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The Library => Haley Center Basement => Topic started by: Townhallsavoy on June 16, 2011, 01:13:56 PM
Legit or not? A friend of mine posted this on facebook and says it's legit.
Nobody in business of selling high end jewelry would be stupid enough to advertise that even if they thought it.
Nobody in business of selling high end jewelry would be stupid enough to advertise that even if they thought it.
Looks like this is not only legit, it's Germans.
Birmingham jeweler playing damage control for 'offensive' Auburn ad
By Tess Hollis, The Auburn Plainsman
Nov. 29, 2007
(U-WIRE) AUBURN, Ala. -- An ad for Bromberg's, a jewelry store that serves the Birmingham area, stirred up controversy with Auburn fans, students, employees and graduates.
The ad, which ran in The Birmingham News Nov. 21, read: "You love her, but she's an Auburn fan. Whoever said 'love conquers all' obviously wasn't in love with a Cow College grad. But even though her grandma was the state tobacky-spittin' champ and she can burp out every bar of War Eagle, your world revolves around her. So turn her thoughts from blue and orange to wedding white with the perfect engagement ring from Bromberg's. Soon she'll be singing your praises as the best fiance ever. Provided there's no spelling involved."
Another ad ran next to the Auburn ad commenting on Alabama fans and read of talks being in love with "Tide Pride gal" and "countless stories of rigged officials and national championships won 20 years before she was born."
Bromberg Executive Vice President Frank Bromberg is a graduate of the University of Alabama.
According to an apology issued to Auburn fans by the Bromberg family, on Bromberg's Web site, www.brombergs.com, the ads were "an attempt to have some fun with the nation's greatest football rivalry: Auburn v. Alabama."
"Our attempt at good-spirited humor clearly missed the mark," the Bromberg family said. "A number of our customers have let us know they were offended. To these customers and other Auburn and Alabama fans, we want to express our heartfelt apology."
Auburn student William Cannon, a senior in information system management and networking, said it seems as though The Birmingham News has always catered to Alabama fans.
"I think it's extremely insulting, especially to a University of this caliber," Cannon said. "For someone to degrade Auburn as a 'hick town' and call us rednecks are ridiculous. We've had prominent people graduate from this University, so for them to say that is insulting."
Cannon said he understands the rivalry, but thinks it was a poor choice of words by a major advertising company. The ad was created by Intermark Group, based out of Birmingham.
"I would probably stop shopping with them if I was a customer," he said. "It's just ridiculous."
Intermark Group issued an apology for the ad as well.
"We hope that graduates and fans of both schools took the ads in the spirit of fun in which they were intended," Intermark said in a release. "In no way were the ads to be taken seriously or literally and we sincerely apologize if anyone was offended."
Celia Anthony, AU alum as well as a scholarship donor, said people should boycott the Birmingham jewelry store.
"All Auburn persons in Alabama should cease business with this arrogant and egotistic company," Anthony said. "I see this as a clear case of arrogance and ignorance. Not far from their coach and football team's attitude. Pride cometh before the fall. May we all watch the fall begin! Or may they agree to fund all alumni events for the next six years. That would be fun to watch."
Jim Langcuster, news and public affairs specialist for Alabama Cooperative Extension System at Auburn University, grew up as an avid Alabama fan in northwest Alabama. Langcuster received his graduate degree from the University of Alabama.
"When I got here, I was quickly disabused of this whole Auburn as a cow-college theme," Langcuster said. "And even though I still identify with Alabama, having strong family roots as well as a graduate degree from there, I've come to respect Auburn and its rich history as a people's University, providing practical knowledge for practical living. Moreover, I realize that AU has evolved considerably over the last century into one of the nation's leading technological Universities that, academically speaking not only rivals but also surpasses UA in many respects."
Langcuster said, having studied the history of this institution to a considerable degree, some of the hatred Auburn fans feel for Alabama is justified.
Langcuster added throughout the Great Depression, Alabama, as the self-described "Capstone" of higher education, went to great lengths to ensure that Auburn - API at the time - remained nothing more than a so-called "cow college," even referring it to a fluke, an unfortunate consequence of the Civil War.
"I'm often a bit bemused at how quickly Auburn people get their dander up vis-Ã -vis Alabama," he said. "In many respects, it reminds me of the whole Southern versus Yankees thing. Speaking as a relative outsider, there seems to be is a lingering chip on the shoulders of some Auburn people regarding Alabama and its history as the first chartered statewide university."
(C) 2007 The Auburn Plainsman via U-WIRE
OK. Maybe there is one business that is that dumb.
It's legit. I remember the big hullabaloo when the ad ran in the Birmingham News way back when. They also ran a much tamer Bama version and said "Hey - we treated both of you the same!"
It's legit. I remember the big hullabaloo when the ad ran in the Birmingham News way back when. They also ran a much tamer Bama version and said "Hey - we treated both of you the same!"
From what I've gathered, the Alabama ad made fun of Bama fans for being obsessed with championships.
So Auburn fans can't spell and are a bunch of cow college hicks.
Alabama fans are full of championships and take too much pride in them.
Yeah. Fair treatment.
Here's the Bama ad:
Here's the Bama ad:
Oh yeah...they really ripped those Bama fans a new one there. O-ffen-sive.
I have never seen them.....heard about them, but never saw them until now.....Fuck'em.
A friend of ours opened a little place in Athens and did a commercial on the local station about coming in or getting food to go to watch "The Crimson Tide" games. A couple of others called him and explained to him why that was a bad idea and within the week his commercial included both teams. Doing something like that is a bad business move.
... set the building on fire...
I remember this. I ripped them an asshole the size of Texas in emails and a phone call. Got an apology and a gift certificate of some sort. Wiped my ass with it. They can SUCK IT.