Tigers X - Number one Source to Talk Auburn Tigers Sports
Pat Dye Field => War Damn Eagle => Topic started by: Kaos on September 16, 2011, 12:32:54 AM
Nobody knows you better than the people here, Chopper. The people on this board have seen you through a lot of shit and we've all had our differences. But we know you and you know us. You know we fuck around, but also that we know when to be serious. Bear that in mind.
I'm bringing this into this public forum in the hopes that you'll see it and step the fuck off.
This is a terrible idea and can only end badly. I don't think there will be a single soul on this board who will consider this a good idea in any way, shape or form.
You should also notice that almost everyone who has commented on your 247 thread is begging you not to do this. That should TELL you something, Chop.
There is no good resolution here.
Nobody cares about Sheridan any more. His pop went fizzle and everybody has moved on. Don't dignify him by giving him the opportunity to have another poke at the dead horse. All that will come of it is flies and maggots.
You can get pissed if you want, but this "interview" isn't about Auburn. It's about YOU and your desire to be relevant or whatever it is you're searching for. There are other ways, Chop.
Don't do this.
Walk away.
Make sure you record the conversation Chop....you'll probably need it.
Make sure you record the conversation Chop....you'll probably need it.
FBomb and Sheridan sounded like brothers having drinks with the off-hand remarks and it's clear to me that the whole stunt is over. Sheridan got noticed as did Paul's forum and it caused a stir, Sheridan was dissed by the NCAA, Paul wrote an article and has reeled Danny back into safety.
It's all about the ringmaster and his circus and nothing more, no conspiracy, no real attempt to do damage. It was a series of open-ended statements that could never be proven by a guy treading in shallow water with floaties. Sheridan is now one of the most anticipated guests on the show. He was a boring segment before all of this took place and FBomb gained more notiriety and has revived a friend's stale career in the same act. Brilliantly played.
No matter how well intentioned this may be, there is no upside to it. DS has been exposed for what he is and this only gives him a possible platform to continue spreading his ilk.
No matter how well intentioned this may be, there is no upside to it. DS has been exposed for what he is and this only gives him a possible platform to continue spreading his ilk.
I hereby sign on with the ones who think this is not a good idea. It's not timely, and has no upside.
Not sure what it is about blogs, but it happens. Someone starts putting their thoughts out on the net for public consumption, and they are slowly convinced they are having unique and provoking thoughts. I'm pretty sure it's even happened to me before, and probably anybody else that writes something for public consumption has had it happen to them to some degree.
Shane Corn is a prime example, and an example of a douche that doesn't understand his one limitations or irrelevance in the circles he's trying to run. Sadly, he's encouraged by the ringmaster of the idiot circus at times, though he's also been slapped down by him too. Shane was once "just a talk show caller", and in fact that's all he is now, all he ever was, and all he ever will be until he becomes worm food, which will hopefully be sooner rather than later. John Q. Public with the nuts to talk shit publicly from the safety of a telephone in an undisclosed location. In other words a piece of shit coward, and a run of the mill one at that. But, Paul, his brother in law, gave him a forum in which to put his thoughts down for them to linger longer than a phone call. Gave him a "by line". Then Shane gets a column in some random hick town paper, and writes bullshit about Auburn in the Crapstain report, and voila, he's "a journalist". He went so far in this role as "journalist" that he contacted the NCAA representing himself as a "journalist" employed by the Paul Finebaum show and in the guise of "investigating" he basically told the NCAA that Chet Williams was...what? Auburn's bag man, and needed to be investigated. Sound familiar? He was investigating nothing, and knew nothing...he was slinging shit to see if it would stick, thinking he'd be taken seriously because of his claimed "connection to Finebaum". Finebaum axed his blog for this. But it was too late, the monster had been created, and Shane drones on about Auburn on the phone and at the Crapstain report. He's so relevant, many are glad he's not long for this earth. While others have to feign sympathy for him.
Just a little tale full of my unique and provoking thoughts.
Redundant, but I absolutely agree with Kaos and everyone else in this thread. The only thing you will be doing if you actually get an interview with Sheridan is lending relevance to him and his black helicopter society.
No DS interview.
On the other hand, I would be a great interview. I'm interesting, witty, funny, and people really like me. Oh, and of course you'll want a photo of me to post with the article. I'll send you the one of me and Cletus T. Judd at Ruby Tuesdays. Kind of plays into the whole "How connected I am" theme of the interview.
I heard a podcast a while ago with Sheridan on it. Go listen to it. However this is playing in your head, is not the way it will play out in reality. Dude is going to dodge your question, talk in circles and try and get information from you. Hell, that's what the NCAA claimed he did to them.
I wouldn't do it...
I'm going to pile on here with something you haven't considered and I hope you'll take your head out of the fucking oven on this and listen.
Danny, as stupid as he sounds, has been in this game for a long, long time. He built a multi-million dollar empire from absolutely nothing and from having no more insight than the average cocker spaniel.
He's been dealing with the legitimate media for 30 years. He's not an idiot.
You are not a journalist. You're not an interviewer. You're not a writer (you said it yourself). You're an amateur. You've got no experience or history. Danny, as dumb as you may think him to be, is a pro. What happens when amateurs go into the ring against professionals?
This will turn out BADLY.
You seriously think you're gonna get some dramatic scoop?
Think about this. If this monkey fuck will reach out to you, how many LEGITIMATE reporters, people who do it for a living have obviously passed him by? You don't think he'd interview with WNSP, 97.3, Thamel, Thayer, WSB, Fox or any of those if they would have his stupid ass?
I don't expect you to listen because you're hearing a symphony of triumphant horns in your head.
That's pretty obvious in the fact that 99% of the people who've responded to your intent to "interview" Danny have recoiled in horror and pleaded with you not to do it and your response is consistently "I hear ya, but.."
Gahhhdammit, Chop.... You DON'T hear anybody. You say you do, but you don't. For once, for this one time LISTEN to what people are telling you. Don't just hear it. HEED it.
When everybody thinks it's a bad idea but you, that means it's probably a bad idea no matter what tune the horns in your brain are tooting.
I'm going to pile on here with something you haven't considered and I hope you'll take your head out of the fucking oven on this and listen.
Danny, as stupid as he sounds, has been in this game for a long, long time. He built a multi-million dollar empire from absolutely nothing and from having no more insight than the average cocker spaniel.
He's been dealing with the legitimate media for 30 years. He's not an idiot.
You are not a journalist. You're not an interviewer. You're not a writer (you said it yourself). You're an amateur. You've got no experience or history. Danny, as dumb as you may think him to be, is a pro. What happens when amateurs go into the ring against professionals?
This will turn out BADLY.
You seriously think you're gonna get some dramatic scoop?
Think about this. If this monkey fuck will reach out to you, how many LEGITIMATE reporters, people who do it for a living have obviously passed him by? You don't think he'd interview with WNSP, 97.3, Thamel, Thayer, WSB, Fox or any of those if they would have his stupid ass?
I don't expect you to listen because you're hearing a symphony of triumphant horns in your head.
That's pretty obvious in the fact that 99% of the people who've responded to your intent to "interview" Danny have recoiled in horror and pleaded with you not to do it and your response is consistently "I hear ya, but.."
Gahhhdammit, Chop.... You DON'T hear anybody. You say you do, but you don't. For once, for this one time LISTEN to what people are telling you. Don't just hear it. HEED it.
When everybody thinks it's a bad idea but you, that means it's probably a bad idea no matter what tune the horns in your brain are tooting.
Please read the highlighted above and let it sink in.
Don't do it dude. It's not a good idea. Him and Finebaum are professionals, they know what they are doing and on level of trolling that most trolls dream to get on. Which is all they are/were doing. They trolled the shit out anyone that would give them a second of their time. Please do not feed the trolls.
remind me please...who is chopper and who is danny sheridan?
remind me please...who is chopper and who is danny sheridan?
I think that's that show with the father and son who build motorcycles but they had a split up.
remind me please...who is chopper and who is danny sheridan?
I don't know Chopper except by his posts on this site. Danny Sheridan is a contributor to USA Today, a sports tout and syndicated oddsmaker. Sports talk radio host Paul Finebaum gave Sheridan, his pal from Mobile, AL. a platform to spew some negative Auburn nonsense to increase ratings while giving Sheridan a makeover of sorts.
Sheridan accepted an interview from Chopper and apparently Chopper knows trade secrets, has the keys to the asylum or knows where the bodies are buried but then Sheridan already knows these things or thinks he does or knows someone who thought he did. He could be wrong, he's only fifty-fifty on the subject but will submit to a polygraph, even sodium pentathol: what you say he doesn't think he knows and he will even bet six figures, seven if you wish and then let Paul be the intermediary, doesn't matter to him... he's Danny Sher i dan.
remind me please...who is chopper and who is danny sheridan?
One of them is an oddsmaker and the other is related to someone famous.
One of them is an oddsmaker and the other is related to someone famous.
You're reaching.
I have no idea what is going on in this thread, but Cocaine Tiger likes to dance!!!
The leprechaun at the podium amuses me.
I've thought about this a little more and the idea of you attempting to interview Sheridan....
I've thought about this a little more and the idea of you attempting to interview Sheridan....
:haha: :haha: :haha:
While I can only assume that the sound of glorious trumpets in your head is drowning out any possibility of being heard I am -- at the behest of others -- going to try again to make you see just what a horrible idea this is.
Here's the thing:
What is there to possibly gain from this exercise in futility?
Do you seriously think Danny's going to tell you the name of his so-called Bagman? Even if he miraculously drops a name on you, Chopper, what will you do with it? Publish it? Say Danny told you but you were sworn to secrecy?
Any answer there makes things worse for everybody.
What's more likely to happen is that Danny sees an opportunity. He's already reeled you in with a completely insincere dash of flattery. And now your ego is writing checks you can't cash.
It could easily go something like this:
He'll talk like you're old pals and when he senses you've lowered your guard, Danny will ask casually something like "so if you had to guess, who do you think the NCAA told me was the bagman?"
And then without thinking you'll toss out six or seven of the names you've read on the whacka-doo message boards as possibilities.
Well that's a very interesting list. I will say that the person I have knowledge of lives in the Southeast and has been in at least one bank. That might help narrow your list down.
I hear ya. Can't give out the dealio, but I'm picking up what you're laying down here.
Your conclusions are as good as mine, but I think you understand why I can't provide you the name, only contextual clues so you can make your own findings. I've done nothing but tell the truth. The NCAA knows it.
Yeah, I know. Just sayin...
Two days later Sheridan tweets: Representative of Auburn media confirms knowledge of Auburn's pay scheme.
Four days later Sheridan is on Finebaum:
Interesting conversation with an Auburn media member last week. In the course of our discussion he was able to identify the person who had previously been identified to me as the person who allegedly provided payments to Cecil Newton.
Finebaum (shrieking): This confirms that Auburn has known about this all along and has been covering it up for nine months. If street-level Auburn reporters are aware of who made the payments, don't you believe Jay Jacobs knows? We know Jay Gouge doesn't, he doesn't know anything. But Jacobs knew. Dye knew. Do you think Bo Jackson knew?
And then the cycle starts all over again.
I don't care if you get pissed off or not, Chopper. This is not about benefiting Auburn or doing anything positive. This is 100% about inflating your own fucking ego. Stop it. Leave this alone. It has already died a natural death. Why kick the corpse?
While I can only assume that the sound of glorious trumpets in your head is drowning out any possibility of being heard I am -- at the behest of others -- going to try again to make you see just what a horrible idea this is.
Here's the thing:
What is there to possibly gain from this exercise in futility?
Do you seriously think Danny's going to tell you the name of his so-called Bagman? Even if he miraculously drops a name on you, Chopper, what will you do with it? Publish it? Say Danny told you but you were sworn to secrecy?
Any answer there makes things worse for everybody.
What's more likely to happen is that Danny sees an opportunity. He's already reeled you in with a completely insincere dash of flattery. And now your ego is writing checks you can't cash.
It could easily go something like this:
He'll talk like you're old pals and when he senses you've lowered your guard, Danny will ask casually something like "so if you had to guess, who do you think the NCAA told me was the bagman?"
And then without thinking you'll toss out six or seven of the names you've read on the whacka-doo message boards as possibilities.
Well that's a very interesting list. I will say that the person I have knowledge of lives in the Southeast and has been in at least one bank. That might help narrow your list down.
I hear ya. Can't give out the dealio, but I'm picking up what you're laying down here.
Your conclusions are as good as mine, but I think you understand why I can't provide you the name, only contextual clues so you can make your own findings. I've done nothing but tell the truth. The NCAA knows it.
Yeah, I know. Just sayin...
Two days later Sheridan tweets: Representative of Auburn media confirms knowledge of Auburn's pay scheme.
Four days later Sheridan is on Finebaum:
Interesting conversation with an Auburn media member last week. In the course of our discussion he was able to identify the person who had previously been identified to me as the person who allegedly provided payments to Cecil Newton.
Finebaum (shrieking): This confirms that Auburn has known about this all along and has been covering it up for nine months. If street-level Auburn reporters are aware of who made the payments, don't you believe Jay Jacobs knows? We know Jay Gouge doesn't, he doesn't know anything. But Jacobs knew. Dye knew. Do you think Bo Jackson knew?
And then the cycle starts all over again.
I don't care if you get pissed off or not, Chopper. This is not about benefiting Auburn or doing anything positive. This is 100% about inflating your own fucking ego. Stop it. Leave this alone. It has already died a natural death. Why kick the corpse?
Or rather, more to the point....
Just don't fucking do it chop.
K. Thanks. Bye.
Just don't fucking do it chop.
K. Thanks. Bye.
your posts are few but they count 100 percent.
adios, amigo.
What in the flying fuck does it matter?
If this is what he wants to do, then let him do it.
You act as if this has some sort of effect on your own life.
So what? Your dog is going to get cancer? Your right testicle is going to fall off? Woe be upon us, because Chopper has brought so many plagues.
What in the flying fuck does it matter?
If this is what he wants to do, then let him do it.
You act as if this has some sort of effect on your own life.
So what? Your dog is going to get cancer? Your right testicle is going to fall off? Woe be upon us, because Chopper has brought so many plagues.
Sorry. This thread is reserved for those who have experienced at least one victory in their SEC opener over the past seven seasons.
Sorry. This thread is reserved for those who have experienced at least one victory in their SEC opener over the past seven seasons.
Oh. My bad.
Clearly this thread is reserved for artards who want to repeatedly make "replies" despite the fact that Chopper has ignored them.
If you don't agree with me, that's fine; continue on with your merry little giggle fest. But I see no point in laboriously repeating why you think Chop shouldn't do the interview.
He didn't break the news here. Chances are he doesn't give a flying fuck what the members of this board think. Aside from that, when the guy doesn't even bother to respond to the dick posts being made, there's no point (nor is there any fun) in continuing the tomfoolery.
I want to see some funny shit, not this jack assery. You guys can do better than this. Tell me some penis jokes or something.
I want to see some funny shit, not this jack assery. You guys can do better than this. Tell me some penis jokes or something.
Look in the mirror.
Look in the mirror.
The fact that my penis is abnormally large is not a laughing matter.
Don't worry, you'll be able to creepily take a picture of it at some point in time.
The fact that my penis is abnormally large is not a laughing matter.
Don't worry, you'll be able to creepily take a picture of it at some point in time.
Shouldnt you be off questing?
Shouldnt you be off questing?
Hobbits don't "quest." We drink, fuck, and reproduce like tiny Mexicans (no disrespect, Sweets). Then when you stupid humans come along with your cock rings and magical dildos, shit gets all fucked up in the shire and we have to go throw some fucking nonsense into a volcano for you assclowns.
Hobbits don't "quest." We drink, fuck, and reproduce like tiny Mexicans (no disrespect, Sweets). Then when you stupid humans come along with your cock rings and magical dildos, shit gets all fucked up in the shire and we have to go throw some fucking nonsense into a volcano for you assclowns.
Bray isn't a hobbit.
Oh. My bad.
Clearly this thread is reserved for artards who want to repeatedly make "replies" despite the fact that Chopper has ignored them.
If you don't agree with me, that's fine; continue on with your merry little giggle fest. But I see no point in laboriously repeating why you think Chop shouldn't do the interview.
He didn't break the news here. Chances are he doesn't give a flying fuck what the members of this board think. Aside from that, when the guy doesn't even bother to respond to the dick posts being made, there's no point (nor is there any fun) in continuing the tomfoolery.
I want to see some funny shit, not this jack assery. You guys can do better than this. Tell me some penis jokes or something.
I give less of a fuck what you think than I do what Chop thinks.
No offense.
I give less of a fuck what you think than I do what Chop thinks.
No offense.
I won't take offense...IF, and only if, you touch my hobbit wiener.
I won't take offense...IF, and only if, you touch my hobbit wiener.
Fall down a hill and I will touch it with a golf club.
Anybody have a club I can borrow?
Fall down a hill and I will touch it with a golf club.
Anybody have a club I can borrow?
I didn't sign up for this sadistic masochist shit. I think you're looking for the highlighter fairy.
Bray isn't a hobbit.
I was trying to say that your post was awesome.
I was trying to say that your post was awesome.
Oh...well, I would have gotten the message had you given me a spectacular hand job.
Oh...well, I would have gotten the message had you given me a spectacular hand job.
I have discovered the best hand job.....anyone that I can get.
your posts are few but they count 100 percent.
adios, amigo.
I'll tell your mom you said hi!
What kind of audience does Chop have. From my perspective, it will be like the sound of a tree falling in the forest with no one around.
Anti-climatic, too. This horse has already been ridden.
"Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you like the play" ?
What kind of audience does Chop have. From my perspective, it will be like the sound of a tree falling in the forest with no one around.
Anti-climatic, too. This horse has already been ridden.
"Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you like the play" ?
Where the hell have you been titz?
First off... Has there been contact? Nope. Do I plan on it? Nope.
Why did I post that thread there, and not here? This thread. Right here.
The responses and the read on where people stand with Sheridan is much more interesting (or was) to me, than interviewing a guy that would patronize my inexperience and still say the same things anyway. I understand that. However, I did take a moment of pause to appreciate the fact I was at least in a position to do so had I wanted to. There's a lot of people that have worked Sheridan over pretty hard, and to get one on one responses was at least entertaining.
Nobody knows you better than the people here, Chopper. The people on this board have seen you through a lot of shit and we've all had our differences. But we know you and you know us. You know we fuck around, but also that we know when to be serious. Bear that in mind.
I'm bringing this into this public forum in the hopes that you'll see it and step the fuck off.
This is a terrible idea and can only end badly. I don't think there will be a single soul on this board who will consider this a good idea in any way, shape or form.
You should also notice that almost everyone who has commented on your 247 thread is begging you not to do this. That should TELL you something, Chop.
There is no good resolution here.
Nobody cares about Sheridan any more. His pop went fizzle and everybody has moved on. Don't dignify him by giving him the opportunity to have another poke at the dead horse. All that will come of it is flies and maggots.
You can get pissed if you want, but this "interview" isn't about Auburn. It's about YOU and your desire to be relevant or whatever it is you're searching for. There are other ways, Chop.
Don't do this.
Walk away.
Looking for an earlier response that warranted this.... Nothing. Uhhhh.....
I've thought about this a little more and the idea of you attempting to interview Sheridan....
While I can only assume that the sound of glorious trumpets in your head is drowning out any possibility of being heard I am -- at the behest of others -- going to try again to make you see just what a horrible idea this is.
Here's the thing:
What is there to possibly gain from this exercise in futility?
Do you seriously think Danny's going to tell you the name of his so-called Bagman? Even if he miraculously drops a name on you, Chopper, what will you do with it? Publish it? Say Danny told you but you were sworn to secrecy?
Any answer there makes things worse for everybody.
What's more likely to happen is that Danny sees an opportunity. He's already reeled you in with a completely insincere dash of flattery. And now your ego is writing checks you can't cash.
It could easily go something like this:
He'll talk like you're old pals and when he senses you've lowered your guard, Danny will ask casually something like "so if you had to guess, who do you think the NCAA told me was the bagman?"
And then without thinking you'll toss out six or seven of the names you've read on the whacka-doo message boards as possibilities.
Well that's a very interesting list. I will say that the person I have knowledge of lives in the Southeast and has been in at least one bank. That might help narrow your list down.
I hear ya. Can't give out the dealio, but I'm picking up what you're laying down here.
Your conclusions are as good as mine, but I think you understand why I can't provide you the name, only contextual clues so you can make your own findings. I've done nothing but tell the truth. The NCAA knows it.
Yeah, I know. Just sayin...
Two days later Sheridan tweets: Representative of Auburn media confirms knowledge of Auburn's pay scheme.
Four days later Sheridan is on Finebaum:
Interesting conversation with an Auburn media member last week. In the course of our discussion he was able to identify the person who had previously been identified to me as the person who allegedly provided payments to Cecil Newton.
Finebaum (shrieking): This confirms that Auburn has known about this all along and has been covering it up for nine months. If street-level Auburn reporters are aware of who made the payments, don't you believe Jay Jacobs knows? We know Jay Gouge doesn't, he doesn't know anything. But Jacobs knew. Dye knew. Do you think Bo Jackson knew?
And then the cycle starts all over again.
I don't care if you get pissed off or not, Chopper. This is not about benefiting Auburn or doing anything positive. This is 100% about inflating your own fucking ego. Stop it. Leave this alone. It has already died a natural death. Why kick the corpse?
.... :facepalm:
Sorry, but you'll have to forgive me finding all of this a little overboard and pretty funny shit.
I DID ask people for their opinions. I asked a lot of people. I got a lot of different responses. Good ones. I learn everyday. It's fun doing what I'm doing. Getting pissed isn't the result of honest feedback.
Look, I do the blog and Twitter because I enjoy it. Just like people come here.
Do I think its a great idea personally? Probably not.
But do I care if Chop does the interview or not? Is it going to hurt Auburn? Or me? Nope.
And I certainly don't really see much sense in personally insulting the guy if he wants to do it.
Live and let live.
Live and let live.
Failed strategy.
Thin the herd.
That's my motto.
Failed strategy.
Thin the herd.
That's my motto.
Works for God's creatures.
Failed strategy.
Thin the herd.
That's my motto.
If he did the interview, and things went as you predicted, would that not "thin the herd"? It would. Chop would get eaten alive, according to you. So why worry? It's what you want.
I don't understand why you worried so much about this. And replied to yourself- numerous times.
Yours is not to wonder why.
First off... Has there been contact? Nope. Do I plan on it? Nope.
Why did I post that thread there, and not here? This thread. Right here.
The responses and the read on where people stand with Sheridan is much more interesting (or was) to me, than interviewing a guy that would patronize my inexperience and still say the same things anyway. I understand that. However, I did take a moment of pause to appreciate the fact I was at least in a position to do so had I wanted to. There's a lot of people that have worked Sheridan over pretty hard, and to get one on one responses was at least entertaining.
You took a second to applaud the attention you had received?
You took a second to applaud the attention you had received?
He stroked his ego - you know you do it too, but you doit all over VV's briefs (and the legal docs on his desk too)
Where the hell have you been titz?
In the hinterlands of SW Arkansas. A place named Hope. Ex-presidents and watermelon Capitol of the state. Po- dunk.