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Pat Dye Field => War Damn Eagle => Topic started by: The Prowler on May 20, 2011, 02:09:15 AM
Bad News: According to Harold Camping, the World as we know it will be starting to come to an end this Sat. May 21st during the Rapture, Godspeed to the chosen ones. October 21st, 2011 will be the end of the World for the rest.
Good News: Auburn will be the last National Champions....BOOM!!!!!
Fuck Harold.
Fuck Harold.
He's so misunderstood.
Bad News: According to Harold Camping, the World as we know it will be starting to come to an end this Sat. May 21st during the Rapture, Godspeed to the chosen ones. October 21st, 2011 will be the end of the World for the rest.
Good News: Auburn will be the last National Champions....BOOM!!!!!
My wife told me about this. I laughed. It seems there is a pivotal verse in the Bible that the guy seems to be missing.
Matt. 24:35-37 Jesus said, "Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words shall not pass away. 36"But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone. 37 For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah."
My wife told me about this. I laughed. It seems there is a pivotal verse in the Bible that the guy seems to be missing.
That verse doesn't apply if you use arbitrary numbers.
That verse doesn't apply if you use arbitrary numbers.
Tis is true. I guess the first time around Camping wasn't using a Jobber calculator or C++ had not come out yet.
You know lots of people keep pointing to the Mayan thing as well and that they did not take their calender past that date.....It ever occur to people maybe they just got tired of doing math? Maybe the Incas moved in and could do better and were scoring higher on the temple exams.
Guys like this give Christians a bad name. What a loon. As Simp said, the guy doesn't even read his own doctrine.
Tonight I'm gonna party like it's May 20th!!!
Tonight I'm gonna party like it's May 20th!!!
So is it a 12:01 rapture? Noon tomorrow? Tomorrow at 11:59?
Or did he not calculate that far?
I laughed when he said he based it all on "three prime numbers. 3, 10, and 17"
Uh, 10 isn't a prime number.
I laughed when he said he based it all on "three prime numbers. 3, 10, and 17"
Uh, 10 isn't a prime number.
Well sure, not in your world.
I laughed when he said he based it all on "three prime numbers. 3, 10, and 17"
Uh, 10 isn't a prime number.
Duh...3.33333333 3
yeah. Why can't you let the world end in peace? Trouble maker.
Well, I always said that I wanted to go out with a bang... so how many of y'all are with me?
Well, I always said that I wanted to go out with a bang... so how many of y'all are with me?
Are we talking fireworks and alcohol here? I mean I'm not one to be staring down the barrel of a gun.
Well, I always said that I wanted to go out with a bang... so how many of y'all are with me?
Depends, spit or swallow?
Well, I always said that I wanted to go out with a bang... so how many of y'all are with me?
Technically you get to party for a while.
Only the rapture is going to happen tomorrow. Harold says that the world will then going into a tribulation period until October when it is utterly destroyed.
Well, I always said that I wanted to go out with a bang... so how many of y'all are with me?
a gang for the bang? huh?You know lots of people keep pointing to the Mayan thing as well and that they did not take their calender past that date.....It ever occur to people maybe they just got tired of doing math? Maybe the Incas moved in and could do better and were scoring higher on the temple exams.
I think that was just the upper bound on the integers in the Mayan calculators - they should have used long integers instead
Technically you get to party for a while.
Only the rapture is going to happen tomorrow. Harold says that the world will then going into a tribulation period until October when it is utterly destroyed.
Well I guess that explains why I have not seen any game play footage from the next Call of Duty which usually comes out in November.
Are we talking fireworks and alcohol here? I mean I'm not one to be staring down the barrel of a gun.
We need a "WHIFF" emoticon...
We need a "WHIFF" emoticon...
Well, I guess you can tell that for once my mind was not in the gutter. It want happen again.
Duh...3.33333333 3
You know that equals like 37, right?
You know that equals like 37, right?
Damn...I hate this "new" math.
Damn...I hate this "new" math.
Welcome and post often.
What would be funny is if tomorrow morning, every major news outlet's website led with the headline - "Millions Disappear."
My wife was telling me they actually said it would happen at 6pm. The question is what time zone? I figured if the guy was going all out he might as well give us the time zone.
Serious question -
Is this guy and his followers on watch?
This is a cult. It's no different than the crazy old guy predicting a comet to take his people away and then offering a drink to those about to leave. Next day the police find hundreds of dead bodies.
My wife was telling me they actually said it would happen at 6pm. The question is what time zone? I figured if the guy was going all out he might as well give us the time zone.
Agreed. Is this greenwich mean time or what? Is it based off the left coast where I actually get a few hours to party before I leave this place?
Serious question -
Is this guy and his followers on watch?
This is a cult. It's no different than the crazy old guy predicting a comet to take his people away and then offering a drink to those about to leave. Next day the police find hundreds of dead bodies.
A co-worker told me he read or heard that there were actually Churches that have been preparing for a while now to help these people out; that is once they realize they have no money and no savings to live on.
Agreed. Is this greenwich mean time or what? Is it based off the left coast where I actually get a few hours to party before I leave this place?
Thats what I would like to know. I mean it can be 6pm somewhere on Earth all day. I guess the "Rapture Parties" will be an all day affair.
What would be funny is if tomorrow morning, every major news outlet's website led with the headline - "Millions Disappear."
Then made you read the article to see that it was about the stock market.
Serious question -
Is this guy and his followers on watch?
This is a cult. It's no different than the crazy old guy predicting a comet to take his people away and then offering a drink to those about to leave. Next day the police find hundreds of dead bodies.
Jonestown all over again?
So, now that we know it's 6:00 tomorrow night, I guess I can stay at work the rest of the day today. Don't want to use any comp time.
So, now that we know it's 6:00 tomorrow night, I guess I can stay at work the rest of the day today. Don't want to use any comp time.
Yea you are probably gonna need all your comp time between tomorrow and October.
Yea you are probably gonna need all your comp time between tomorrow and October.
As long as there aren't any guard dogs... I fucking hate guard dogs.
Yea you are probably gonna need all your comp time between tomorrow and October.
Then I'm gonna burn it , baby, burn it!!!
Serious question -
Is this guy and his followers on watch?
This is a cult. It's no different than the crazy old guy predicting a comet to take his people away and then offering a drink to those about to leave. Next day the police find hundreds of dead bodies.
Don't be upset cause you aren't one of the chosen. I have my special drink all ready!
Well I guess that explains why I have not seen any game play footage from the next Call of Duty which usually comes out in November.
I saw the new CoD Modern Warfare 3 trailer last night.
Thats what I would like to know. I mean it can be 6pm somewhere on Earth all day. I guess the "Rapture Parties" will be an all day affair.
"No man shall know the time", I guess that meant Time Zones.
I wonder what that group is going to do, tomorrow...drink the laced kool-aid like the Heavens Gate Cult & the Jonestown Followers?
I saw the new CoD Modern Warfare 3 trailer last night.
I have seen the teaser but have yet to see any trailers and a quick search of teh ebays also reveals none.
I have seen the teaser but have yet to see any trailers and a quick search of teh ebays also reveals none.
The skreets are wrong again!
I wonder what that group is going to do, tomorrow...drink the laced kool-aid like the Heavens Gate Cult & the Jonestown Followers?
Maybe we should donate a shipment of Cammi Cam Juice.
We have 4 1/2 hours until it's "Go Time"...WoooHoooo!!! (11:00pm CT is 05/21 6:00pm LINT, Line Island Time, on Christmas Island in Kiribati).
We have 4 1/2 hours until it's "Go Time"...WoooHoooo!!! (11:00pm CT is 05/21 6:00pm LINT, Line Island Time, on Christmas Island in Kiribati).
They's gonna be some babies made tonite yall.
Yup....I'm gonna get a Arby's French Dip sub, large curly fries, large Pepsi, and 3 of those cinnamon stuffed rolls. Yes Sir!!! Btw, I'm at work. So, should I clock out before 11 or just not worry about it?
Yup....I'm gonna get a Arby's French Dip sub, large curly fries, large Pepsi, and 3 of those cinnamon stuffed rolls. Yes Sir!!! Btw, I'm at work. So, should I clock out before 11 or just not worry about it?
Oh you gonna be a glutton on your way out huh?
Oh you gonna be a glutton on your way out huh?
Nope, I'm going to just enjoy my food.
Nope, I'm going to just enjoy my food.
You just want to squueze out that last Bammer don't you?
You just want to squueze out that last Bammer don't you?
Yyyup...I'm squeezing one out right now.
Btw, I'm at work. So, should I clock out before 11 or just not worry about it?
I would say don't clock out. That will make for big paycheck, its just you want be able to spend it.
I would say don't clock out. That will make for big paycheck, its just you want be able to spend it.
think of it as a 401k
T-Minus 30 minutes. It's been nice knowing some of you. Going to put on my Nikes and warmup suit now.
At 6pm local time, I was at a dance recital for my daughter. I was hoping for the rapture. Unless it happened when I was in there, and heaven is a 6 year old's dance recital. You don't want to go if that's the case.
Odd. I was at a dance recital this morning also. Observations:
15 year old girls who are into "modern dance" are going to grow up to eat a lot of granola and experiment with not shaving.
10 year old girls who do solo hip hop routines wile wearing halter tops and hot pants are going to wear a lot of glitter and not much else while still doing the same dance routine in their 20's.
For the 13 year old boy (the only one in the entire 2hr recital) that was doing the dance routine with the girls: either he is the smartest heterosexual adolescent in the world, or this is the last time he is going to voluntarily touch a girl.
Never fear folks. Found this on my door.
Saturday, we were in Chicago and were in a cab when we got to talking about the end coming in a couple of hours. The driver, a Jamaican sounding mon, said "Well, eef dot's dee case, I gon go drain mah bank account, get dronk an heet dee buffet."
Never fear folks. Found this on my door.
Wait...you're a Wizard? I think they meant to put you enjoy to much sleeve of wizard. Whispering Eye....
Wait...you're a Wizard? I think they meant to put you enjoy to much sleeve of wizard. Whispering Eye....
I am a young Marvin Hamlisch
I am a young Marvin Hamlisch
Who the fuck is Marvin Hamlisch?
Who the fuck is Marvin Hamlisch?
Of course you have a turtle.
I had a pounding headache on Sunday, from the Saturday night Rapture/Jumbo's Birthday Party. But, I made it through without being abducted by Aliens. We should make a shirt saying "I survived the Rapture and all I got was this stupid shirt."
I had a pounding headache on Sunday, from the Saturday night Rapture/Jumbo's Birthday Party. But, I made it through without being abducted by Aliens. We should make a shirt saying "I survived the Rapture and all I got was this stupid shirt."
I am no expert...I am pretty sure you don't want to survive a rapture...
I am no expert...I am pretty sure you don't want to survive a rapture...
Maybe there was a rapture but nobody made the cut. Expect it to get really bad for the next 7 years.
I am no expert...I am pretty sure you don't want to survive a rapture...
Yeah...you'll only get a stupid shirt, not worth it IMO.
Yeah...you'll only get a stupid shirt, not worth it IMO.