someone cares" if they announced the move now, but looking back at Auburn's history, no coach has survived a disastrous like this, and the only thing that would shock me is if Chiz did.  I'm as pissed and dismayed as any of y'all, but really am indifferent to when they make the change, or the announcement, because it's going to change nothing for this year's team.     
Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: GH2001 on October 29, 2012, 01:17:20 PM
I really never thought I would say this, but I miss Bobby Lowder.

That SOB would have Jacob's head on a platter by now.

That's why when people wanted lowder gone I cautioned be careful what you wish for. He's the only one with nuts to make a decision more than likely in auburns best interest.
Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: Godfather on October 29, 2012, 02:36:48 PM
My guess is JJ hasn't got the nuts to admit his miserable failure.  And that Gouge is more an academic who will wait til the end of the season, evaluate, and can BOTH.  He's been a hands off guy on athletics anyway, I don't expect him to move fast now. 

I know fans want a change now, and think it will spark the team.  Didn't in 1998.  We only beat La. Tech and UCF after Bowden was fired/quit.  (Looking back at the scores that season, fuck, nobody thrashed us anywhere near like this past Sat.)  Also, you're assuming the players want him canned.  For all we know, they may love the guy, I don't have a clue how any of them feel.  He may have them all convinced that it's their failure to execute that's caused all this.  That they are simply not grasping what they're trying to do. 

For me, yeah it would be making a statement that "someone cares" if they announced the move now, but looking back at Auburn's history, no coach has survived a disastrous like this, and the only thing that would shock me is if Chiz did.  I'm as pissed and dismayed as any of y'all, but really am indifferent to when they make the change, or the announcement, because it's going to change nothing for this year's team.     
The thing I keep thinking of is fire them now, and who the fuck should we leave in place as interm?

When new kid mentioned Van Gorder staying, I said I am not so sure, and I am even more not sure.

Not that it matters anyways.  Might as well let the players coach, a la Varsity Blues.

I will say this, though. If they have any plans on bringing in Petrino.  I say fire Chizik now. Get Petrino in there, to at least keep recruiting, and let BVG run the rest of the season. 
Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: AU_Tiger_2000 on October 29, 2012, 02:37:49 PM
That's why when people wanted lowder gone I cautioned be careful what you wish for. He's the only one with nuts to make a decision more than likely in auburns best interest.

Lowder made decisions that were often in Auburn's best interest, but only when they were also in Lowder's best interest.
Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: Snaggletiger on October 29, 2012, 02:46:15 PM
The thing I keep thinking of is fire them now, and who the fuck should we leave in place as interm?

When new kid mentioned Van Gorder staying, I said I am not so sure, and I am even more not sure.

Not that it matters anyways.  Might as well let the players coach, a la Varsity Blues.

I will say this, though. If they have any plans on bringing in Petrino.  I say fire Chizik now get Petrino in there, to at least keep recruiting, and let BVG run the rest of the season.

It's hard to know how much difference a month will make with regard to bringing in a new coach.  Regardless of that epic quit Saturday night, I still say just ride it out for another month and trust....damn, I hate saying trust...that the PTB already have a plan in place and there will be a quick, smooth transition right after the Iron Bowl. 

There is no way in hell anyone in charge does not already know the fate of Gene Chizik at this point.  With all his coachspeak, it may be that he already knows and is just riding it out himself.  I think about Ole Miss when the season was over for Corch Yaw Yaw.  They announced his leaving and Houston stepped to the podium.  The deal had long since been done.  (Save the Ole Miss comparisons, just talking about transition) IMO, that's what needs to happen here and....something else to think about...

Would we be able to do that with a coach who's team is going bowling?  Hmmmm....been done before.
Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: Snaggletiger on October 29, 2012, 02:49:19 PM
Another question.  What would you do if they did in fact fire Chizik after the Iron Bowl, and then announced that they were forming a committee to do a coaching search....and each week dragged on...without a word?  Happened a few years ago and suddenly, the name Gene Chizik was announced. 

Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: Townhallsavoy on October 29, 2012, 03:02:34 PM
My guess is JJ hasn't got the nuts to admit his miserable failure.  And that Gouge is more an academic who will wait til the end of the season, evaluate, and can BOTH.  He's been a hands off guy on athletics anyway, I don't expect him to move fast now. 

I know fans want a change now, and think it will spark the team.  Didn't in 1998.  We only beat La. Tech and UCF after Bowden was fired/quit.  (Looking back at the scores that season, fuck, nobody thrashed us anywhere near like this past Sat.)  Also, you're assuming the players want him canned.  For all we know, they may love the guy, I don't have a clue how any of them feel.  He may have them all convinced that it's their failure to execute that's caused all this.  That they are simply not grasping what they're trying to do. 

For me, yeah it would be making a statement that "someone cares" if they announced the move now, but looking back at Auburn's history, no coach has survived a disastrous like this, and the only thing that would shock me is if Chiz did.  I'm as pissed and dismayed as any of y'all, but really am indifferent to when they make the change, or the announcement, because it's going to change nothing for this year's team.     

^^This for the most part.

I just think it's time to cut ties now.  Make the statement to current players, students, assistant coaches, fans, and recruits that the PTB see the bleeding and want it to stop.

You all realize that as of right now, we have no guaranteed statement saying that Chizik will be fired, right?  I mean, for all we know, Gogue may not want to get rid of Jacobs.  Jacbos may not want to get rid of Chizik.  They may place all of the blame on the new coordinators or a few select players.  We could very well be stuck with this again next season. 

They need to make a statement.  Fire Gene Chizik.  The interim doesn't matter.  This season is screwed anyway.

And honestly, I think giving recruits more time to contemplate their college future bodes better for us than firing Chizik later and them feeling rushed to make a decision.  Give them some time to reevaluate, visit other campuses, visit Auburn again, and then get to know the new coach. 

Right now is awful.  Real awful.  And this past weekend was the last semblance of hope for the season.  The stadium may not have been full, but just wait until you see the next three weeks. 

Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: wesfau2 on October 29, 2012, 03:07:10 PM
You all realize that as of right now, we have no guaranteed statement saying that Chizik will be fired, right? 

When OM announced Nutt's termination (which would occur after the season) and allowed him to coach the remaining games, it was the dumbest dumb shit move in the world.

You either fire the guy or you let him ride out the season, but you don't announce that you plan on firing the guy.
Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: Townhallsavoy on October 29, 2012, 03:35:07 PM
When OM announced Nutt's termination (which would occur after the season) and allowed him to coach the remaining games, it was the dumbest dumb shit move in the world.

You fire the guy.

Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: wesfau2 on October 29, 2012, 03:40:28 PM

You either do one or the other, but you damn sure don't announce the action to be taken at some later date.
Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: dallaswareagle on October 29, 2012, 03:43:01 PM
^^This for the most part.

I just think it's time to cut ties now.  Make the statement to current players, students, assistant coaches, fans, and recruits that the PTB see the bleeding and want it to stop.

You all realize that as of right now, we have no guaranteed statement saying that Chizik will be fired, right?  I mean, for all we know, Gogue may not want to get rid of Jacobs.  Jacbos may not want to get rid of Chizik.  They may place all of the blame on the new coordinators or a few select players.  We could very well be stuck with this again next season. 
They need to make a statement.  Fire Gene Chizik.  The interim doesn't matter.  This season is screwed anyway.

And honestly, I think giving recruits more time to contemplate their college future bodes better for us than firing Chizik later and them feeling rushed to make a decision.  Give them some time to reevaluate, visit other campuses, visit Auburn again, and then get to know the new coach. 

Right now is awful.  Real awful.  And this past weekend was the last semblance of hope for the season.  The stadium may not have been full, but just wait until you see the next three weeks.

The empty seats would be staggering.
Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: Saniflush on October 29, 2012, 03:44:52 PM
The empty seats coffers would be staggering.

Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: djsimp on October 29, 2012, 03:46:22 PM
The empty seats would be staggering.

That alone tells me AU will have a new coaching staff for '13.
Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: AWK on October 29, 2012, 04:05:14 PM
I've never seen Auburn as empty and destitute during gameday as I did last weekend.  It was pathetic.  I would venture to say that businesses in Lee County are losing millions due to this clusterfuck. 
Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: dallaswareagle on October 29, 2012, 04:09:56 PM
I've never seen Auburn as empty and destitute during gameday as I did last weekend.  It was pathetic.  I would venture to say that businesses in Lee County are losing millions due to this clusterfuck.

We left at 1/2 time and as we went by one of the concession stands there was no one in line.
Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: The Six on October 29, 2012, 04:23:41 PM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vaN-Q8zLWI (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vaN-Q8zLWI)

Watch that.
Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: Godfather on October 29, 2012, 04:38:36 PM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vaN-Q8zLWI (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vaN-Q8zLWI)

Watch that.
And yet they still don't have a really fucking Auburn helmet...WTF!!

Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: Snaggletiger on October 29, 2012, 04:41:24 PM
Couldn't bring myself to listen to Granny Clampett today.  Still too soon after Saturday night.
Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: Godfather on October 29, 2012, 04:43:30 PM
Why did you make me listen to that, it was fucking stupid anyways.
Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: Godfather on October 29, 2012, 04:45:57 PM
I will say it one more time in the hopes that the ESPN idiots or anyone else that thinks Chizik should be given more time sees it.

The firing of Gene Chizik is not a result of this year.

It is 4 years of the worst defenses we have ever witnessed at Auburn
It is lack of player development.

This season was the catalyst not the symptom.

Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: AWK on October 29, 2012, 04:49:06 PM
I will say it one more time in the hopes that the ESPN idiots or anyone else that thinks Chizik should be given more time sees it.

The firing of Gene Chizik is not a result of this year.

It is 4 years of the worst defenses we have ever witnessed at Auburn
It is lack of player development.

This season was the catalyst not the symptom.
Just post this:

Since the NC, Chiz is 9-12.  Of the 12 losses, 7 have been by 21 or more points.  More than half, blowouts.
Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: Snaggletiger on October 29, 2012, 04:50:59 PM
And out the 9...8 of those were last year.  What direction are we headed?  I wonder...
Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: dallaswareagle on October 29, 2012, 05:03:56 PM
And yet they still don't have a really fucking Auburn helmet...WTF!!


No wonder the fucker can't tackle-Look who's helmet that is. 
Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: AUChizad on October 29, 2012, 07:41:43 PM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vaN-Q8zLWI (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vaN-Q8zLWI)

Watch that.


You mean like every single other Auburn team has done in the 21st century minus the 2008 team that was Tuberville's demise?

I'm sick of this treatment like we're historically the football equivalent of Vanderbilt.

You have to go back to the 90's before you get to another bowl-less season, and that was back before you had to lose 7 games before you're eliminated from contention.

And we've still got 4 more to go!

Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: AUownsU on October 29, 2012, 08:32:07 PM
For me, yeah it would be making a statement that "someone cares" if they announced the move now, but looking back at Auburn's history, no coach has survived a disastrous like this, and the only thing that would shock me is if Chiz did.  I'm as pissed and dismayed as any of y'all, but really am indifferent to when they make the change, or the announcement, because it's going to change nothing for this year's team.     
Count me in the group that wanted to see heads roll yesterday. However, I agree and totally get what you are saying.

JMO but I think the only reason we don't have Chizik's head on a platter right now is that his buyout drops from $10 million to $7.5 million on December 1st. I can see why the PTB are willing to wait 30 more days and save 2.5 mil. Since, like you said, it will change nothing that happens on the field this year. As to why JJ's head hasn't been already served, I have no fucking idea. Maybe his buyout drops Dec 1st as well? Again I don't know.

What I would like to know is that the PTB have already made their mind up and are well on their way to hiring BMFP... err I mean...interviewing candidates as we speak.
Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: dallaswareagle on October 29, 2012, 08:35:46 PM
Count me in the group that wanted to see heads roll yesterday. However, I agree and totally get what you are saying.

JMO but I think the only reason we don't have Chizik's head on a platter right now is that his buyout drops from $10 million to $7.5 million on December 1st. I can see why the PTB are willing to wait 30 more days and save 2.5 mil. Since, like you said, it will change nothing that happens on the field this year. As to why JJ's head hasn't been already served, I have no fucking idea. Maybe his buyout drops Dec 1st as well? Again I don't know.

What I would like to know is that the PTB have already made their mind up and are well on their way to hiring BMFP... err I mean...interviewing candidates as we speak.

If Gene was 1/2 the upstanding man he claims to be, he would refuse at least 1/2 of the buyout because of the position he will be leaving us in.
Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: GH2001 on October 29, 2012, 10:19:32 PM
Count me in the group that wanted to see heads roll yesterday. However, I agree and totally get what you are saying.

JMO but I think the only reason we don't have Chizik's head on a platter right now is that his buyout drops from $10 million to $7.5 million on December 1st. I can see why the PTB are willing to wait 30 more days and save 2.5 mil. Since, like you said, it will change nothing that happens on the field this year. As to why JJ's head hasn't been already served, I have no fucking idea. Maybe his buyout drops Dec 1st as well? Again I don't know.

What I would like to know is that the PTB have already made their mind up and are well on their way to hiring BMFP... err I mean...interviewing candidates as we speak.

JJ has a buyout? What fuckin moron came up with that
Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: AUChizad on October 29, 2012, 10:23:18 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't having discussions (with Petrino no less) Before firing our current coach nearly lose us our accreditation?
Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: AUownsU on October 29, 2012, 10:25:32 PM
JJ has a buyout? What fudgein moron came up with that
Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: AUownsU on October 29, 2012, 10:39:17 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't having discussions (with Petrino no less) Before firing our current coach nearly lose us our accreditation?
I wonder how much of that had to do with AU's AD and some BOT's actually being in on the plane and in the meeting?  Hell Lowder's a free man now. I'm sure he can get things lined up and then report back to Yella Fella. Incognito.
Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: Saniflush on October 30, 2012, 07:04:37 AM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't having discussions (with Petrino no less) Before firing our current coach nearly lose us our accreditation?

Two separate incidents that happened at the same time. 
Not related.
Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: JR4AU on October 30, 2012, 10:08:27 AM
When OM announced Nutt's termination (which would occur after the season) and allowed him to coach the remaining games, it was the dumbest dumb shit move in the world.

You either fire the guy or you let him ride out the season, but you don't announce that you plan on firing the guy.

Yep, when you divorce, you part ways now! 
Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: AUChizad on October 30, 2012, 10:16:48 AM
JMO but I think the only reason we don't have Chizik's head on a platter right now is that his buyout drops from $10 million to $7.5 million on December 1st. I can see why the PTB are willing to wait 30 more days and save 2.5 mil. Since, like you said, it will change nothing that happens on the field this year. As to why JJ's head hasn't been already served, I have no fucking idea. Maybe his buyout drops Dec 1st as well? Again I don't know.

It's actually prorated to $208,000 a month.

In other words it drops per month less than half of what JJ threw away to Jacksonville State to not play us...

Maybe they're holding out for November 1st?
Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: Snaggletiger on October 30, 2012, 10:38:12 AM
Does anyone think our Board is smart enough to already have the wheels in motion?  There is no way they don't see the same thing 99% of the Auburn fanbase does.  It's over for this staff (And hopefully this AD) and change has to be made.  If we get to the day after the Iron Bowl and hear nothing....or if they do can Chizik but say "We're starting the search and we plan on doing it the right way and interviewing all qualified blah, blah, blah..." will there be a meltdown to end all meltdowns? 

They have to be on this already....don't they?
Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: Saniflush on October 30, 2012, 11:14:18 AM
Does anyone think our Board is smart enough to already have the wheels in motion?  There is no way they don't see the same thing 99% of the Auburn fanbase does.  It's over for this staff (And hopefully this AD) and change has to be made.  If we get to the day after the Iron Bowl and hear nothing....or if they do can Chizik but say "We're starting the search and we plan on doing it the right way and interviewing all qualified blah, blah, blah..." will there be a meltdown to end all meltdowns? 

They have to be on this already....don't they?

One would think but who the hell knows for sure? 

Actually I guess we will the day after the SPUAT game.
Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: JR4AU on October 30, 2012, 11:17:42 AM
Does anyone think our Board is smart enough to already have the wheels in motion?  There is no way they don't see the same thing 99% of the Auburn fanbase does.  It's over for this staff (And hopefully this AD) and change has to be made.  If we get to the day after the Iron Bowl and hear nothing....or if they do can Chizik but say "We're starting the search and we plan on doing it the right way and interviewing all qualified blah, blah, blah..." will there be a meltdown to end all meltdowns? 

They have to be on this already....don't they?

Please dear 8 pound baby Jesus!
Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: JR4AU on October 30, 2012, 11:19:02 AM
One would think but who the hell knows for sure? 

Actually I guess we will the day after the SPUAT game.

Anybody know if this is true?  I hear/am told that Dec. 1 Chizik's buyout decreases by like $2Mil. 
Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: Snaggletiger on October 30, 2012, 11:20:05 AM
Does anyone think Dye is smart enough to already have the wheels in motion?  There is no way he doesn't see the same thing 99% of the Auburn fanbase does.  It's over for this staff (And hopefully this AD) and change has to be made.  If we get to the day after the Iron Bowl and hear nothing....or if he does can Chizik but says "I'm starting the search and I plan on doing it the right way and interviewing all qualified blah, blah, blah..." will there be a meltdown to end all meltdowns? 

He is on this already....isn't he?

Don't know what I was thinking...There....FIXT.
Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: Saniflush on October 30, 2012, 12:13:02 PM
Don't know what I was thinking...There....FIXT.

Shhhh.  Keep this here.
Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: Godfather on October 30, 2012, 12:14:39 PM

Shhhh.  Keep this here.
Dabbie is the really mastermind.
Title: Re: 4 Games
Post by: Saniflush on October 30, 2012, 12:16:08 PM
Dabbie is the really mastermind.

what chu talkin bout?