Then they are lying on their PUBLICLY known finances. They report to only have 7 bill in CASH on hand. I predict bankruptcy protection and a GM Style takeover by Obama.
and this would surprise you? (never, ever trust the accountant)

Their current assets are close to $70 billion.....and my very limited understanding of current assets are those assets that can be converted to cash in less than 12 months.
This thing is going to last at least that long. BP can survive and remain a solvent independent company.
The question that is nagging me is: Do they want to go that path? Or are other factors and pressures at work here.? (both politically and corporately)
In the end, this thing will get cleaned up and it will not be the end of the question is in today's "instant gratification" culture do we have enough patience, common sense and ethical behavior to let it play out?
(this applies to the politicians, citizens & corporate folks equally)
I am afraid we don't and thus a big problem becomes a lasting sore unnecessarily.......because in the end it is not about the "big" and "small" people but the "smart" & "stupid" ones.