You wouldnt be EA without the dissent my friend.
With Grace, it has a lot to do with lobbyists, campaign finance and double standards. You guys have the Gore Googlewebbs, so get to researching. I cant do it all for you 
Bentley is an outsider compared to Byrne. Like you said, he is the lesser of the two. Could it be you just don't like his UA background and residence?
BTW - Byrne and Riley both went to UA as well. Riley also endorsed Byrne which is enough to make me not vote for him. He was clearly the establishment candidate and is without a doubt a RHINO. He is also a former bleeding heart liberal who switched to the GOP for political leverage in 1997. His record on taxes is atrocious. Look it up...
You are entitled to your own opinion - its just that yours is wrong. 
EDIT: I think you mean Paul Hubbert, correct? If so, I think more is being made out of the AEA issue than needs to be. This is a bitter squabble between them and Byrne that has been going on way before Bentley entered the scene. The AEA stuff has more to do with Byrne and their disdain for one another than anything else.
yeah I know about Byrne's I said not a heavyweight in this years bunch.
as for my opinion being wrong, I'll take that bet......$1 to the winner
Here is the bet:
you say Bentley is an outsider and his own man (correct?)
I say Bentley is no outsider and is/will be beholden to Hubbert (thanks for the spell check) as a very large portion of Bentley's run-off money came from Hubbert and the man understands ROI very well.
let's see who's right in a couple of years.....either way I win......Bentley is who I say he is and you owe me a $1 or he is who you say he is, we get good leadership, I owe you a $1 and I/We all win, sounds good to me.
As for Grace, maybe my info is off but some folks I trust and have known him for a while think he is a good man and if he were "crooked" (that is a relative term in Alabama politics) they would know it.
As for Bentley uat connections......believe it or not but that played no role in my voting for him or not.