It's not really semantics when you say:
and I disagree. I think he will play a true LB position in the base 4-3 regardless of injuries. No big deal though, just a simple disagreement.
Some pics to show you what I mean...(you know I luvs me some teh googles)
4-3 Over (Chiz's base front), but there are 5 on the line of scrimmage. Who are the LBs, who is the safety?

4-3 Under...but wait, only 3 men have a hand on the ground and there's 5 defenders on the line of scrimmage, WTF? Can't be a 4-3 then...can it?

4-3 Double Eagle. Should look familiar from the Iron Bowl...again, 3 with a hand on the ground, 5 on the line of scrimmage, 8 in the box, yet it's a "4-3" defense.