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The Library => The SGA => Topic started by: Tarheel on August 23, 2011, 10:21:45 AM
I was eager to see the results of this latest Gallup Poll but I must say that the results are disappointing. The Pharaoh is still trending high against the top four GOP candidates and trending outside of the margin of error for a generic GOP candidate. The ONE's optics are terrible, the economy is worse, unemployment is higher than it ever was with the hated W, and still this man-child in the White House polls relatively well. The good news is that independent voters are trending GOP consistently.
Here's the bottom line, excerpt from Gallup report, all emphasis, editorializing, and satire is my own:
The Pharaoh: 45%
Generic GOP: 39%
The Pharaoh: 46%
Romney: 48%
The Pharaoh: 47%
Perry: 47%
The Pharaoh: 47%
The Loon*: 45%
The Pharaoh: 48%
Bachmann: 44%
Margin of error is +- 4%
*for those of you from Tuscaloosa and Durham this is a euphemism for Ron Paul.
Question. Do the Repubs hurt themselves by having so many candidates, even this early in the game? Plus, I still have a sneaky suspicion that Palin will join the fray at what she determines to be the most opportune time, which in my opinion would only polarize the voters even more.
Question. Do the Repubs hurt themselves by having so many candidates, even this early in the game? Plus, I still have a sneaky suspicion that Palin will join the fray at what she determines to be the most opportune time, which in my opinion would only polarize the voters even more.
In my opinion it's helpful in that it provides a broad spectrum from which we can dial-in the best candidate. It is problematic in that they must eventually attack one another in the process which detracts from attacking The Pharaoh's MANY faults but it's a necessary evil in the electoral process. None of these candidates are rock stars like The Pharaoh (especially when it comes to campaigning) which is disappointing but at some point America must realize that we need an adult in the White House...not an empty-suit, political rock star who can read a teleprompter.
Eventually the reality of the sustained 9+% unemployment and the 80% wrong direction attitude among the electorate are going to 'come home to roost' (as the Rev. Jeremiah Wright says) and The Pharaoh is going to have to answer for them. He's sitting in the Big Chair in the Oval Office and the last time I checked that's where the buck stops.
I see the One riding it out and continuing his failed policies until election time draws near. Then he'll pull a fast one by doing something big, like bringing the troops home just to focus attention on himself
I see the One riding it out and continuing his failed policies until election time draws near. Then he'll pull a fast one by doing something big, like bringing the troops home just to focus attention on himself
You may be right. In that scenario the GOP is going to have to win control of the Senate and keep a firm control of the House. The problem with that scenario is that the only government entity with lower approval than The ONE is...Congress.
I see the One riding it out and continuing his failed policies until election time draws near. Then he'll pull a fast one by doing something big, like bringing the troops home just to focus attention on himself
Or some kind of miraculous Wall Street recovery.
I am curious as to what will happen when these candidates start to partner up as running mates. Say for instance, a Perry/Cain ticket.
I will be the first to admit, that besides Herman Cain, Perry is the only one in the race that I can picture getting up there with The Kenyan in a debate and knocking him flat on his ass. The advantage he has over Bush is that he's not a Washington elite Ivy Leaguer like Bush was. He's also smarter than Bush, but that's not saying much.
Looks like Perry is now the Republican front runner.
Looks like Perry is now the Republican front runner.
Dude isn't my first choice my any means, but I think anyone at this point is better than what we have. The only person from the GOP I wouldn't support if they got the nomination, would be Huntsman.
Dude isn't my first choice my any means, but I think anyone at this point is better than what we have. The only person from the GOP I wouldn't support if they got the nomination, would be Huntsman.
Yeah, watching the GOP debate last week(?) the Huntsman fella bombed out pretty bad. I'm curious to see what kind of action we get in the next debate.
Looks like Perry is now the Republican front runner.
I would be surprised if him and Christie don't team up. I think they will, and when Christie throws his support for Perry, then it's pretty much over if you ask me. Perry will be the man.
I would be surprised if him and Christie don't team up. I think they will, and when Christie throws his support for Perry, then it's pretty much over if you ask me. Perry will be the man.
I'm starting to get the picture from hearing the "experts" that Cain even as a VP doesn't have a chance.
A donkey with one nut is a better choice than what we have now.
I may have missed with the all hat no cattle analogy, but I homered with the empty suit characterization. And I hit that one deep very early in the process.
Looks like Perry is now the Republican front runner.
Perry is going to be a very strong candidate. I look forward now to seeing him at the next debate at The Reagan Presidential Library on Sept. 7th. This particular debate could be interesting in that it's sponsored by some strange political partners...the Reagan Library, Politico.com, and NBC.
I'll have a cigar and Jack & Coke going while watching that one too.
Yeah, watching the GOP debate last week(?) the Huntsman fella bombed out pretty bad. I'm curious to see what kind of action we get in the next debate.
Huntsman was weak; I would argue that he was weaker than Tim Pawlenty.
And...he's a Mormon.
I would be surprised if him and Christie don't team up. I think they will, and when Christie throws his support for Perry, then it's pretty much over if you ask me. Perry will be the man.
I may be wrong about this but Christie is not going to run.
I'm starting to get the picture from hearing the "experts" that Cain even as a VP doesn't have a chance.
The opinion of the experts and a bucket of spit are worth about the same.
But, Cain is going to have to gain some traction at some point. He won the first debate in South Carolina and showed well in New Hampshire then did not do too badly in Iowa. Unfortunately, he's not trending well but I think that's because Bachmann, Romney, and Ron Paul are sucking all of the O2 out of the room at the latest debates.
Huntsman was weak; I would argue that he was weaker than Tim Pawlenty.
And...he's a Mormon.
Ol' Timmy hearts him some Bachmann.
Ol' Timmy hearts him some Bachmann.
I may be wrong about this but Christie is not going to run.
It will be interesting to see. I would bet that Perry's people are already asking him if he is interested. I know that they seem to be really good friends and have spoken highly of each other in the past. The Republican Party has some folks that are worth running and would make a decent President, but I think the parties strongest lies within the newbies and young guns. It may be a while yet before we see that guy that will knock our socks off.
It will be interesting to see. I would bet that Perry's people are already asking him if he is interested. I know that they seem to be really good friends and have spoken highly of each other in the past. The Republican Party has some folks that are worth running and would make a decent President, but I think the parties strongest lies within the newbies and young guns. It may be a while yet before we see that guy that will knock our socks off.
I'm in agreeance with the first part of your comment above but I'm not so sure about the latter part; I heard Sen. Marco Rubio's (R-FL) speech at the Reagan Library this week and it pretty-much rocked to use the vernacular.
He is the next Reagan.
Yes, I said it.
I'm in agreeance with the first part of your comment above but I'm not so sure about the latter part; I heard Sen. Marco Rubio's (R-FL) speech at the Reagan Library this week and it pretty-much rocked to use the vernacular.
He is the next Reagan.
Yes, I said it.
And he did not need a Teleprompter.
I'm in agreeance with the first part of your comment above but I'm not so sure about the latter part; I heard Sen. Marco Rubio's (R-FL) speech at the Reagan Library this week and it pretty-much rocked to use the vernacular.
He is the next Reagan.
Yes, I said it.
He was one of the ones that I was thinking of. I was thinking about age when I said it might be a while, but then again it might not matter.
Paul, Rubio, Jindal, Hunter, Ryan and some others have me a little less apprehensive about the party's future.
He was one of the ones that I was thinking of. I was thinking about age when I said it might be a while, but then again it might not matter.
Paul, Rubio, Jindal, Hunter, Ryan and some others have me a little less apprehensive about the party's future.
Age...and political seasoning. I understand.
I think there's something exceptional about Rubio. He's got the intelligence and charisma. He's going to be a political force of nature.
The "word on da skreets" is that he will be the VP for whomever wins the nomination...and he'll be a phenomenal choice.
I'm going to make a prediction that we'll have Perry-Rubio running against The Pharaoh. Of course there are a lot of debates and a few more months to go before the Iowa caucus and New Hampshire primary.
Age...and political seasoning. I understand.
I think there's something exceptional about Rubio. He's got the intelligence and charisma. He's going to be a political force of nature.
The "word on da skreets" is that he will be the VP for whomever wins the nomination...and he'll be a phenomenal choice.
I'm going to make a prediction that we'll have Perry-Rubio running against The Pharaoh. Of course there are a lot of debates and a few more months to go before the Iowa caucus and New Hampshire primary.
I like Rubio, hell, I like all those I listed. Once again, they give me hope that the future of the party is in good hands.