Tigers X - Number one Source to Talk Auburn Tigers Sports

Pat Dye Field => War Damn Eagle => Topic started by: tide19852008 on November 14, 2010, 01:30:46 AM

Title: Believe this or not..congrats from a "bammer" here.
Post by: tide19852008 on November 14, 2010, 01:30:46 AM
As much as I it pains me to see Alabama relinquish the SEC West, SEC, and National titles.  I figure I would tip my cap and congratulate you guys on winning the SEC Western Division.  Good luck in Atlanta, and beyond, except for Nov. 26.
Title: Re: Believe this or not..congrats from a "bammer" here.
Post by: Jumbo on November 14, 2010, 06:40:01 AM
As much as I it pains me to see Alabama relinquish the SEC West, SEC, and National titles.  I figure I would tip my cap and congratulate you guys on winning the SEC Western Division.  Good luck in Atlanta, and beyond, except for Nov. 26.
Welcome and I hope you enjoy your weclome fisting!
Title: Re: Believe this or not..congrats from a "bammer" here.
Post by: djsimp on November 14, 2010, 09:00:07 AM
Thanks, now bring your dog forth.
Title: Re: Believe this or not..congrats from a "bammer" here.
Post by: GH2001 on November 14, 2010, 01:36:46 PM
After being around the Uggers last night in Auburn, the Bammers arent seeming so bad now. Good gosh, the Ga fans are as bad as they were in the 80's now. They were walking around Toomers running into people yelling "Scam Newton" and "Criminal Bowl Champions 2011". Classy.
Title: Re: Believe this or not..congrats from a "bammer" here.
Post by: tide19852008 on November 14, 2010, 09:57:11 PM
Well I appreciate the nice welcome.  At least you guys allowed me on the forum, one forum denied my entrance, probably due to the TIDE in my name, but oh well.  I guess I'm able to see the big picture, and realize that Auburn is a SEC brother, though I still want to put Cam on the turf...hard...I'll still smile if you are standing in Glendale with the crystal football.
Title: Re: Believe this or not..congrats from a "bammer" here.
Post by: Token on November 14, 2010, 11:01:05 PM
Since it appears you're going to stick around, it's time we get a few things straight.

1. Bammer = idiotic, trolling, bandwagon, doesn't know shit about actual football aside from the fact that you live in Alabama and there is also a team called Alabama so you might as well buy some shit.  And you have sexual relations with someone you are related to. 

If you don't fit in that category, don't refer to yourself as a "bammer".  You won't gain any respect with the self-deprecating bullshit.  Unless you admit to having no balls and a small penis.  Then snaggle will like you.  (No offense snaggle.) 

2. It's cool if you are one of those guys who "pull for the other team when they aren't playing each other".  I have no problem with that.  Well, actually I do, but I'll save it for another time.  Back to the point.  They don't like Alabama.  Not even a little.  As a matter of fact, you'll probably be told to die in a fire at some point.  When it happens, don't take it personal.  And don't think that just because you'll be smiling if Auburn takes the crystal football, that they'll be your BFF. 

Most of these people are the coolest fuckers I've met via the interwebs.  Awesome group.  But if I have to see Cam holding that crystal football with that big ass smile??  I'll most likely go out and shoot the fuck out of random small woodland creatures with my tactical mossberg pump.  That's right.  I'll enter the wooded area behind my house, and I'll start by shooting every squirrel's nest I see.  Peter cotton tail?  He better not hop that bunny trail in a straight line.  Otherwise, he's fucking toast.  And they'll understand.

3.  It's obvious you are entering with the "let's be BFFs" strategy.  Again, to each his own.  Ask RWS and no huddle.  I don't fuck with their business and they don't fuck with mine.  But, a friendly warning?  If you come in with the warm and fuzzy posts only to post some trolling bullshit later, they'll fucking ruin you.  And ruin doesn't = ban.  No.  Godfather probably already has pictures of you and your family.  He probably already knows your address and your place of employment.  If you fuck with them, I guaran-fucking-tee you'll regret it.  Immediately. 

4. If you run across a post that makes you want to eat a bottle of strychnine (and you will), just move to the next one.  I promise, you'll be 4 pages deep before you've realized how bad you've shit your pants.  Just let it go.

5.  You better watch a shitload of movies or you are going to be lost.  And read the entire thread before responding to something on the first page.  There's a 95% chance the 3rd page will have nothing to do with what you'll be responding to on the first page.   

6.  Finally, the most important thing to remember.  PLEASE!!. For the love of all that is holy.  If you haven't been to a game at Bryant-Denny, lie about it.  Make something up.  I don't care.  Tell us that you've been to every game for the last 25 years.  Just don't EVER say that haven't been there before. 
Title: Re: Believe this or not..congrats from a "bammer" here.
Post by: Token on November 14, 2010, 11:02:10 PM
After being around the Uggers last night in Auburn, the Bammers arent seeming so bad now. Good gosh, the Ga fans are as bad as they were in the 80's now. They were walking around Toomers running into people yelling "Scam Newton" and "Criminal Bowl Champions 2011". Classy.

Bring your ass to Tuscaloosa on black friday, and I promise we'll renew your hatred. 
Title: Re: Believe this or not..congrats from a "bammer" here.
Post by: Saniflush on November 14, 2010, 11:15:58 PM
As much as I it pains me to see Alabama relinquish the SEC West, SEC, and National titles.  I figure I would tip my cap and congratulate you guys on winning the SEC Western Division.  Good luck in Atlanta, and beyond, except for Nov. 26.

Everyone here must stand on their own.
See stupid shit? Call it out.
Do stupid shit? Expect to be called out.
When in doubt refer to the third stickied thread.
Welcome and let the fistings begin.
Title: Re: Believe this or not..congrats from a "bammer" here.
Post by: tide19852008 on November 14, 2010, 11:25:59 PM
To "Token" not really trying to bring a BFF approach, just stating a fact that this you guys won, and I'm just acknowledging it.  I mean trying to bring a BFF approach here as a Alabama fan, hell, a suicide bomber would question that logic.  And as for me trying to post something on here, only opinions from me, I figure there are enough Alabama message boards out there for you guys to pull off of an use it.  Finally, it gets boring talking to people that agree with you all the time, I like hearing from people with a different perspective.  Though I do have one question, what is this "fisting" you all are talking about.
Title: Re: Believe this or not..congrats from a "bammer" here.
Post by: Token on November 14, 2010, 11:29:49 PM
To "Token" not really trying to bring a BFF approach, just stating a fact that this you guys won, and I'm just acknowledging it.  I mean trying to bring a BFF approach here as a Alabama fan, hell, a suicide bomber would question that logic.  And as for me trying to post something on here, only opinions from me, I figure there are enough Alabama message boards out there for you guys to pull off of an use it.  Finally, it gets boring talking to people that agree with you all the time, I like hearing from people with a different perspective.  Though I do have one question, what is this "fisting" you all are talking about.

I see you skimmed through my post, specifically, the 2nd point.  That's okay.  It was a little wordy. 

I'm a Bama fan.  And your dog doesn't want to know about the fistings. 
Title: Re: Believe this or not..congrats from a "bammer" here.
Post by: JR4AU on November 14, 2010, 11:31:21 PM
Token, I LOLed at your post.  Great stuff.   :classic: even.

But maybe the new bammer needs to take a gander here: http://www.tigersx.com/forum/war_damn_eagle/read_if_you_are_having_shitty_day_10089.0.html

That should provide some context.
Title: Re: Believe this or not..congrats from a "bammer" here.
Post by: tide19852008 on November 14, 2010, 11:33:08 PM
I see you skimmed through my post, specifically, the 2nd point.  That's okay.  It was a little wordy. 

I'm a Bama fan.  And your dog doesn't want to know about the fistings.

lol True I did skim.
Title: Re: Believe this or not..congrats from a "bammer" here.
Post by: Saniflush on November 14, 2010, 11:35:13 PM
Yall continue the indoctrination process. I'm in Vegas and have to start hunting whores.
Title: Re: Believe this or not..congrats from a "bammer" here.
Post by: Token on November 14, 2010, 11:40:07 PM
Yall continue the indoctrination process. I'm in Vegas and have to start hunting whores.

If you're having to hunt, you are not doing something right.
Title: Re: Believe this or not..congrats from a "bammer" here.
Post by: Saniflush on November 14, 2010, 11:45:01 PM
If you're having to hunt, you are not doing something right.

Herpes will come back with you.

I look at apples before I get them and they cost much less long term.
Title: Re: Believe this or not..congrats from a "bammer" here.
Post by: AUsweetheart on November 14, 2010, 11:53:13 PM
ANOTHER fucking bammer? Christ.

Just for the record tide####, (I'm not going to carry all those numbers over) ALL of you fit into Token's category one.
Even if your sister won't copulate with you.

That having been said, Welcome.

And go fuck yourself. :)
Title: Re: Believe this or not..congrats from a "bammer" here.
Post by: tide19852008 on November 15, 2010, 12:01:58 AM
ANOTHER phuking bammer? Christ.

Just for the record tide####, (I'm not going to carry all those numbers over) ALL of you fit into Token's category one.
Even if your sister won't copulate with you.

That having been said, Welcome.

And go phuk yourself. :)

Title: Re: Believe this or not..congrats from a "bammer" here.
Post by: Tiger Wench on November 15, 2010, 12:38:10 AM
What are you "lol"-ing at, you inbred sister fucker?  You either have to go big or go home around here.  If that is the best you can do, then I hear they need a new friend over at AUFamily.  I hate bammer more than anything else on this earth, so don't be expecting the Golden Rule around here.

In fact, there is only one rule on this board, and that refers to refraining from racial commentary.  But other than that, there are no holds barred.  We are rude, crude, socially unacceptable and definitely not family friendly.  (Our owner/admin's favorite phrase is "Fuck Fuck Fuckity Fuck".)  No censorship, no banning, no moderation of any kind, other than the One Rule.  Recognize, however, that if you bring it, you had DAMN well better be able to take it, because around here you will get it back in SPADES. 

Sweets and I are the resident estrogen of the board, and be forewarned, if you fail to show us the proper respect you will wind up like the guy in the "If you are having a shitty day" thread.  You can smack talk us all day, and that we appreciate, but God help you if you disrespect the ladies of the X.  If there is anything left of you when she and I are done, the rest of the boys will finish you off.  And trust me, you do NOT want that.

Having said that, welcome to the X - seriously.  We welcome everyone and treat everyone not a member of the Auburn Family exactly the same - like shit.  (Hell, we treat each other like that too, so maybe that's not such a good comparison...) We need another whipping boy around here - Token and No Huddle and RWS have been beaten like rented mules - we need new blood!
Title: Re: Believe this or not..congrats from a "bammer" here.
Post by: Godfather on November 15, 2010, 01:02:32 AM
Since it appears you're going to stick around, it's time we get a few things straight.

1. Bammer = idiotic, trolling, bandwagon, doesn't know shit about actual football aside from the fact that you live in Alabama and there is also a team called Alabama so you might as well buy some shit.  And you have sexual relations with someone you are related to. 

If you don't fit in that category, don't refer to yourself as a "bammer".  You won't gain any respect with the self-deprecating bullshit.  Unless you admit to having no balls and a small penis.  Then snaggle will like you.  (No offense snaggle.) 

2. It's cool if you are one of those guys who "pull for the other team when they aren't playing each other".  I have no problem with that.  Well, actually I do, but I'll save it for another time.  Back to the point.  They don't like Alabama.  Not even a little.  As a matter of fact, you'll probably be told to die in a fire at some point.  When it happens, don't take it personal.  And don't think that just because you'll be smiling if Auburn takes the crystal football, that they'll be your BFF. 

Most of these people are the coolest fuckers I've met via the interwebs.  Awesome group.  But if I have to see Cam holding that crystal football with that big ass smile??  I'll most likely go out and shoot the fuck out of random small woodland creatures with my tactical mossberg pump.  That's right.  I'll enter the wooded area behind my house, and I'll start by shooting every squirrel's nest I see.  Peter cotton tail?  He better not hop that bunny trail in a straight line.  Otherwise, he's fucking toast.  And they'll understand.

3.  It's obvious you are entering with the "let's be BFFs" strategy.  Again, to each his own.  Ask RWS and no huddle.  I don't fuck with their business and they don't fuck with mine.  But, a friendly warning?  If you come in with the warm and fuzzy posts only to post some trolling bullshit later, they'll fucking ruin you.  And ruin doesn't = ban.  No.  Godfather probably already has pictures of you and your family.  He probably already knows your address and your place of employment.  If you fuck with them, I guaran-fucking-tee you'll regret it.  Immediately. 

4. If you run across a post that makes you want to eat a bottle of strychnine (and you will), just move to the next one.  I promise, you'll be 4 pages deep before you've realized how bad you've shit your pants.  Just let it go.

5.  You better watch a shitload of movies or you are going to be lost.  And read the entire thread before responding to something on the first page.  There's a 95% chance the 3rd page will have nothing to do with what you'll be responding to on the first page.   

6.  Finally, the most important thing to remember.  PLEASE!!. For the love of all that is holy.  If you haven't been to a game at Bryant-Denny, lie about it.  Make something up.  I don't care.  Tell us that you've been to every game for the last 25 years.  Just don't EVER say that haven't been there before.
This might be the best thing you have ever posted.
Title: Re: Believe this or not..congrats from a "bammer" here.
Post by: Jumbo on November 15, 2010, 02:46:11 AM
Since it appears you're going to stick around, it's time we get a few things straight.

1. Bammer = idiotic, trolling, bandwagon, doesn't know shit about actual football aside from the fact that you live in Alabama and there is also a team called Alabama so you might as well buy some shit.  And you have sexual relations with someone you are related to. 

If you don't fit in that category, don't refer to yourself as a "bammer".  You won't gain any respect with the self-deprecating bullshit.  Unless you admit to having no balls and a small penis.  Then snaggle will like you.  (No offense snaggle.) 

2. It's cool if you are one of those guys who "pull for the other team when they aren't playing each other".  I have no problem with that.  Well, actually I do, but I'll save it for another time.  Back to the point.  They don't like Alabama.  Not even a little.  As a matter of fact, you'll probably be told to die in a fire at some point.  When it happens, don't take it personal.  And don't think that just because you'll be smiling if Auburn takes the crystal football, that they'll be your BFF. 

Most of these people are the coolest fuckers I've met via the interwebs.  Awesome group.  But if I have to see Cam holding that crystal football with that big ass smile??  I'll most likely go out and shoot the fuck out of random small woodland creatures with my tactical mossberg pump.  That's right.  I'll enter the wooded area behind my house, and I'll start by shooting every squirrel's nest I see.  Peter cotton tail?  He better not hop that bunny trail in a straight line.  Otherwise, he's fucking toast.  And they'll understand.

3.  It's obvious you are entering with the "let's be BFFs" strategy.  Again, to each his own.  Ask RWS and no huddle.  I don't fuck with their business and they don't fuck with mine.  But, a friendly warning?  If you come in with the warm and fuzzy posts only to post some trolling bullshit later, they'll fucking ruin you.  And ruin doesn't = ban.  No.  Godfather probably already has pictures of you and your family.  He probably already knows your address and your place of employment.  If you fuck with them, I guaran-fucking-tee you'll regret it.  Immediately. 

4. If you run across a post that makes you want to eat a bottle of strychnine (and you will), just move to the next one.  I promise, you'll be 4 pages deep before you've realized how bad you've shit your pants.  Just let it go.

5.  You better watch a shitload of movies or you are going to be lost.  And read the entire thread before responding to something on the first page.  There's a 95% chance the 3rd page will have nothing to do with what you'll be responding to on the first page.   

6.  Finally, the most important thing to remember.  PLEASE!!. For the love of all that is holy.  If you haven't been to a game at Bryant-Denny, lie about it.  Make something up.  I don't care.  Tell us that you've been to every game for the last 25 years.  Just don't EVER say that haven't been there before.
:pwnd: You have just earned a X-mas fisting.
Title: Re: Believe this or not..congrats from a "bammer" here.
Post by: The Prowler on November 15, 2010, 03:04:22 AM
Also, go to your profile, under forum layout or whatever, click the unsensored box to see the goddamn mother fuckin' curse words...that is if you aint a fag.  Other than that, Welcome Cocksucker.  Feel free to open up on me, 'cause I don't give a FUCK.  Lets see whatcha got....Biatch.
Title: Re: Believe this or not..congrats from a "bammer" here.
Post by: Jumbo on November 15, 2010, 03:17:39 AM
Also, go to your profile, under forum layout or whatever, click the unsensored box to see the goddamn mother fuckin' curse words...that is if you aint a fag.  Other than that, Welcome Cocksucker. Feel free to open up on me, 'cause I don't give a FUCK.  Lets see whatcha got....Biatch.
That's what she said.
Title: Re: Believe this or not..congrats from a "bammer" here.
Post by: The Prowler on November 15, 2010, 03:22:00 AM
Seeing Jumbo's post just reminded me of something....well nevermind, it'll be funnier when you find out the hard way.
Title: Re: Believe this or not..congrats from a "bammer" here.
Post by: AUJarhead on November 15, 2010, 08:24:35 AM

I hope you die in a fire.

Go fuck yourself.

But other than that, welcome.
Title: Re: Believe this or not..congrats from a "bammer" here.
Post by: War Eagle!!! on November 15, 2010, 09:05:41 AM
Since it appears you're going to stick around, it's time we get a few things straight.

1. Bammer = idiotic, trolling, bandwagon, doesn't know shit about actual football aside from the fact that you live in Alabama and there is also a team called Alabama so you might as well buy some shit.  And you have sexual relations with someone you are related to. 

If you don't fit in that category, don't refer to yourself as a "bammer".  You won't gain any respect with the self-deprecating bullshit.  Unless you admit to having no balls and a small penis.  Then snaggle will like you.  (No offense snaggle.) 

2. It's cool if you are one of those guys who "pull for the other team when they aren't playing each other".  I have no problem with that.  Well, actually I do, but I'll save it for another time.  Back to the point.  They don't like Alabama.  Not even a little.  As a matter of fact, you'll probably be told to die in a fire at some point.  When it happens, don't take it personal.  And don't think that just because you'll be smiling if Auburn takes the crystal football, that they'll be your BFF. 

Most of these people are the coolest fuckers I've met via the interwebs.  Awesome group.  But if I have to see Cam holding that crystal football with that big ass smile??  I'll most likely go out and shoot the fuck out of random small woodland creatures with my tactical mossberg pump.  That's right.  I'll enter the wooded area behind my house, and I'll start by shooting every squirrel's nest I see.  Peter cotton tail?  He better not hop that bunny trail in a straight line.  Otherwise, he's fucking toast.  And they'll understand.

3.  It's obvious you are entering with the "let's be BFFs" strategy.  Again, to each his own.  Ask RWS and no huddle.  I don't fuck with their business and they don't fuck with mine.  But, a friendly warning?  If you come in with the warm and fuzzy posts only to post some trolling bullshit later, they'll fucking ruin you.  And ruin doesn't = ban.  No.  Godfather probably already has pictures of you and your family.  He probably already knows your address and your place of employment.  If you fuck with them, I guaran-fucking-tee you'll regret it.  Immediately. 

4. If you run across a post that makes you want to eat a bottle of strychnine (and you will), just move to the next one.  I promise, you'll be 4 pages deep before you've realized how bad you've shit your pants.  Just let it go.

5.  You better watch a shitload of movies or you are going to be lost.  And read the entire thread before responding to something on the first page.  There's a 95% chance the 3rd page will have nothing to do with what you'll be responding to on the first page.   

6.  Finally, the most important thing to remember.  PLEASE!!. For the love of all that is holy.  If you haven't been to a game at Bryant-Denny, lie about it.  Make something up.  I don't care.  Tell us that you've been to every game for the last 25 years.  Just don't EVER say that haven't been there before.

Funny shit.
Title: Re: Believe this or not..congrats from a "bammer" here.
Post by: GH2001 on November 15, 2010, 09:17:37 AM
Bring your ass to Tuscaloosa on black friday, and I promise we'll renew your hatred.
at least you guys seem to take your losses this year though....ga seems to have this excuse thing down to a science. And yes,  still hate your asses....fuckers
Title: Re: Believe this or not..congrats from a "bammer" here.
Post by: No Huddle on November 15, 2010, 09:20:57 AM
Do not use the BFF approach. I just use common sense.
Title: Re: Believe this or not..congrats from a "bammer" here.
Post by: djsimp on November 15, 2010, 09:41:44 AM

Ain't nothing gunny around here. With all that has already been said, I only can add this. You best listen and learn.
Title: Re: Believe this or not..congrats from a "bammer" here.
Post by: AWK on November 15, 2010, 10:17:20 AM
We made the UGa fans at our tailgate feel very unwelcome... due to their obsessant barking during the first two quarters.
Title: Re: Believe this or not..congrats from a "bammer" here.
Post by: JR4AU on November 15, 2010, 10:18:19 AM
We made the UGa fans at our tailgate feel very unwelcome... due to their obsessant barking during the first two quarters.

You divide your tailgate in to quarters?
Title: Re: Believe this or not..congrats from a "bammer" here.
Post by: Tiger Wench on November 15, 2010, 10:19:56 AM
We made the UGa fans at our tailgate feel very unwelcome... due to their obsessant barking during the first two quarters.

I am thinking the guy that got the circle shaved into his head probably did not say too much.
Title: Re: Believe this or not..congrats from a "bammer" here.
Post by: AWK on November 15, 2010, 10:25:37 AM
I am thinking the guy that got the circle shaved into his head probably did not say too much.
He sat right in the front clapping and cheering until someone reminded him he had a penis shaved into his head, in a less than nice way.
Title: Re: Believe this or not..congrats from a "bammer" here.
Post by: Snaggletiger on November 15, 2010, 10:33:39 AM
He sat right in the front clapping and cheering until someone reminded him he had a penis shaved into his head, in a less than nice way.

Was that a penis?  I didn't have the stones to stare at him long enough to tell. I just thought someone F'd him up.  He must have been proud of having a dick shaved in his dome because  cap would cover that shit up.
Title: Re: Believe this or not..congrats from a "bammer" here.
Post by: Buzz Killington on November 15, 2010, 10:38:32 AM
I just use common sense.

Does not compute.
Title: Re: Believe this or not..congrats from a "bammer" here.
Post by: Buzz Killington on November 15, 2010, 10:39:23 AM
Welcome, cousin fucker.
Title: Re: Believe this or not..congrats from a "bammer" here.
Post by: Tiger Wench on November 15, 2010, 10:40:26 AM
We may have scared him off...

Title: Re: Believe this or not..congrats from a "bammer" here.
Post by: AWK on November 15, 2010, 10:42:46 AM
Was that a penis?  I didn't have the stones to stare at him long enough to tell. I just thought someone F'd him up.  He must have been proud of having a dick shaved in his dome because  cap would cover that shit up.
Typical Ugay fan.
Title: Re: Believe this or not..congrats from a "bammer" here.
Post by: Ogre on November 15, 2010, 11:27:35 AM
Prayers sent.
Title: Re: Believe this or not..congrats from a "bammer" here.
Post by: Godfather on November 15, 2010, 11:57:12 AM
You divide your tailgate in to quarters?
Doesn't everybody?
Title: Re: Believe this or not..congrats from a "bammer" here.
Post by: Jumbo on November 15, 2010, 01:42:18 PM
Was that a penis?  I didn't have the stones to stare at him long enough to tell. I just thought someone F'd him up.  He must have been proud of having a dick shaved in his dome because  cap would cover that shit up.
Hat thief.
Title: Re: Believe this or not..congrats from a "bammer" here.
Post by: Snaggletiger on November 15, 2010, 03:28:20 PM
Hat thief.

Aaaahhh....mystery explained.