Now that is 
Ummm. yeah- very funny.
No offense Arky - but please don't lump us with you. We are considered one of the big 6 in the SEC. You are not. We are Top 15 in wins all time. You are not. We've gotten our "quality" wins in the SEC, you have not.
We didn't want to turn this into a pissing match but since you have, I am with JR on this one. Our day has come and is still here. We won 4 SEC titles between 83-89 - yeah, our day will come. 13-0 and 11-0 in 2004 and 1993 (and several other undefeated seasons) in the SEC - you did it ONE fucking time, in the SWC in 1964 - yeah, our day will come.
When was the last conf title you won? Yes - youve won 2 SWC titles since 1979 (when Carter was president). Thats right - the SWC...the fucking SWC where only Texas was worth a shit. In the 90's you went 3-8, 6-6, 3-7-1, 6-4-1, 4-7, 8-5, 4-7, 4-7 and then in 1998 HDN shows up and what do you do? Proceed to go 9-3 and 8-4 to close out the decade. And all you say are bad things about the guy as if he underachieved by your HIGH standards. Yes - those HIGH standards of 3, 6, 3, 6, 4, 4 and 4 wins before he got there. MMMkay - I got it now. You need to address your peer comparison to Ole Miss or Kentucky. Actually Ole Miss has won a few SEC titles. Since Pat Dye arrived on the Plains in 1981 Auburn has had 5 losing seasons (5-6, 5-6, 3-8, 5-6, 5-7). You had that many in a 7 year span in the 90's alone. Nutt made you competitive in a conference that was much tougher than anything you had ever been in. Oh - btw - he won more games at Arky than anyone not named Broyles.
As for Bama, they had a little rough stretch when they had their carousel of bozos for coaches between 2001-2006, but other than that, they havent had
very many BAD BAD seasons in the last 30. They are still one of the premier programs in the country whether we hate their guts or not. And I do hate their guts. Even counting their NC's the correct way, which ranges anywhere from 5-7, they still have more of them than just about everybody but Notre Dame. Theyve won 2 NC's the last 2 decades and you say they have been nobody for the last 30 years? I can't believe you are making me take up for the Bammers.
My point?
Quit putting yourself on level ground with us. Its just not a good comparison.
Quit bad mouthing Nutt as if he didn't meet your standards. He exceeded your historical standards if anything.
And if you don't like Bama, beat them. But until then, they have bragging rights. At least WE get that.